To whom it concerns ,
I am a traveller and a lightworker of over 42 years and amongst my accomplishments I have successfully manifested several peace events in the Middle East and around the world .
These countries include : England,Egypt,Poland,Greece,Jordan,Kenya,South Africa,Georgia and Morocco.
Any permanent solution in the Holy Land has to include God. It cannot be a secular solution. This is where many peacemakers go wrong.
My personal quest for God ,truth and salvation began in 1981 in apartheid South Africa whilst studying law. Once I realised that I could not do anything until I knew more about the other I dropped out of university and travelled aged 19 on an amazing overland journey of years from Johannesburg to Jerusalem and beyond into Asia- Europe and the Americas. In fact I volunteered at Kibbutz Beeri and at a Moshav in the Negev desert. I lived with the Bedouin in the caves of Petra and the Zande tribe of Sudan.
I have experienced war and peace - freedom and imprisonment - truth and lies. Humanity and inhumanity - justice and injustice- God and nihilism. Love and hate.
I discovered that there is so much we as human beings and me individually had to UNLEARN to come closer to truth. I discovered TRUE religion is to be found in the way of the heart not of the mind and in the temple made not of stone but of flesh and blood.
But in the darkest of places I learned that no one is born to hate but are taught to hate by the environment and wrong teaching. Yet even the most evil of us have the opportunity to redeem himself or herself if they so desire. For we can all heal the wounds of trauma through time, patience and listening. By enlarging our capacity to love we can indeed win a greater victory than that which comes through violence. It is the way of truth.
No one can bring back the past. The divine spark that lives in all of us resounds to light itself in its journey to the source of light. Nihilism is the surrendering of the soul to loss of hope. Loss of life. There is a better way. Learning from the past but living in the present.
In the HERE and NOW. And from this point we prepare for a better future.
Investing in what is profitable for the human soul not an ideal that has lost its integrity. By doing so we give a better inheritance for the next generation and stop 19 year old boys and girls from dying for the ideas of old men.
There is a better more profound way to peace. It exists and I can prove it.
So how to bring the abstract into present time reality? It's simple. Create the model and prove it's possible. A prototype if you will.
For me this quest began in earnest in Missouri on my birthday as 10000 people prayed for peace in the world in 1985. It began when a happy, smiling person gave a wandering traveller a big hug and said : " WELCOME HOME !"
Since that day without trying to: my destiny and my life was compounded in the magic of discovery of the questions that are now on the hearts of many around the world today.
" Is it possible to bring peace in the middle east ?"
" When the Earth is sick and dying and polluted a new tribe of people will arise from all colours and creeds who by their words and by their deeds will bring healing to the planet and it's peoples - and they shall be called the " WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW 🌈!"
Native American Indian prophecy .
So I became a rainbow warrior from that day. I discovered years later as a radio presenter that "" made by Rob Savoye is the world's oldest continually running website. That all the peace gatherings are FREE and self funded by the people that attend. That there are no leaders and no head offices. Just friends.
I have also witnessed with my own eyes as a believer in God the miracles, signs and wonders of the lightworkers who pray for peace in the world , who pray for rain in the desert...who pray for healing from sickness, war and diseases. This is my witness. It's not hypothetical. It's not theory.
And yes I have also witnessed the spread of fake news and false witness. Because not everyone wants peace. Not everyone wants truth. It's easier sometimes to weaponise law enforcement and media organs to spread lies,half truths and smear campaigns to discredit authenticity. Because the ones who fear truth are the ones who embrace nihilism. Darkness. Apathy despair and division.
This is WHY we are today on the precipice of nuclear Armageddon. The one to blame for all of this is the ones who profit from the sale of misery ,death and destruction.
But this is not what I have experienced in nearly a half a century at rainbow 🌈 gatherings. I have experienced transparency, love, light and happiness. Yes.. it's not perfect. Yes,it's far from ideal... But the true miracles take place in the hearts of Man when the gift of the universal brotherhood of Man comes together to pray for the peace of all living beings on this planet.
The Rainbow family experience can easily be compared to the desire of 4000 years of Jewish history that says :" Next year in Jerusalem!"
Next year we make a temple which is a house of prayer for all nations to come to. This is not a competition. It is each person's decision and right to decide... To be blessed or to be cursed. Until we create the atmosphere -the universal atmosphere of this great blessing by shining our own light.. it's all just words. Ideas. It must be shown practically- for it to have any truth!
Every prophet , ascended master ,saint and Holy person will say exactly the same thing :
" Feed the hungry - clothe the naked - visit those in prison and in hospital... Give to the poor ! " - and LOVE ONE ANOTHER!"
This is the true commandment from God. True inner peace , personal peace and world peace begins from within by experiencing the ONENESS of the Divine and the DNA of LOVE itself that manifests itself in all organic and inorganic creation to celebrate the equilibrium that keeps the algorithms of life on our planet ...breathing.
That keeps Earth and everything on it alive.
With this in mind it is only the supernatural SPIRIT OF GOD that can change anything of merit.
Our human hands are but instruments.
We are not meant or born to hate, to kill and to main others. A true idea is one that is born out of love not hate. Truth not lies... Light not darkness and empathy not desolation.
If we are to have hope as a people of God we must have a VISION of hope. This is how we see the way forward and what we must communicate to you at this time.
True peace can only take place when we ALL throw our weapons into the sea AND FORGIVE.
If you are to talk a two state solution you will miss the mark. It cannot be.
There can only be a ONE STATE solution as we discovered in South Africa.
Somehow we have to learn to live in FAITH.
ALL of us. We must learn a new way that guarantees the safety and security of us and our children. FOREVER.
And that way I believe is by implementing a "UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL & PALESTINE"- USIP or UIP ( United Israel & Pakestine) like the UAE ( multiple ststes but one country ) or BOSNIA & Herzegovenia it has been done and it can be done - even the temple mount can be a shared space as it was already soin PECS in Hungary - Let there be no borders anymore but simply one of life and of death. Let children be children and let them play - we can all share the football and have the same opportunity to touch the face of God with our prayers- it is simply between you and God. experiencing corporate prayer us a way of practise that all can do at different times !
To vote for life as part of ONE country and two states ...
Or to vote for death and a never ending war that will not guarantee normalisation or unity in the Holy Land. For without universal spiritual transformation or complete genocide .. there cannot be a peace that is lasting for all.
There must come a time where each and every person must learn to live together.
Enemies they may be- but alive and free and safe they are too!
Is it possible to live together in peace ? To share the Holy Land EQUALLY .
we need : 1* the courage to LISTEN
2* The courage to FORGIVE !
3* The Coursge to CHANGE
4* The courage to ACT ..
each person governed by the sivereign desire to rxist . not to dominate but to share. and to be guaranteed the right to LIVE.
To stop preaching hatred. Only the people can answer this. But we already have a model. In Turkey in the Anatolian mountains I have seen it with my own eyes in 2005.
84 Iranians came from Tehran by bus to a gathering to meet for one month in an isolated Anatolian valley 214 Israelis and many other nationalities from around the world.
And they shared food together and music together and even friendship. The local town in invited 2500 people to town because they were so impressed . It can be done. The next town got jealous and they invited us too.
It has been done. This is not theory or hyperbole. It's TRUTH. It's fact. My own son attended.
And I have witnessed it. Imagine if the people of Israel and of Palestine were once and for all to stop hating each other- and do the same ??
It can be done. Imagine no more walls... No more barbed wire... No more fighting and killing and blowing up and death and destruction. Imagine that ?
In an old translation of Genesis 12,3 :
" I will BLESS those who bless you, and I will ( curse those who curse you )
It is time to SHINE people!
And to shine brightly. Let people choose what they want. Blessing or cursing. We are sitting on the precipice at one minute to midnight.
-But let everyone know that we have a model that works. In its imperfection yes. But it works. This I believe is the only way forward if people wish to LIVE in peace until their Messiah manifests themselves in true peace in their own heart.
One New Man in Messiah.
But that day has not come. Not yet. In the meantime - let's make the HOLY LAND HOLY once more!
" They shall beat their swords into plough shares !"
In context :
..."they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
Isaiah 2:3-4
For this we humbly request as Jerusalem Peacemakers , the Rainbow 🌈 Family of Living Light , Partners for Peace and all who LOVE humanity to invest and allocate a piece of land for this very purpose in the land of Israel & Palestine.
To pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to provide a sincere honest platform whereby a true consensus can be made to live in patient dialogue and true peace. We have proven it in our gatherings over a half a century in every corner of the planet.
Yes, let's pray for the peace of the Middle East .
One that is lasting and equal to and for all.
Let those who renounce violence be allowed to live side by side in ONE united UNDIVIDED country with its Jerusalem . Two states together with ONE capital. JERUSALEM.
Open and shared by all. Let the foundation stone of the world live in our hearts at last and let us learn to practise war no more.
Let love- light and V'ahavta prevail upon all beings. May all the beings in all.the world's be happy and free !
Amen .
I thank and I bless you all in the Name of almighty ,sovereign God and Yeshua.
Amen and amen .
Paul R. Denton.
Partners for Peace - Solidarity News Network
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