“Punishment without Trial!”
Article 3: ( Human Rights Act 1998/9)
“ No one shall be subject to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment”
My Argument:
Throughout the civilized, democratic and free world there are international standards that govern
how an arrest , investigation and prosecution take place. Generally speaking , a person who comes
under suspicion of committing a crime is ...wait for it... “ innocent until proven guilty”.
Even then – all prisoners are supported to be protected by recognised human rights protocols Great
Britain is a signator nation within the community of European nations of both the Geneva
Convention and the Paris Protocol.
We sign these treaties as an affirmation of our commitment to the human race ;and to humanity and
to our consciences. There are also supposed to be local laws that acts as checks and balances against
abuses of power.
In truth , this did not happen in my case. I was punished without trial and the result was a total
shameful disgrace against the Crown.
This disgrace , this moral outrage is the ammunition countries like China,Israel,Cuba,Uganda,
Russia, Iran, Iraq,Syria,North Korea , Zimbabwe and Afghanistan use to ignore calls from the
Foreign office and lobby groups such as Amnesty and Human Rights Watch to comply with UN
Resolutions about how they treat their own citizens.
It was obvious when David Cameron visited countries like China and Russia that he was given as
good as he got... and part of this loss of moral authority is the way the British establishment
( especially the Criminal Justice System)views the Human Right Act with such disrespect and
Over a period of 13 years – Stalinist New Labour under
“democratic” dictators Blair & Brown ...
(and their Orwellian henchmen and womenJaqui
Smith, Jack Straw and Harriet Harman ) have
effectively eroded most of our civil liberties enjoyed by every one on this island. They did it with a
smile and a handshake...
It is now up to the new coalition on ConDem ( Not ConDom)CameronClegg
to redress these
improprieties in the justice system as soon as humanly possible.
The truth is they probably wont.
This confirms the theory of a “ government within a government”... it has now become the “ norm”
to sacrifice human rights on the altars of “ Protection of Public Interest” and/or “ Sovereignty”
This of course is a fallacious argument.
Sex offenses and terrorist offenses come under the category of “ trigger offenses” they
are highly
emotionally charged crimes that stir up deeply rooted feelings of fear and paranoia – in these
circumstances governments generally waive normal judicial processes “ in the interests of public
And to some extent... rightly so.
But,in protecting the national interest ; it is also vital to remain objective and unemotional... and
above all rational to ascertain the real truth.
This is unfortunately not the case in most circumstancesand
the victims of miscarriages of justice
find themselves ...”punished without trial”
By the time they get to court these innocent victims are prepared like lambs to the slaughter...and
like lambs...traumatized, confused and violated that to an unknowing – unconsciousunsuspecting
jury... they “ look” guilty they must be guilty!”
And this is what happened to me.
My ordeal can be divided into 4 parts arrest, investigation, remand time and actual trial. Let
me explain this as the “ Stitch Up Process of the British Criminal Justice System”
1. My Arrest:
On the 4th of February, 2008Detective
Constable John Paul Wedger dressed
in plain clothes and
refusing to properly identify himself marched into my home as if he owned it. ( The Nazi gestapo
did exactly the same)I
was arrested and handcuffed without my rights being read to me. I was also
assaulted. After being interviewed ; I was banned from returning to my home or from having any
direct or indirect contact with my wife and children or of retrieving money or clothing to wear. My
private possessions not confiscated by the investigators were thrown onto the pavement in black
garbage bags... and cash money I had in my house was also stolen.
This was a totally humiliating and degrading action. It was also a clear violation of my Article 1
( Protection of Property)...”Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his
2. The Investigation:
Article 6: “ Everyone is entitled to a fair trial and public hearing within a reasonable time.”
This investigation occurred over an 8 month period of time from February 4th 2008 to September
11th , 2008. Although I was required to live according to my stringent bail conditions; I was not
sanctioned to stop working or operating as I normally did on a daily basis.
In most countries of the world a rape victim is medically examined within a 72 hour hour time limit.
This did not happen in my daughters case. She was not medically examined until June, 2008. And
the examination went flatly against the wishes of the Brent Social Services according to what I was
told by Yvonne Lewers in February, 2008.
And when it finally did happen; no evidence of any wrongdoing was found!I
did not even get an
apology! No...” oh We're so sorry we've turned your life upside down... nothing!”Why? Because no
one likes to admit they've made a mistake. It was sexual abuse of my daughter without due cause.
So – in the words of the social services themselves daughter was “ traumitized by a painfulintrusive
and degrading examination of her genitalia on the orders of the social services and the
police and her own mother...all based on a “dream from God”( sic) – more like a dream from Satan!
The evidence proved conclusively that my daughter was not raped. It proved beyond doubt that her
allegation was false... she lied! A lie originated from the paranoid and disturbed mind of a sick
woman with a sick mind.
I was made homeless and penniless, disorientated , confused and angry...”baited” without due
process to shore up their stitch up.
During this investigation I was not given any news of my children's' welfare whatsoever. There was
no continuity... I was at the harshbrutal
mercy of one police officer with a grudge.
I was condemned without trial... guilty until proven innocent... I was prevented by my bail
conditions to go anywhere near a school or live in the proximity of any children or even to send a
card or message saying: “ Daddy loves you..”I
was even stopped from giving presents to my kids.
This was all part of the punishment without trial process of the Criminal Justice system. People have
no idea how it works until it happens to you. People cannot believe the abuse until it happens to
them... It is simply unbelievable.
Article 8 states: “ Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life ,his home and his
correspondence. “
And I also have a right to earn a livelihood – my business tools were stolen, lost or given away
( Even my own son said to my ex wife : “ where are they taking my daddy's tools?) and I could not
even earn enough money to pay off my debts or to sustain my living. This lengthy investigation
served to further bait and torture me into exasperationhence
the blog I wrote... Dr Jecklinathis
was later used as evidence against me to paint a toxic picture that I was the bad guytrying
control … when in fact it was totally the opposite.
The investigation constituted cruel,unusual , inhumane and degrading treatment by the was calculated to break me down and use my love for my children against
provoke me into proving their case. These methods have been used widely in the past by fascist
regimes to break down the resolve of an enemy...its called divide and rule and the British are
masters at it.
It was torture all the way...psychological and emotional torture.
I laid a charge of criminal damage with Trafalgar Square police – the Wembley police station
refused to take my statement after consulting with DC Wedger. I also wrote to Sir Ian Blair of the
Metropolitan police and the Professional Standards office in Colindale. I laid an official complaint
with the Independent Police Complaints Commission. ( IPCC) – ALL IN VAIN!...
I wrote a poem about it.
It was all ignored and the terminology “ subjudice” was constantly used as a get out clause... In
other words , the police whilst they were investigating the allegations had the right to abuse my
rights and do whatever they wanted to get to the bottom of the all fell under the heading “
subjudice”. All these complaints ever did was to encourage the investigating officer to decide to fit
me up with false evidence – prejudicial stuff...and recruit hostile witnesses who were willing to be
pawns in their little fun and games.
This subjudice rule effectively violated Article 13 ie “ Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set
forth in this convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority
notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity
An effective remedy is exactly that. I waited 2 years after I was finally sentenced to get an
effective remedy.... ( another coverup)...
I won my appeal. But the process of the investigation
proved that my rights and freedoms were violated by persons acting in an official capacity.
I'm still waiting for that effective remedy. The truth is that the police stomp on civil rights and
liberties and human rights ...because they can... because they think they can... They know its
useless to complainand
if they are guilty – they ensure they construct a case of fabricationsdistortionsand
hearsay false minded evidence. They simply collect anything that supports a theory
and throw away anything that discounts it. They don't take it into consideration.
They ensure the investigation is adversorial and not factual...nor objective... they ensure the only
outcome is... you get stitched get banged up... its never about truth. They then justify their
immoral behavior by saying: WE made a mistake!”...notice...not “ I”...
or... and we've all heard this one before... “ we were just following orders!”... “ we were just doing
our job!” All plausibleall
reasonable sounding excuses....of course this was the same defense used
by the SS officers who murdered Jewish people in gas chambers for being Jewish...these were the
same excuses of the Stalinist who assassinated Trotsky in Mexico and millions more...we were just
following orders... Pol Pot & The Maoists... the Stasi of East Germany and BOSS of Apartheid
South Africathe
genocidal maniac of Rwanda and the Balkans... the Americans in Falluja.
...Nothings changed.
I have lived through Apartheid South Africa as millions of others have done. I understand the
difference between a criminal investigation and a political persecution. I'm not fooled.
I had and have no doubt in my mind and in my heart that I was targeted for prosecution and for
persecution simply because of my faith. This was a political inquisition.
All the police officer needed was a “ patsy” a pawn – a motivated frontman who could be
programmed and controlled to think – to say and to act according to what she was made to believe
by the militant feminists who were schooling her in the refugedikes
who prey on vulnerable
women in a vulnerable situation. People who would say and do anything to keep their
children...even if it meant selling their own souls. All the Establishment needed was a Judas Iscariot
to give the kiss of Death on the cheek.
Its a professional process. Professional and sinister because until you are cleared lose all your
human are stripped away...baited and bullied into becoming something you are not.
Molded into their image of you.
Some people try to justify their behavior of abuse by saying: “ with rights ...come responsibilities!”others
will say: “ you cant compare us with Iran and those countries!”... we don't kill people – we
don't electrocute their testicles to get a confession... we don't torture people...!
But as any military analyst will tell you. There are many ways to kill a man... many ways to break
him down... and the most painful way to do it by violating his integrity and self worth...once you're
mentally headfucked
him... hes a walking corpse...putty in your hands... hes dead because you've
stolen everything he loves... you've destroyed him so he has nothing to lose ...except perhaps his own
In fact if you wanted to be merciful...its better to outright shoot him in the head!by
making sport –
bloodsport of a mans life by definitionkill
him slowly and painfully...every day he is raped
by the dark cloud that hangs over him. Which then is more cruel? Slowly ...painfully... or quickly
and painlessly. I changed my mind about the death penalty when I went to prison... many people
convicted of life imprisonment would gladly accept a death penalty if you gave them the choice.
This investigation was a slow brutalization of my rights as a human being. It was a cruel and
humiliating process of psychological tortureand
mind games – you cant compare that to a simple
execution. The Investigation was as insipid as the false accusations that fueled it.
The policeman was guilty of impropriety and he knew it. No person in public office investigating a
trigger offense accepts a gratuity from the complainant or a gift. A £ 4 porno video hired by Jaqui
Smiths husband assisted in the downfall from public office of the Home Secretary. A police officer
one who has been in the business for 22 years should know better.
DC Wedger in front of witnesses accepted a bottle of Spanish wine and Chocolates from the
complainants sisterUrsula...
on the day of my arrest. How then can any investigation be wholly
The officer was so convinced I was a pedophile ( he already had me hungdrawn
and quartered) that
he drove all the way to Daventry in Northamptonshire to dig up some ghosts of my past...Yet he
couldn't even manage to visit our local school only a few hundred meters awayclaiming
it had been
“ destroyed”which
it wasn' was being refurbished.
The officer had to justify the misuse of public funds with a fitup
conviction. He had to construct a
fabricated case by clutching at straws...he effectively turned a serious crown court trial into a middle
ages witchburning
and popularity contest. So … the investigation became an inquisition fitting to
be compared to any of those that burned innocent people at the stake. Any relevant evidence or
contrary witnesses that could have exonerated me – were purposefully not interviewed. All material
witnesses that didn't support his “ case” were ignored...discarded... he was in his own language “
doing Gods work” ( the term used for fitting someone up).
This investigation amounted to a bully abusing his position to intimidatemanipulateand
emasculate an innocent man. He was not a credit to the police force but a black spot on itand
deserves everything that “ success” will give him from destroying my family.
Instead of catching real criminals he was directed like a puppet from higher up on the food chain.
Although I don't have concrete proofI
have a reasonable suspicion that he may have had sex with
either my wife or her sister.
It was definitely an inappropriate relationship...what police officer accepts romantic gifts , flirts in
Spanish whilst in the middle of a serious child rape investigation? and
even after the complainant
has been proven a liar... has lunch at Nandos with the complainant and concocts further fabrications
over months?Answer...
no one.
There was I believe something very very fishy about this. The truth will come out one of these days.
But even if it doesn't...even if he didn't bonk my wife or her sisterthe
way this investigation was
done was totally inappropriate for a police officer.
Even in court he looked like he was very close to my wife in facthe
even appeared with her in a
contact proceedings session in family courtthat
he didn't need toor
was invited to. It could be that
she was “ in fear of her life” and needed his protection... but at no time did I ever threaten my ex
wife or physically harm fact I didn't even speak with her. And also I believe her demeanor in
court suggested she was having sex with someone (who was protecting her )and
that she felt
comfortable with... call it intuition... but her behavior was unusual to her character. I was with this
woman for 12 years in a very intense relationship and I know herthe
woman I saw in court was not
the same one. She had the face of someone who was sold out to Satan himself.
The second argument for abusing human rights is... “ with rights comes responsibilities”in
words every citizen has an onus to live within the law of the land.
This is true.
But when the law ,or the application of that law is unreasonable, unjust and unfairit
is the duty of
that citizen to break that law...! History serves as a precedent to validate this truth. The highest
responsibility is towards our conscience – this is the barometer of morality and ethics. If we
fail to live according to a set of inalienable standards ; or sets them aside because they are either
inconvenient or uncomfortable ; we fail to exercise true justice and equality or equanimity for all of
its citizens.
“Todays terrorist is tomorrows freedom fighter” ref Nelson Mandela and Che Guevara
An insult to one, is an injury to all.
This police investigation costs upwards of £250 000 to the taxpayer if you look purely at all th man
hours involved, all the public servants roped in to this part of the process and the expenses. No
proper evidence of any kind was collected to prove my wifes case. Despite claiming to be “
traumitized” no
proper psychiatric assessment was done on my wife or read out in court – even
though we requested it in our pretrial statement. The thinking was simpleanything
that could
undermine my wifes case was not to be allowed in as evidence.
Instead the judge allowed the alleged dates of the alleged rape on my wife to be changed during the
trial by one whole year...! why...because... of the alleged “trauma..”I
was severely traumatized but I
had to get all my facts right... this is what you are up against when you are outrageously and falsely
* No expert evidence was given by expert witnesses.
* No doctors reports were used.
* No witnesses of any claims of rape within her circles
* No DNANo
photographic or any other kind of forensic evidence presented.
The government had decided the threshold of proof had to be lowered to increase the conviction
rates for sexual offenses to win more the woman vote and satisfy the feminist agenda. But what
many don't know is that when a person is charged with rapethere
is around an 8090%
rate. That means if there is a 6.2 % conviction rate based on accusations made intially to the
police.... around 80% 90%
do not reach charge stage because they are either a. false allegations. b.
a lack of evidenceor
a compliant complainant. So why would there be so many complaints against
men of a sexual nature? Simple: Compensationrevenge
& power. But there is an even more sinister
explanation for these high convictions once charged.
Cases are all about “ targets” if
you get targeted you have a 90% chance of losing against your foe.
Why? Because the threshold of proof is so very low... essentially its your word against hers.
You're a target.
An investigation in the UK is about collecting CHARACTER ASSINATING EVIDENCE not
about finding out the truthand
certainly not about justice.
This is wrong and undermines those working in the judicial and police profession who are
themselves professional and ethical. An investigation becomes a target and it loses its objectivity on
the altar of “ the outcome”certainly
performance targets obstruct justice being done. In serious
matters that affect many lives the aim of any investigation should be about finding out if a crime has
been committed and what evidence there is to support it – or not. A police officer should be a
collector of evidence and thats it. Success should be about punishing the guilty not the innocent!...
It should be about pursuing the truth as much as it is about getting a result...and most surely it
should not undermine the confidence we have in our common freedoms,our democracy and our
justice system...
Sadly... it does.
Until today despite repeated requests and complaints , legal letters and numerous phonecalls..the
police have still not returned my South African passport nor my other possessions not used in the
investigation or the trial. I also lost a large amount of cash that I had saved for my journey to South
Civil Liberties and human rights mean nothing in this country. The truth is the police can and
always do get away with the majority of the crimes they commit. Occasionally bad eggs are weeded
out and scapegoated but bad connected coppers get away with murder because they can. Its a free
mason family of friends that extends itself right to the top of the pyramid of the establishment.
Small wonder that people like Raoul Moat say : “ Enough!”...small wonder.
The truth is there exists a lack of trust in our “ big brother “ government...and that is why our big
society cannot work. Not until trust is restored in the hallways of government – and until our justice
system becomes open and accountable for the abuses of power and civil libertieswe
cannot call
ourselves a true democracy. Instead we can describe ourselves as a democratic dictatorship – an
illusion – a PIG society.... the investigation was actually a“ punishment without trial “... but more
was to come – much I was soon to discover!
3. Time on Remand:
“ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke
A system is only as good as the sum of its parts. If bad police work is the foundation of a caseit
alone would not be enough to convict me. If the malaise carries through into the judiciary and penal
system – miscarriages of justice become commonplace. Thus if what happened to me was merely a
systemic “ glitch” , the system could be said to be fair and just. What I was soon to discover during
my remand time convinced me that the problem was far more serious than I had ever thought
possible in a modern democracy.
My eyes soon opened to the corruption rampant in the courts and judicial process. On September
12th, 2008 I was charged with 7 counts of anal rape , 1 count of sexual assault on a minor and 1
count of witness intimidation.
My trial date was set for March 2nd, 2009. That meant I would spend 6 months in jail awaiting trial
– with no thought of compensation if I were found not guilty. The case against me was always
weak... what
made the CPS so confident they would find me guilty?... because they know how to
fit people up. And they have an over 80% success ratewhy
? Because they know how to manipulate
juries of mostly untrained people using emotional triggers and theater.
My trial was postponed twice. By the time it finally got to trial I had already spent a year in jail...
punished....without trial!
Article 6: “ In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge
against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within reasonable time by an
independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”
On September 24th ,2008 at my Crown Court bail hearing Judge Grubel( a secular extremist)
refused bail NOT because of the index ( main) offenses ie rape and sexual assault ; but because I
was his own words: “ an unbalanced extremist” . This was obviously a slur on my religious
beliefs. Gone was the presumption of innocence . Gone was the freedom from bias. Gone was my
Article 10 Right of Religious freedom & expression.
I was in the segregation block at HMP Wormwood Scrubs. I refused to eat. Over the next 6 months
I was to lose one third of my bodyweight ( 35 kilograms) on various hunger strikes.
To add further insult to injury ,I was told to sign a document from an organisation called
MAPPA( Multi Agency for Public Protection Arrangements). In this document I was told that all
inmates charged or convicted of a child sex offense had to have all their mail and phonecalls
monitored. The only problem with this document was that it said I had been convicted already of a
child sex crime. This went onto my prison record. Even after I was found NOT guilty – I was STILL
a convicted of a child rapist!!!... It took many legal letters and threats of court action ...and two years
to finally get it off that register... I was immediately classified as a high risk offender – this MAPPA
document violated my presumption of innocence ...and I refused to sign it. But on
the ground –
whilst on remand... I was according to the prison authorities... a convicted child sex offender. All
my photos of my children were confiscated so I couldn't even be comforted with a photo of my own
children. This was punishment without trial.
Later,I overcame this by drawing a picture of my children from memory. What made this even more
disgusting was that this extra judicial agency had made its decision in a hotel over coffee and
biscuits. They didn't care that you hadn't been to trial and been found guilty by the legal process....
you were simply in their eyes...guilty until proven innocent... it wasn't just offensive to
was sick. The sign of a sick mind.
On top of all of this it meant that I couldn't even see or speak to my children – I couldn't even send
them a birthday or a Christmas present or card.(I overcame this by joining the church choir and
composing a Christmas Carol every Christmas in Honor of my children. )It was a cruel, inhuman
and degrading punishment – and a violation of my parental and family rights under Article 8.
But even more was to come!
In prisons in the UK all trigger offenses and vulnerable prisoners fall under what is known as Rule
45. It is a way of ensuring protection from harm by other prisoners.
Article 5 states: “ Everyone has the right to liberty and security of the person.”
Essentially what this says is that the when the state lawfully ( or unlawfully) detains me until a
hearing date or has a POSITIVE duty of care and protection of my person. The state had
removed my liberty but it cannot remove the security of my person whilst in their care.
On the 17th October , 2008 I was left alone in the Brixton library with two other inmates who were
not supposed to be there. I was in fact left alone with them for 3 whole hours. I soon discovered
what that meant.
In prison anyone who is even accused of a trigger offense is “ fair game”. In the old days those
charged or convicted of any kind of sex offense were rapedbulliedbeatentorturedhumiliated
There is still a very real line between sex offenders and non sex offenders...VPS and Non Vps. They
are labeled by other prisoners as “ bacons or nons or paedos”( paedophiles).
It is better if you are a murderer or bank robber in prison or even a thug who beats up old ladies.
The lowest of the low in prison are paedophiles and rapistspaedophiles
are at the lowest rung of
the ladder of crime.
Glass is put in your food, hot sugar water – water mixed with brown sugar is
thrown in your face at
boiling pointor
you could be given a permanent “Chelsea smile “( your face cheeks cut openits
called a Chelsea smile after the cat in Alice in Wonderland)...and in some circumstances you are
turned into the wing bitch. I met a guy that happened to in Romania and he contracted spinal
tuberculosis and nearly died from being constantly gangraped
and anally abused. Nowadays
vulnerable prisoners ie sex offenders,politicians,policemen, terrorists and people with mental health
issues are is an apartheid system – but it works.
However, knowing all of this – I was still somehow left alone with two dangerous thugsone
Lithuanian Mafia asshole and the other a Jamaican yardie thug. The librarian commented that this
had never happened in the 5 years that he had worked there. This confirmed to me that again I was
set up by some sinister forces working within the prison service. Unfortunately, once again... I cant
prove it. But I have sued th secretary of state for gross negligence...
On the 17th of October , 2008 I was stabbed in the face just above the eye. I nearly lose my eye by
millimeters... it was an eye for an eye , a tooth for a tooth...literally. Shortly after I felt an
uncontrollable rage and anger and I started to cry and to shake. It was the last straw!
For the next 2 months I was in the healthcare wing with the crazies bouncing on the walls.
Punishment without trial? This was a crime against humanity.
Article 9: “ Everyone has the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion; this right
includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom,either alone or in community with
others and in public or private , to manifest his religion or belief , in worship ,teaching, practice
and observance.”
Article 10: “ Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to
hold opinions and to receive and to impart information and ideas without interference by public
authority and regardless of frontiers.”
Prison is an angry, hostile and violent environment. You wake up out of your dreams to loud
shouting and doors constantly slamming. My time in the healthcare wing was different. Crazy
people can express themselves so in a prison environment that is full of oppression an suppression
so you can have an illusion of freedomat
least in behavior. In prison you can never show your true
feelings too much. People prey on any kind of weakness or vulnerability. Although I had suffered a
breakdown following the stabbing; I refused any kind of medication.
Consequently, I slept no more than 4 hours a night and ate little. What kept me sane was to write. I
wrote my life story, composed poems...and even a play I had been planning for years to write.
Artistic people convert their emotions into words and images...I was assessed by the prison
psychiatrist as having “ suffered a traumatic incident“
post trauma in other words.
According to them ( the psyches)I
wasn't an unbalanced religious extremist” and I certainly didn't
think I was the Messiah. ( There were religious extremists on the wingand
they definitely
My time in custody was designed to “ beat me down” so by the time I took the stand I
would look
and play the part of the “ guilty looking man”...the “ angry man” ...the villain..the vagabond!”
It was all carefully scripted all the way through.
The experience of what I'd been through would have broken most men. It amounts to a vicious
psychological brutalization of the spirit , the soul, and the integrity of the inner man. It was by
definition... cruel, inhumane and degrading was spiritual rape.
Soon after my time in Brixtons Healthcare wing I was transferred to HMP Wandsworth prison to a
special wing holding around 300350
inmates. The Onslow Winga
prison within a prison. 90%
were sex offenders awaiting trial or convicted and serving time. I soon learned the score. Many men
have gone through similar stitch up experiences by the state.
In my 2 years on this wing Ive seen it all. Rapefightsoverdosesself
The whole experience of being in prison often either animalises them or feminises them. Men who
were once heterosexual become bisexual or “ prison gay”homosexual.
France – Saudi Arabia and
Cuba all allow conjugal visits with wives and girlfriends. Britain and its surrogate colonial children
Africa and Australia do not.
Oscar Wilde who was a visitor of this prison during Victorian times 100 years ago – (he was on the
Onslow Wing for 9 months)...said: “ If this is the way Queen Victoria treats her prisoners, she
doesn't deserve to have any!”
Being in prison desensitizes the soul and dehumanizes the character and identity of the person. You
build an invisible bubble around your heart , and you lose your sense of compassion and empathy
for others. Night after night I dreamt about different tortures and possible fates of my enemies. I
couldn't pray anymore , or forgive anymore – as the poison of your hatred and the thirst for revenge
permeates your entire being.
You become a different person.
You try to cope with your anger and your depression by self medicating or by writing. Sometimes
you cant move or even breathe because the rage is so great its like a bonfire burning in your heart
and you become afraid of your own shadow. Afraid what you could do. Afraid to talk or to even
move.So you lie on your bed ...and you let it just flow through you or you convert the passion into
poetry. You don't fight it anymore – and you finally drift off into a dreamless slumber....time
becomes nothing... meaningless. Absolute.
This is punishment without trial.
4. Murder by Probation
A system is only as good or as bad as the sum of its parts. But if even if one of those parts is rotten it
spoils the whole batch.
Today in Britain most of all probation officers in positions of power are women. That includes
executive power. Some are openly militant feminist extremists – some are simply doing their
job....but on the whole those who deal with sex crimes against women – are female and are sexist.
They realize they have a lot of power and they ruthlessly use it to punish without trial those in their
care. Despite hard evidence to the contrary – my probation officer – Sarah Viner was internet on
pushing me over the proverbial edge of that mental cliff to oblivion. She – after interviewing me via
video linkbefore
I was sentenced I might add... recommended what was in effect a life sentence.
Its called an IPP or Indeterminate Public Protection order which is imposed on you for 99 years...
and you can remain in prison for all of your natural life. Her grounds were that I was because of my
religious beliefs and the nature of the offense “ dangerous to all women!”
It could also be because I had cut my hair like a Klingon and looked a bit like Charles Manson... but
whats that got to do with it?
During my time awaiting trial there have been 12 deaths in custody and one serious rape. There have
been countless incidents of self harming ( cutting wrists etc) – strokesheart
attacks etc... The
person who was anally raped by a black guy called Benson was transferred to another prison and I
doubt he will ever get out. The victim was bloodied and suffered a great traumaboth
physical and
emotional. Of the 12 people who have died in custody over the last 2 years 3 that I knew hanged
themselves or killed themselves because of the impossible demands made by these sexist probation
Barry Camwell, Christopher Wardally and Stephen Stoner ( I actually heard him rasping for air
at 4 am in the morning. He wanted to die.)
Two inmates – Barry and Christopher had less than 2 weeks to serve...even less...they simply could
not cope with the unreasonable pressures put on them by their sexist – prejudicial probation officers.
It was murder by Probation...nothing less than corporate manslaughter.
5. The Pretrial Process
This environment affected my mental and emotional well being. I was placed on suicide watch for
one year... that meant that every hour someone looks through a peephole to see if you've not slashed
your wrists or hung yourself up from the cell window... it was in this state that I went to trial... but
this is about the undue pressure that probation officers put on inmates...especially those who have a
sex offense or doubly so those who maintain their innocence.
There was one more event. A week before my trial an outbreak of what was initially thought as the
Nora Virus... (it
was like something out of a Hollywood movie... the whole place was locked down
and everyone was running around dressed in white and wearing masks...)
All those experiencing symptoms of diarrhea,fever were immediately quarantined for 3 days.
But even this was not the most frustrating experience of awaiting trial – according to local law
(English Law) – every prisoner is given supposed access to justice – this means or is supposed to
mean that he or she has the time and the facilities to prepare for trial. The Onslow Wing had a good
library. But the most frustrating thing of all is not being able to type out your instructions or making
legal phonecalls( which are meant to be confidential). You're banged up or inside your cell
sometimes for up to 23 hours a day.
Your solicitor visits you but theres never enough time to give your full intructionsyou
get usually
only one hour of consultation. My trial was a complex one with over 1000 pages or about 20 hours
reading time. And because legal aid is often minimal, your solicitor gets only a minimum amount of
time to focus on your case.
The final insult was the prejudicial evidence and bad character evidence allowed in court. Much of it
was a slur against my religious beliefs and had nothing to do with the index offense. Most of what
we requested in our pretrial statement was never followed or complied with by the prosecution. This
bad character evidence is actually what anyone says about you...without proof... in order to paint a
very black picture of you. Its called hearsay. Actually most of it is slander and in populist trials its
OK to slag off the defendant because of the nature of the offense. You don't have to prove a crime
has actually taken place.... all you have to do is to make people believe in a fantastic lieand
more fantastic it is … the better!
My time on remand awaiting trial was in fact a “ softening up “ process. You feel like your eyes are
blinded and your hands are tied behind your back... you fell helpless and extremely frustrated
because you have to somehow gather evidence from inside a high security prison to prove your own
innocence. Its supposed to be the prosecution proving your guilt. Its never like that with trigger
offenses. You're stereotyped . You're demonised. You're slandered and lied about. You have to deal
with the shame of your situation and the humiliation of suppression and oppression of your spirit.
You're made to look and to feel and think you're guilty even when you're in truth you're not.
You get battered with terrible lies – half truths – distortions and constant character you are” prepared “ for trial is disgraceful. The CPS do not care about truth or
about the human damage they cause...or even about justice..its all about percentagesstatisticstargetsbudgetsoutcomes...
results...and yes... of course... conviction rates.
They know exactly what they are doing.
They know by suppressing you in custody in collusion with the prison service – thats another
thing...(sometimes problem cellmates
are put in your cell to disturb your peace and unsettle you)
by battering your will to fight backby
wearing you down through psychological torturethey
try to
get you where they want you ...primed for execution! Its very very Stalinist...very Orwellian...very
1984. You feel like you're in a spell – like someone has cast a spell on you and all you can do or act
is in the way they – the establishment want you to act – and say and do... like a robot. Its like a
python squeezing all the life out of you.
Ive had to assert myself many times when perverted screws put inmates with AIDS and drug or
alcohol or mental problems with me. It was either that or sleep with one eye open all the time.
Its occultic...truly occultic...and this all before you have to face the music and dance...
In conclusion, form the time you get arrested to the time you are charged the entire system is
designed to put you in a vicegrip
and screw you until you bleed!...To punish you without trial...and
that is why many innocent people actually end up pleading guilty. Human rights means nothing and
even English Law is open to interpretation when it doesn't fit in with the case. Law is applied
however they want it to be applied. Never in letter or in spirit. The books are merely a guideline...
6. The Trial:
I've included this section because I think its relevant to the background of this subject. The added
punishment you are never tried for.
By the time you get to trial you feel like a stuffed chicken skewered on a stick like a kebab and
slowly roasted...around...and around... you feel like you're in a waking dream...a daymare. You're
told to show no emotion – just answer the question but when the questions are so outrageous and
you know the witnesses on the stand are lying – or acting and crying crocodile tears...when you
know you've been stitched up and you're on this runaway train...all you want to do is to go to sleep
and never ever wake up again... this is what you pray every day.
Each day of my trial I had to get up at 6am get
dressed and shave in my cell and then be put in a
“box” on the secure transport van. The box is about 1m by 1m by 2 meters high. It has a gap at the
bottom and the seats are a hard plastic. You can look out the windows but they cant really see you
because its tinted. I've been in these boxes for up to 7 hours at a time.
You are then stripsearched
and put in a cold concrete cell. The call comes through – and you're
double handcuffed to a guard and you come into the dock after a moment to collect yourself. You
feel intimidated as all eyes turn to you. The bad guy!... Then the jury pretends not to look at you ( its
what they've been told to do like the sheep most of them are)... and everyone waits in silence for the
main man...the judge!
My trial was an absolute farce...and I'll deal with it in more detail at a later stage. My experience
however, even before I came to this point was the punishment no man should ever have to endure in
a civilized country. To see people you spoke to only yesterday hanging from a bedsheet in their
cell... to see your life going up in smoke all around feel alienation from your friends and
family – people you thought you knew. To feel like a leper – a pariahan
outcast...can destroy many
a mans soul. To listen to lie after lie and seethe with anger so much that you have the capacity to
start World War Three. To go through all this punishment – without trial...this is hard to bear...even
harder when you know in your heart you are completely innocent. It will break even the hardest
man. To not even be allowed to have a photograph of your own children to warm your heart. This is
cruel. This is unusual. This is inhuman.
But in the end , my ego and my faith in God got me through it all. Something inside of me so strong
which I cant put my finger on...kept me going... (perhaps my spirit)...something said: “ you're better
than them!” All I wanted to do was to die and sleep with my ancestors.
However, In two years of hell and horror I ended up on anti depressant medication. My hair turned
white. I lost weight and fitness. And most of all... I nearly died of a broken heart. But
someone...somewhere on this planet wanted me to live... someone – somewhere wanted me to live
through this baptism of fire to tell my story to the world.
Ive written two plays and about 3 books. I've won the Governors Art Prize and gained a Journalism
Diploma. I've converted or transformed my anger and passion into art and poetry. But this doesn't
alter the truth...the system is rotten to the core and needs urgent reform. Punishment without trial is
a crime against justice itselfnever
mind humanity.
7. The Media
In England there are two kinds of print media. The first and most popular is the tabloid press. The
second more serious and factual. The popular press serve the mostly semiliterate
masses and dish
up their daily garbagedirt
and opinionated bigotry. I call it secular extremism. Some of the worst
offenders print anything that sounds sensational. They are past masters at telling half truths and even
blatant lies in order to sell their papers. Freedom of the press means unless you have the capacity to
fight them in courtie
the money... they can print anything they want.
If Rome had Nero, you can be sure that the British Media would have been the mouthpiece of the
I can just imagine the headlines of the Roman Sun : “ CHRISTIAN FANATICS BURN ROME!”
Propaganda is about brainwashing not
truth. The fact is as a prisoner with no access to the Internet
you feel powerless to refute the lies. Although there is the Press Complaints Commission ( PCC)they
are practically useless and dance to the tune of the Establishment.
The arresting officer DC Wedger had a good relationship with his local rag ( cash for stories)and
probably with other hacks in the gutter press. Its all part of the sick sadistic mindset that pervades
those who hate Christians in this country. Secular Extremists. Free Mason Fanatics.
The sick thing about DC Wedgers behavior is that he felt it was all part of his perverted punishment
without trial and stitch up priviledge. To hand me over to the tabloid media by spitting vitriol to the
court reporters(
who I'm sure gave him a cut for his inside knowledge)... it was all so obviously
ignorant and so Nazi... “ make a lie fantastic – out of this world and the gullible sheep will lick it up
like milk. “
But if you tell the truthyou're
not believed. The trick with writing these hack reports is to make
more insinuations and catch your readers dark imagination...and lust for sex and ultra violence
religion cocktails sell papers like hell! All the time – every time. Thankfully this
smalltime reporter stayed small time. Even the national gutter press weren't that interested in my
story in all its detailalthough
I did make the Scottish Nationals for some reason...maybe they like
that kind of thing...who knows? But down south it only made the Chat Maga
tabloid magazine
aimed at sexually frustrated suburbia women and a few local rags like the Harrow Times.
But nowadays with electronic media damage control these days is difficult. A bad news report stays
on Google for years and basically ruins your reputation even when you leave prison and get
exonerated or complete your sentence. There is no privacy anymore unless you live off the grid. If
anyone googles your name and reads the defamatory trash they are more than likely to believe it...
This is what I call adding salt to the wound...and also constitutes punishment without trial. With
trigger offenses on the net your name can be dragged through the mud and theres little if anything
you can do it....”Resistance is futile when you deal with the asswashing
crew....” at the end of the
day... its all about relationship – people who know you will do business with you if they believe in
you...have faith in you!
The rest don't matter. They are all shallow shells. If you let people take away your dignity and self
respect ; you become a social leper...a pariah...outcast...loser..IFWhen
stupid people make stupid
accusations its bad – when stupid newspaper reporters write lies and libel your name ...thats...wait
for it....
Simples. There is NO accountability for bad journalism. None. I believe there is a way to name and
shame these people. The internet is a powerful resource. One day there will be a revolution in the
justice system...and perhaps we will have online cyber trials. One day those who abuse their office
will be exposed for the despots and liars they truly are. One day you , the people will be the jury –
and not the media or the courts … or the lynch mobs on council estates. One day sanity and
rationality will prevail ...what garbage is printed in the tabloid press proves what gross manipulation
and ignorance exists in the mainstream...
Until that day of reckoning comes however, all I can do is to do exactly what Trotsky did in exile...
set the record straight detail by detail....point by point...
Paul R. Denton
It is those who read it that decide who the winners are and who are the losers.
“ Messiah Faces Prison for Womans Multiple Rape Ordeal”
October 22nd – Harrow Observer
I quote: “ A preacher who hailed himself as the messiah and repeatedly raped a young woman on
seven consecutive nights faces years behind bars.”
Riposte: First and foremost ; I have never...never called myself the messiah. That is blasphemous
libel. Secondly, the young woman wasn't a faceless member of the public....someone in the bushes...
it was my wife of 12 years. And finally I certainly did not rape my wife seven nights in a row. This is
not true.
“ Paul Denton , 45 of Edison House , Barnhill Road Wembley, changed his name to Lord Denton by
deed poll and claimed he was sent by God to save the people of Daventry , Northants.”
Riposte: This shows how irresponsible the secular extremist press are and has become. By giving
the address of my ex girlfriend Ms Kennedy, they are putting that persons safety at risk. It is also a
violation of the data protection act. In this gonzo journalism places and events are linked out of
context to justify what they have said and their argument. Its like saying...” I jumped over a fence I must be a horse....thats how logical and rational the thinking is.
Yes, I was in Daventry as an evangelist and missionary. So what? Yes, I was sent by God to share
the gospel message. And what?...that was in 2002. It was only in 2007 when I was living in London
that partly as a joke, and partly as a statement of my faith in the Kingdom of God and our positions
in it that I decided to manifest that in the world by changing my name... SO WHAT! And as for the
messiah reference... that was a logo on my Nikes... big deal! I love my MessiahJesus
Christ of
But that doesn't make me a wild and crazy rapist messiah...! Article 9 and 10 of the Human Rights
Act ( HRA) provides for freedom of expression and freedom to practice ones religion. I don't have to
and will never justify my spiritual beliefs...I am what I am.
“ As the guilty verdicts were read out Denton repeatedly asked for the opportunity to address the
jury at Inner London Crown Court on Monday. But this was denied by Judge Mervyn Roberts, who
has postponed sentencing until December 7th – as he was led down to the cells ; he shouted:
“ Hallelujah!Jesus
Christ is Lord! Read Matthew 24!”.
Riposte: TRUE. But this I expected. I wanted to say to the jury that they have been conned – and I
hope they will sleep better knowing they have orphaned 3 small children and 80 children in Africa
that I was supporting. In the end I just shouted out all my frustrated feelings of the entire modern day crucifixion in a biblical verse. Its better to be salt and light than wishy
washy anyhow. Those who are interested will read itfree
publicity for Jesus!For
me it was a
spiritual victory as I finally understood the mystery of the “ holy place” which is the judgment
seat ...and the abomination of desolation which is the Antichrist counterfeit kingdom. I'm a
theological scholar since I learned to read at age 6...and the mysteries of God are what interests me.
It showed that the establishment wanted to shut me up and this I was to use in my appeal at a later
stage. The judge shot himself in his own foot. It was pure theater ...all the way!
“ Denton first met his victim in 1996 at a Rainbow Gathering in France , when she was 19 and
Denton , also known as Robin, was 33. During one violent incident he had head butted her in the
face and in another he pulled her down the stairs by the hair and throttled her. The woman said: “ I
thought he was going to kill me. It was hell on Earth. “
Riposte: Once again the “ victim” is impersonalized. She was my wife. We did meet at a Rainbow
Gathering in France. And yes, there was an incident where I lost control and head butted herbut
was not intentional and it was a reaction at seeing her abuse my son. Living with a “ she devil
sometimes life was impossible. We were living in one room in social housing and working 247.
had a tendency of pinching my children's arms and even eyes. I was abused as a child and when she
did that I was so shocked I headbutted
her. I was tremendously sorry about it afterwards and
She forgave me and even joked about it. We even used it as a secret greeting between us later on in
our marriage. There was no ill will. I forgave her and she forgave me. Thats what marriage is about.
As for pulling her down the stairs with her hair and throttling herthat
was a blatant lie. A story.
In fact that particular incident was relating to when I had a fight with her father and he was beating
on me! None of that came out in the trial. Regarding the hell on earth remarkthat
was in relation to
living on a terrible estate called Southbrook in Daventryand
her exact words on the stand was
relating to life on the estate not our marriagebut
it was misquoted by the court reporter.
90% of the time we were happy but we did have rows as any young couple with young children doand
there were specific issues that we were working through.
“ After another attack , Denton went to Russia for a month to customise a Zeppelin airship which he
said he wanted to use to spread the gospel. When he returned , Denton raped the woman for seven
nights in a row.”
Riposte: What utter nonsense! Firstly, why would I attack my wife? Go to Russia...and then just
come back and rape her? Duh! Did I think I was Rasputin or something?
Or some madman? How
journalists can print such nonsense is beyond me. What drivel. Yes, I
went to Russia to sign a deal
with an airship building company called Rosaero systemswhy?
Simple. I wanted to sell their
products in South Africa. So what???? I certainly didn't go and customize an airship to spread the
gospel ...I mean... where would I get $ 34
million dollars to do that? I was just a simple gardener
with a small start up media company. I'm not a millionaire...what crap.
As for the accusations....I was arrested and exonerated of child rape ( sic) in Februaryagain
false allegation by my liar ex wife. Why isn't she named for that? For lying? Why is she written in
the 3rd person? As if “ she” was some random figure in the millions? Again...this total slander
constitutes punishment without trial. WHY? Because they – the media(
owned by around a half
dozen big corporations) able to twist the facts? And they do. With total impunity... its
simply...because they can!
“ Before Denton knew the woman had complained to the police about raping her , he wrote on his
blog about it being a form of punishment.”
Riposte: Again...utter rubbish. My wife had told my father and me on two separate occasions even
before she signed her statement that she planned to fit me up and put me in prison as a form of
punishment and revenge for our failed marriage.
I had responded by saying that in jail if a man is accused of a child sex offense or any sex offense he
is a marked man...and the lowest of the low...and is – at least in America and South Africa raped in
the showers(
see blog comment Dr Jecklina & Mrs Hyde) – how was I to know she would actually
sink so low?
But this was the prosecution case. They twisted the facts around and tripped me up by using some
words I had written in a moment of madness and anger and frustration about my wifes
schizophrenia. I certainly don't see rape as a form of punishmentabsolute
“ Denton was found guilty of four specimen counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, seven
charges of rape and one of witness intimidation. He was cleared of one count of indecent assault of
a child under 13.”
Riposte: Of course they had to mention the charge I was found not guilty of...why? Because by this
time it didn't matter. To some its enough to be accused of a child sex offense to be guiltycertainly
in prison... as it happened the court recorder screwed up ( intentionally or unintentionallyI
do not
know) and recorded a guilty verdict on ALL counts!!!
It took 6 months of struggling to clear my namebut
Im still not allowed a photo of my chidlren....
or cardswhere
is the justice in that?
The media is calculated and used by the police and CPS as another form of punishment without
trial...because they can write anything they want and they know they can get away with it 99% of
the time...why? Because they know that you are in prison and you cant fight back since you either
don't have the money or cant get the case together from behind bars.
The whole strategy of those who decide which cases to prosecute and which not to do so from their
ivory towers in a room somewhere in Whitehall ( its a mysterious group of high ranking politicians
and secular extremist policy makersno
one knows who they are )....their aim is to punish without
trial without thought for the rights of the individual – to achieve what they want as part of
forwarding the political agenda of the New World Order.
And the media, the justice system and in fact all public parastatals work hand in hand with these
unbalanced religious extremists. It is the biggest threat to democracy and freedom we face in the 21st
Century in this country. Until I experienced it for myself I would never have believed it.
8. The Psychiatric Assessments:
Part of this pervading rot in your punishment without trial experience is of course … the psychiatric
assessment. To allay the guilt of the courts in their harsh sentencing of targeted enemies of the
state /establishment you are asked to comply with the indignity of a psychiatric assessment. What
this translates as is … “ lets demystify you – lets prove you're a nutter!”
There are two kinds of psychiatrists. The first kind are the ones who work for the court and thus for
the prosecution...the second are those who are alleged “ independent “ psychiatrists... I can honestly
say that most of them( not all) are snake oil salesmenI
have been assessed by several renowned
psychiatrists...( Dr H. Rutherford, Dr. Brown, Dr. Forrester, Dr. Singh, DR. Levy, Dr. Turner
and Dr.A. Grounds.)
All concluded that I do not suffer form any delusions about being or thinking I'm the messiah.
However, for the purposes of the court and to reinforce the prosecution case the assessment
normally has to look at you from the perspective that you are guilty of the crimes and what reason
motivated you to do where did the thoughts originate from...and what is the likelihood of
in the future.
An assessment by a qualified psychiatrist normally costs the taxpayer around £34000
– its a good
earner for the psyche. If the psychiatrist recommends a mental hospital you get sectioned or
committed indefinitely until you are deemed fit to rejoin society. Since the its all about coststhe
psyche will rarely section you.... it costs around £ 100 000 a year in a secure mental hospital per opposed to warehousing mentally challenged inmates in a VP wing for £45 000...
So as part of assessing dangerousness – this is what the quack ...Dr. Levy had to say:
“I am of the opinion that Mr. Denton is not suffering from a mental disorder within the meaning of
the Mental Health Act 1983.
Mr Denton does manifest low moods , which are primarily reactive to his ongoing circumstances ,
and have been adequately managed by the resources present within the prison setting.”
Riposte: WELL...You certainly dont have to be Sherlock blinking Holmes to realise this!- The truth
is I would go through days of very deep and dark depression. It felt like a wave – a kind of
emotional emptiness – like a dark cloud descending over me...when I feel it starting , all I can do is
to sleep on my bed and wait for it to just pass. Sometimes it would be minutes, sometimes
hours...sometimes days. You feel totally emotionally spiritually and mentally drained – in fact the
best way to express it is through a poem I wrote called “ Dreamless Sleep” ( see end of chapter)-
But to conclude, Dr. Levy's report ( which was 20 pages long) he recommended counseling,
forensic therapy and re education programmes...more punishment without trial... all to get you to
believe a lie and take on guilt that doesn't belong to you. Besides... how could I possibly be normal
after what the state did to my family? And this is what he had to say.... based on the way of
thinking...the mindset ...the psychology of the “we are always right “secular extremists...
“ Mr Denton primarily poses a risk of aggression towards a vulnerable adult who he might be in a
close relationship with … the potential victim in the future might be an adult with whom he forms
an enmeshed relationship of a controlling nature.”
Its like hes speaking over your some new age prophet...or guru...or preacher... how did this
quack make this conclusion? He simply read through some notes of a comment a South African
Female Therapist who didn't like me... in fact she was jealous because when I was in the healthcare
wing I got many her patients so listen to me. So she wanted to exert her power over me as a
healthcare worker and make one negative comment. As far as leadership skills are concerned I am a
natural born leader and I am totally unashamed about this.
However, in my situation in prison as a convicted prisoner...that is seen as a negative thing – a need
to control others so I can impose my will. This is just another part of the process of mental
punishment to undermine your self confidence. Another lie many feminist psychiatrists use for
alleged sex offenders in “ denial” is ...wait for it... “ he has feelings of inadequacy!”... that means
that you suffer from a small limp dick and you need some help to get it up... !- in the psychiatric
sense when it is used the doc thinks you're guilty.
You hear this word( “inadequacy”) again...and again..and again- in truth I submit that no one likes a
person who is rebel...a charismatic rebel that can motivate men! fight back!
Its all part of the wearing down- the emasculation of men – the constant reprogramming of society
from individualization to homogenization – from a place of responsibility and co-operation to
apathy and alienation... this is their vision.... “managed order!”
The state hates it when they get it wrong . Stalin had his falsification of history programmes; the
establishment in Britain- France- Germany and America have their grand master plan of a neweconomic
– social and secular humanist world order... its an entire religion in itself. “ Omni Pluribus
Secularam...”A godless society that puts the ego on the throne of the heart and self gratification as
their only aspiration. A spirituality that embraces spirituality but not God.
So if you're a good boy , you just get with the programme – if you're're classified as
dangerous. Militant feminism is not gender orientated, it is a philosophy embraced by men or
women. But even more than that it has permeated into the group-think by the psychiatric profession.
Rape is an act of violence...and it is a heinous crime- but what is rape? According to the legal
feminist expert Draper “ All sexual intercourse is violent , and therefore could be deemed : rape”.
But this of course is a silly argument. Rape is usually understood as an act of penetrative sexual
intercourse that is committed against the express will or consent of the alleged victim. Does this
consent have to be verbal? Not necessarily. Any act of sexual intercourse that is committed against
the “reasonable consent” of the alleged victim is rape. That never happened in my case. My wife
consented both verbally and physically to anal sex...period. She was not raped.
It was and is the militant feminazi argument used on a vulnerable adult in that womans refuge in
Croydon that convinced her she was raped. The Draper Argument.
The great travesty of our modern society is the creation of a “ victim culture” . Not once throughout
my ordeal of being punished without trial was I thought of as a victim....I was always the
perpetrator and therefore without rights. I endured everything the system threw at me stoically
because deep down I knew I was innocent -
“ I am of the opinion ,that the offenses were primarily stemming from aggression rather than
underlying sexual deviancy. Its quite possible that there is an element of unexplored deviant sexual
fantasy that found sublimation in the sexual aggression, ..which needs to be explored further in the
course of psychotherapy.”
Riposte: Sex is all about fantasy. Some women like rough sex- aggressive hard sex...and my wife
was no exception!...I was her first sexual partner- Ive bedded over 200 women and I think Ive
explored just about every possible deviancy imagiable. No one ever...ever cried “ rape” no one!
Once again this doctor makes wild assumptions and thats all. All he has is a paper degree in a
science that at best is fallible. At worst has ruined countless lives with electric shock therapy and
I had a normal- healthy sexual relationship with my wife. Her inexperience got the better of her at
times and she wanted me to teach her... I did... but it was her paranoid psychosis and bipolar
disorder that demonised me as the scapegoat of her own mental inadequacies ...full-stop. She simply
couldn't face her own demons and deal with them.
I find it really amazing how these quacks , these snake-oil salesmen sell their really
know what is inside the mind of a man you have to peel the many layers back one by one...slowly.
You cant make life changing conclusions after observing someone for minutes or even for hours....
its just nonsense. At best you can only surmise. But a good psychotic like my wife can hide her
illness well- until she flips out. And then its too late. After the fact.
It is quite amazing how this quack science has permeated into the justice system - it is quite
shocking and how unaccountable these two faced bastards truly are. L. Ron Hubbard was wrong
about a lot of stuff – but when it comes to this ...he was entirely right.
He wrote: “ psychiatrists are probably the most misunderstood profession of all. Their science does
not deal with the spirit or the soul and at best they have way too much power than they deserve.”
Anyone interested in learning more about the excesses of this quackery can Google the Freedom
Magazine. In conclusion , psychiatry like the present day criminal justice system is a science of
bestiality obese with power -creating new victims every day in the warehouses of Britains prisons
and perverted in its politics.
As if to confirm this, after one hours interview the learned the “learned “ Dr Stuart Turner MA
MD FRCP FRC Psch ...( LSD)...stated: “ his presentation now is somewhat unusual. I would not be
surprised to learn in the past he had experienced a psychotic episode. However, I have no firm
evidence to support this suggestion.”
Its amazing how stupid these guys are. I started with an open mind only to learn the best answers
are within yourself. With psychiatry it is best to say...” no comment”- psyquackery simply does not
work...and is at best...a guessing game. But its another weapon in the armory of the establishment to
punish you without trial.
The best you can do is get some free drugs to numb the boredom and the pain. By the way, the
above comment is about my haircut- ( I think I was in the klingon mode) – shave a half your hair
from the front to the unsettles people bigtime.
And the rest of the £4000 my solicitor paid to Dr Turner for an assessment -of a 40 page report was
a tome of inconsequential psycho -babble and double talk. He missed the key fact that I had been
admitted into the healthcare wing because of my post traumatic stress – I had of course been
stabbed and had a breakdown after that. This meant I would be under observation 24 hours a day for
2 whole months.
Dr. Turner was unbelievably stupid and certainly not worth the £4000 we paid him.
Although the prosecution was intent was intent on proving I was some kind of nut..they failed. They
failed because I had their number from day one. I was trained to deal with psychiatrists when I was
22 as a scientologist. For that I am thankful to L.Ron. And of course they failed to prove I had
some kind of Jerusalem Syndrome ( thinking I was Jesus) because I transformed my anger into
passion and prayed intensely – sometimes all night... and I documented everything. It was hardvery
hard but I wasn't going to allow the system to chew me up that easily. No way!
As Ive said before ...and Ill repeat; psychiatrists that work for the state do not care about you.
Period. They only care about keeping their jobs and reputations. Therefore, in any assessment they
always leave the proverbial door open to cover their own asses.
Psychiatry is not an exact science but similar to reading tarot cards. Most of it is a guessing game.
In its most evil form it becomes the surgeons knife to dispatch anyone deemed “ delusional” or
“dangerous”... and section them in a maximum security hospital like Broadmoor or Rampton...
forever. They have a lot of power in the prison system and in the justice system. Almost too much if
you ask me.
As you can see I was interviewed quite extensively by 8 different psychiatrists. Some independent,
some not. The best one was Dr Grounds who actually had a greater understand of multipolar
disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Generally, psychiatrists do not work for you but
against you. They do not do you any favors. They are not your friends. Having to endure the
interrogations constantly from healthcare workers,prison officers,doctors,mental health nurses,
therapists, psychologists and of course psychiatrists became another kind of onslaught ...a mental
and emotional onslaught... a punishment without trial. But top of the pyramid is the
psychiatrist...once he brands you in the are branded!
Each week for one and a half years I would have to sit in front of five professionals including the
prison chaplain and be quizzed with the same questions... whether or not I was going to kill myself
or not. This is called an “ACCT” review – in truth it was always done in the busiest times and all
the other prisoners treat you like a nutter. It was humiliating!
I detested it.
Finally, I realized how ridiculous this was – and I decided to stop seeing these peons of the
Establishment. If I was going to kill myself ...I realized – its better to be homicidal first instead of
suicidal.... that gave me some peace of mind...some solace. I could live with that thought.
9. The Gender Factor
Raw revenge stems from rage ...rage from injustice- injustice from greed- ego – power ...more
specifically; in my case...” cuntpower”- and that I say without prejudice towards women... men
my ex wife and her wicked sisters bewitched the bumbling brain dead detective with their feminine
charms and their occultic primal sexual powers ( I've seen it used at may Rainbow Gatherings)...this
is the ugly face of militant feminism- sexuality- spies like Mata Hari use it... advertisers use itauctioneers
use it... its a science as old as the hills.... a woman who want s revenge like my ex wife
will use anything and say anything with complete conviction...actually believing what she is saying
is true... and then heap the wrath of khan on her former beloved...she doesn't need to hold the knife
herself and stab me or to kill me with a gun....all she had to do was make the wildest – most
fantastic allegations possible – and use...her supernatural “Cuntpowers” to drive the lapdog copper
to do her sinister bidding...and he did willingly! My ex wife understood only too well the alpha
female – alpha male concept- I trained her on it)..In fact most of what she learned to destroy me she
learned from me!
Bill Clinton nearly lost his presidency to the wiles of Monica Lewinsky ( not officially but his lame
duck status was cemented by the affair)– it must be noted here that I have witnesses to prove my
wifes sister flirted with DC Wedger bribed him with gratuities the same day or the following day of
February the 5th , 2008. Sh used her deceptive feminine charms like Salome- as a sexual weapon to
ensure I got punished without trial like John The Baptist... She wanted my head on a silver plater
and she was willing to use her vagina -her tongue and her soul to achieve it...
Did she ever once consider the consequences of her actions? NO!...She was angry at me – so angry
that I wasn't the man she wanted me to be ...angry that I expressed my love and my attention that
she carved... to my daughter Anastasia-and sadly – to my internet world parallel alternative
reality. My wife determined to use her best weapon to exact her diabolical plan only a woman
can do... to stitch me up... her sex. The gender factor.
She had always said – confessed in fact with threatening words: “ I can put you in jail anytime I
LIKE with ONE single word.... JUST ONE WORD!
And she made good on that threat – why? Why go to so much trouble and cause so much
trouble ...why? Because it was and still is primal sexual cuntpower versus primal penuspower... it is
Freudian...but very true. At the heart of this sex-game was the desire for me to want her... and if I
DIDNT WANT HER , SHE WOULD MAKE SURE I WOULD PAY... that I hated her with all my
being by destroying everything I held that I would become so embittered that living a
normal life would be impossible... and no other woman would want me – this is at heart , the
nerve...the root of the force she released a volcano of spite... scorn... hatred... towards me...its
evident in her very long statement which we will go into on the next chapter. And the strange thing
about it all was that in court she was turned on by this torture of me... it actually turned her on! - it
was a theater a drama of the use of cuntpower that made me want her but never have her... and this
mindgame she was playing was another form of punishment without trial... this is how she used
the gender factor to win the war against me...( or at least the first round)- in fact there are never
any real winners in a marriage and family breakdown. In most circles this is a taboo subject- the
gender factor- and not very talked about... but needs to be.
She unleashed this power which had a knock-on effect right through in my dealings with females in
the establishment... this Jezebel spirit that manifested itself and unified itself in the prosecutor, the
probation officer,the social workers,the hostile witnesses, my own barrister and even the judge. Did
she ever once think about the effect it would have on our children? No.
This is why people use the derogative word “cunt” as a swear word to mean someone without
morals or conscience or ethics...
It was in this climate that the authorities stepped inside our family life to minister the most
unkindest cut of all...
10. Divide and Rule:
“Find out what a man loves most and attack it; ( and you will have your will win)...”
Sun Tsu- The Art of War.
The first concentration camps were not in Germany but in South Africa. I visited this place just
northwest of Durban in a small town called Howick. During the Second Boer War the British came
head to head with the guerrilla tactics of the Afrikaner Boers...The British were losing the war.
Finally, Lord Kitchener or Lord Milner and their vassals dreamed up the idea of a concentration
camp – it could have even been Churchill. Warehouse the women and children and the Boer would
lose his support structure. It became total war.
The military tactic of divide and rule goes way back to ancient Rome and before...even to
Alexander the Great...but the British who picked up the mantle of imperialism and conquest took
cruelty to another imprisoning more than 28 000 women and children in camps. The men
in the bush were disorientated and fought on half heartedly. The tactic worked. It came at the behest
of Queen Victoria and parliament to find a speedy way to end the that gold and diamonds
could be mined and the establishment could make bags of cash... My great great grandfather fought
against the Boers. Thousands died in the camps. The Afrikaner became demoralized.
It was a war crime for which the Boers have never forgiven the British. Hitler took the idea to
another level with his extermination camps in Auschwitz and Dachau and other camps.
This divide and rule principle is what the police and baby snatching social services ...wait for it...
the SS.... use to intimidate and breakdown their targeted victims.
I have copies of the Cris reports ( police notes) – interviews with the children and loads of other
materials which show beyond reasonable doubt how cruel and inhuman the treatment of the police
and the social services were towards my family. Are they ever accountable? Now way... they will do
as they always have done... “ wash each others ass!”
Britain has never apologized for using women and children in this abhorrent manner to win the
second Boer War in 1902. And they probably never will as long as the Establishment rule.
The major problem with the way the regime in Britain thinks – the “ powers that be”is that it is
archaic- Victorian and imperialistic...
Fathers have no right – men have no rights – Christians & Muslims have no rights...and the illiterate
have no rights... in the sense we are divided and desensitized.... and dis-empowered...The truth is
animals are more equal and women even more so than men in this are way down the
list. There is a silent gender war going on every day all over this land. Men are being punished for
the past...because they are men... because they are male. And so are Christians ...and anyone who
fundamentally believes in God.
There is less and less equality now than ever before – but there is another slant to this horror story...
the children.... and this takes punishment without trial to a whole new level!
What paranoid sick mind puts their own flesh and blood through the trauma of a Crown Court trial?
What evil mind allows a painful, intrusive, humiliating and traumatic medical examination of their
own daughter on a whim?
What fascist mind forcibly breaks all contact with their living- loving father and grandparents...?
what indeed. There was not ONE shred of evidence of any sexual impropriety beyond a dream form
God( sic) – Not one valid reason to put 3 innocent children through this hell.
Yet this was done was done “ in the best interests of the children”
My children loved me. And I them.
I WAS THEIR DADDY- THEIR HERO ...psychological violence is always worse than physical...
and yet the police – the social services even the pastor ...and my wife had already acted as judgejury
and executioner...
The “professionals” at the child abuse investigation unit/team ( CAIT) believed they could crack
me- break me – like they did with the Afrikaners... ( Statistically most people charged change their
plea to guilty to avoid pressure son their families- especially in these kind of cases)- even if they are
totally innocent.
They not only used sex as a weapon but also the children....just like Lord Kitchener and his fascists.
By dividing you rule because you force your opponent into a position of weakness... even Jesus
said: “ a house divide cannot stand!”
Time will tell to what extent this punishment without trial will affect the emotional and
psychological development of my children. I am sure when they are old enough to question and to
reason and to decide ...they will. It all depends on how much they have been brainwashed and
poisoned. Children need their fathers as much as they need their mothers. Families need Fathers. Its
a fact.
The major cause of a Broken Britain is the dysfunctional family – and the emasculation of the male
in society in the media and in the marketplace...AND in the justice system. Equality- fairness- and
justice have become illusions... fading dreams. Children are affected by marriage and family
breakdowns.... and of course divorces...
but what my ex wife did was far far worse... she dragged two of my children through that process of
arrest- investigation- separation- cross examination and trial. My daughter Anastasia was only 8
years old. My son Jeremias only ten years old. What the British government did to my family was a
crime.. a crime against humanity. It will affect them for years to come...I was refused all contact –
even birthday and Christmas Cards- even my own father and mother was refused all contact – and
they had nothing to do with our break up.
This whole nightmare experience has robbed them of a normal family life and is a clear violation of
article 8 of the HRA. But does the state care? If they say they do...well its empty rhetoric...just
words to assay their guilty feelings... if they say its not their problem..well they're in denial.
Divide and rule ...Punish & Fool !-these are the tools used to pervert the course of justice, punish
without trial...and to be very frigging cruel!
11. Personal Loss: Conclusions
The greatest punishment however for me over the last two years was not my disgraceful trial and
wrongful imprisonment – nor was it being stabbed – slandered- libeled-poisoned- tormented and
beaten... I could even handle losing my private property, my family , home, business, money and the greatest personal loss was far deeper than that. It was in the knowledge that part
of ME- my essence... my identity...had been stolen.
In its place was bitterness, anger, frustration...hate. This personal loss for me was not even in the
deterioration of my mental and physical state... yes, I had become a chain smoker, lost incredible
amounts of weight...and yes... my hair had turned white...and I had become unfit and developed a
hernia...and my eyesight had deteriorated so I needed glasses-all of this was a great punishment
...but the greatest personal loss to me was in the loss of faith in other people faith in the justice
system... and my belief in the church of Christ.
It was born again Christian that had betrayed their faith and had lied under oath... to put me in
prison. It wasn't just my ex wife. It was other Christians! My wife in essence was my disciple-she
knew and had experienced all of the miracles, signs and wonders- just as Judas Iscariot had... she
did -and for me I felt like Mel Gibson on the battlefield in Braveheart when he was playing William
Wallace. Betrayed by his king – he just lay there and wanted to die- unable to move or to function
or to think properly.
I had been betrayed by the woman I loved. And this was...and is for me the greatest personal loss of
all...this brutal betrayal. Like a knife through my heart twisted... As Stalin was Trotsky's nemesis –
my beloved wife Ewelina- the love of my life...had become my nemesis... my Judas... betraying me
with a kiss!
Our story was a great tragedy. But an even greater tragedy was the subsequent exploitation of the
Establishment in our family dispute. For their own political gain. This exploitation had one aim... to discredit me and my faith and to destroy my love for Jesus. The nexus of this
persecution was about destroying me...what I believe in...what I love.... and who I am. To turn me
into an animal or an unbeliever... a best... a man of war... a war with himself like Sir
Lancelot with his divided love for King Arthur and Queen Guenevere.
This theft of my identity was for me my greatest personal loss and most poisonous punishment
without trial. I could handle everything else.
Let the reader judge if I deserved this purgatory. This torture. In law,a person who is charged and
convicted of a crime is usually punished with the loss of his liberty. Thats it. Believe me- thats
punishment enough- He doesn't lose his basic human rights. This is what makes us different to
savages and brutal regimes.
This is the cornerstone of our civilization and democracy and common humanity....t
the vindictive forces of persecution and prosecution turned the judicial process into a Science of
Bestiality & Political Machinations. The Establishments use of Machiavellian Methods to push
me over the edge into the abyss almost worked. Its machine of mass destruction is what fuels the
entire public service...misery and crime do indeed pay in 21st century Britain.
In the end what saved me was my art- my wordsmith skills and the Supernatural Grace
of God through constant inner prayer. Amen. (I used to pray the Jesus Prayer day and night. )
This is a Persian styled poem called “ghazal”that won me £10 quid in a competition when I was in
prison. – I wrote this to describe my feelings on incarceration as I travelled through his
metamorphosis of pain to a place where hope could be found... from anger –
hate-bitterness-despair-depression-frustration to love-life-positivity-LIGHT. That place.
A place where what remains is not reconciliation or restoration...but a place of forgiveness. It is and
always was my greatest biggest mountain …
DREAMLES SLEEP by Paul R. Denton
Wandering into night , drifting into deep-deep dreamless sleep,
Day after day , deep calling unto deep – deep dreamless sleep,
Hypnotic awakenings , shambolic shakenings of sleep -sleep- sleep...
I call again and again , evermore again for deep dreamless sleep-
Inside my cell, my tomb, my bubble, my womb- my keep-keep-keep,
I lose myself in dumbing – draining -deadening dreamless sleep,
Wishing for death, wishing for tears to weep- weep- weep,
Traveling through time and space in wasted deep,deep dreamless sleep,
Mindless matrix machinations- counting the sheep-sheep-sheep,
Never dead – never alive – never awake- never asleep...
This is my life, listening to the walls coming : creep-creep-creep,
Eternity unfolds, I am here but cold, longing for deep-deep dreamless sleep!
“Punishment without Trial!”
Article 3: ( Human Rights Act 1998/9)
“ No one shall be subject to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment”
My Argument:
Throughout the civilized, democratic and free world there are international standards that govern
how an arrest , investigation and prosecution take place. Generally speaking , a person who comes
under suspicion of committing a crime is ...wait for it... “ innocent until proven guilty”.
Even then – all prisoners are supported to be protected by recognised human rights protocols Great
Britain is a signator nation within the community of European nations of both the Geneva
Convention and the Paris Protocol.
We sign these treaties as an affirmation of our commitment to the human race ;and to humanity and
to our consciences. There are also supposed to be local laws that acts as checks and balances against
abuses of power.
In truth , this did not happen in my case. I was punished without trial and the result was a total
shameful disgrace against the Crown.
This disgrace , this moral outrage is the ammunition countries like China,Israel,Cuba,Uganda,
Russia, Iran, Iraq,Syria,North Korea , Zimbabwe and Afghanistan use to ignore calls from the
Foreign office and lobby groups such as Amnesty and Human Rights Watch to comply with UN
Resolutions about how they treat their own citizens.
It was obvious when David Cameron visited countries like China and Russia that he was given as
good as he got... and part of this loss of moral authority is the way the British establishment
( especially the Criminal Justice System)views the Human Right Act with such disrespect and
Over a period of 13 years – Stalinist New Labour under
“democratic” dictators Blair & Brown ...
(and their Orwellian henchmen and womenJaqui
Smith, Jack Straw and Harriet Harman ) have
effectively eroded most of our civil liberties enjoyed by every one on this island. They did it with a
smile and a handshake...
It is now up to the new coalition on ConDem ( Not ConDom)CameronClegg
to redress these
improprieties in the justice system as soon as humanly possible.
The truth is they probably wont.
This confirms the theory of a “ government within a government”... it has now become the “ norm”
to sacrifice human rights on the altars of “ Protection of Public Interest” and/or “ Sovereignty”
This of course is a fallacious argument.
Sex offenses and terrorist offenses come under the category of “ trigger offenses” they
are highly
emotionally charged crimes that stir up deeply rooted feelings of fear and paranoia – in these
circumstances governments generally waive normal judicial processes “ in the interests of public
And to some extent... rightly so.
But,in protecting the national interest ; it is also vital to remain objective and unemotional... and
above all rational to ascertain the real truth.
This is unfortunately not the case in most circumstancesand
the victims of miscarriages of justice
find themselves ...”punished without trial”
By the time they get to court these innocent victims are prepared like lambs to the slaughter...and
like lambs...traumatized, confused and violated that to an unknowing – unconsciousunsuspecting
jury... they “ look” guilty they must be guilty!”
And this is what happened to me.
My ordeal can be divided into 4 parts arrest, investigation, remand time and actual trial. Let
me explain this as the “ Stitch Up Process of the British Criminal Justice System”
1. My Arrest:
On the 4th of February, 2008Detective
Constable John Paul Wedger dressed
in plain clothes and
refusing to properly identify himself marched into my home as if he owned it. ( The Nazi gestapo
did exactly the same)I
was arrested and handcuffed without my rights being read to me. I was also
assaulted. After being interviewed ; I was banned from returning to my home or from having any
direct or indirect contact with my wife and children or of retrieving money or clothing to wear. My
private possessions not confiscated by the investigators were thrown onto the pavement in black
garbage bags... and cash money I had in my house was also stolen.
This was a totally humiliating and degrading action. It was also a clear violation of my Article 1
( Protection of Property)...”Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his
2. The Investigation:
Article 6: “ Everyone is entitled to a fair trial and public hearing within a reasonable time.”
This investigation occurred over an 8 month period of time from February 4th 2008 to September
11th , 2008. Although I was required to live according to my stringent bail conditions; I was not
sanctioned to stop working or operating as I normally did on a daily basis.
In most countries of the world a rape victim is medically examined within a 72 hour hour time limit.
This did not happen in my daughters case. She was not medically examined until June, 2008. And
the examination went flatly against the wishes of the Brent Social Services according to what I was
told by Yvonne Lewers in February, 2008.
And when it finally did happen; no evidence of any wrongdoing was found!I
did not even get an
apology! No...” oh We're so sorry we've turned your life upside down... nothing!”Why? Because no
one likes to admit they've made a mistake. It was sexual abuse of my daughter without due cause.
So – in the words of the social services themselves daughter was “ traumitized by a painfulintrusive
and degrading examination of her genitalia on the orders of the social services and the
police and her own mother...all based on a “dream from God”( sic) – more like a dream from Satan!
The evidence proved conclusively that my daughter was not raped. It proved beyond doubt that her
allegation was false... she lied! A lie originated from the paranoid and disturbed mind of a sick
woman with a sick mind.
I was made homeless and penniless, disorientated , confused and angry...”baited” without due
process to shore up their stitch up.
During this investigation I was not given any news of my children's' welfare whatsoever. There was
no continuity... I was at the harshbrutal
mercy of one police officer with a grudge.
I was condemned without trial... guilty until proven innocent... I was prevented by my bail
conditions to go anywhere near a school or live in the proximity of any children or even to send a
card or message saying: “ Daddy loves you..”I
was even stopped from giving presents to my kids.
This was all part of the punishment without trial process of the Criminal Justice system. People have
no idea how it works until it happens to you. People cannot believe the abuse until it happens to
them... It is simply unbelievable.
Article 8 states: “ Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life ,his home and his
correspondence. “
And I also have a right to earn a livelihood – my business tools were stolen, lost or given away
( Even my own son said to my ex wife : “ where are they taking my daddy's tools?) and I could not
even earn enough money to pay off my debts or to sustain my living. This lengthy investigation
served to further bait and torture me into exasperationhence
the blog I wrote... Dr Jecklinathis
was later used as evidence against me to paint a toxic picture that I was the bad guytrying
control … when in fact it was totally the opposite.
The investigation constituted cruel,unusual , inhumane and degrading treatment by the was calculated to break me down and use my love for my children against
provoke me into proving their case. These methods have been used widely in the past by fascist
regimes to break down the resolve of an enemy...its called divide and rule and the British are
masters at it.
It was torture all the way...psychological and emotional torture.
I laid a charge of criminal damage with Trafalgar Square police – the Wembley police station
refused to take my statement after consulting with DC Wedger. I also wrote to Sir Ian Blair of the
Metropolitan police and the Professional Standards office in Colindale. I laid an official complaint
with the Independent Police Complaints Commission. ( IPCC) – ALL IN VAIN!...
I wrote a poem about it.
It was all ignored and the terminology “ subjudice” was constantly used as a get out clause... In
other words , the police whilst they were investigating the allegations had the right to abuse my
rights and do whatever they wanted to get to the bottom of the all fell under the heading “
subjudice”. All these complaints ever did was to encourage the investigating officer to decide to fit
me up with false evidence – prejudicial stuff...and recruit hostile witnesses who were willing to be
pawns in their little fun and games.
This subjudice rule effectively violated Article 13 ie “ Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set
forth in this convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority
notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity
An effective remedy is exactly that. I waited 2 years after I was finally sentenced to get an
effective remedy.... ( another coverup)...
I won my appeal. But the process of the investigation
proved that my rights and freedoms were violated by persons acting in an official capacity.
I'm still waiting for that effective remedy. The truth is that the police stomp on civil rights and
liberties and human rights ...because they can... because they think they can... They know its
useless to complainand
if they are guilty – they ensure they construct a case of fabricationsdistortionsand
hearsay false minded evidence. They simply collect anything that supports a theory
and throw away anything that discounts it. They don't take it into consideration.
They ensure the investigation is adversorial and not factual...nor objective... they ensure the only
outcome is... you get stitched get banged up... its never about truth. They then justify their
immoral behavior by saying: WE made a mistake!”...notice...not “ I”...
or... and we've all heard this one before... “ we were just following orders!”... “ we were just doing
our job!” All plausibleall
reasonable sounding excuses....of course this was the same defense used
by the SS officers who murdered Jewish people in gas chambers for being Jewish...these were the
same excuses of the Stalinist who assassinated Trotsky in Mexico and millions more...we were just
following orders... Pol Pot & The Maoists... the Stasi of East Germany and BOSS of Apartheid
South Africathe
genocidal maniac of Rwanda and the Balkans... the Americans in Falluja.
...Nothings changed.
I have lived through Apartheid South Africa as millions of others have done. I understand the
difference between a criminal investigation and a political persecution. I'm not fooled.
I had and have no doubt in my mind and in my heart that I was targeted for prosecution and for
persecution simply because of my faith. This was a political inquisition.
All the police officer needed was a “ patsy” a pawn – a motivated frontman who could be
programmed and controlled to think – to say and to act according to what she was made to believe
by the militant feminists who were schooling her in the refugedikes
who prey on vulnerable
women in a vulnerable situation. People who would say and do anything to keep their
children...even if it meant selling their own souls. All the Establishment needed was a Judas Iscariot
to give the kiss of Death on the cheek.
Its a professional process. Professional and sinister because until you are cleared lose all your
human are stripped away...baited and bullied into becoming something you are not.
Molded into their image of you.
Some people try to justify their behavior of abuse by saying: “ with rights ...come responsibilities!”others
will say: “ you cant compare us with Iran and those countries!”... we don't kill people – we
don't electrocute their testicles to get a confession... we don't torture people...!
But as any military analyst will tell you. There are many ways to kill a man... many ways to break
him down... and the most painful way to do it by violating his integrity and self worth...once you're
mentally headfucked
him... hes a walking corpse...putty in your hands... hes dead because you've
stolen everything he loves... you've destroyed him so he has nothing to lose ...except perhaps his own
In fact if you wanted to be merciful...its better to outright shoot him in the head!by
making sport –
bloodsport of a mans life by definitionkill
him slowly and painfully...every day he is raped
by the dark cloud that hangs over him. Which then is more cruel? Slowly ...painfully... or quickly
and painlessly. I changed my mind about the death penalty when I went to prison... many people
convicted of life imprisonment would gladly accept a death penalty if you gave them the choice.
This investigation was a slow brutalization of my rights as a human being. It was a cruel and
humiliating process of psychological tortureand
mind games – you cant compare that to a simple
execution. The Investigation was as insipid as the false accusations that fueled it.
The policeman was guilty of impropriety and he knew it. No person in public office investigating a
trigger offense accepts a gratuity from the complainant or a gift. A £ 4 porno video hired by Jaqui
Smiths husband assisted in the downfall from public office of the Home Secretary. A police officer
one who has been in the business for 22 years should know better.
DC Wedger in front of witnesses accepted a bottle of Spanish wine and Chocolates from the
complainants sisterUrsula...
on the day of my arrest. How then can any investigation be wholly
The officer was so convinced I was a pedophile ( he already had me hungdrawn
and quartered) that
he drove all the way to Daventry in Northamptonshire to dig up some ghosts of my past...Yet he
couldn't even manage to visit our local school only a few hundred meters awayclaiming
it had been
“ destroyed”which
it wasn' was being refurbished.
The officer had to justify the misuse of public funds with a fitup
conviction. He had to construct a
fabricated case by clutching at straws...he effectively turned a serious crown court trial into a middle
ages witchburning
and popularity contest. So … the investigation became an inquisition fitting to
be compared to any of those that burned innocent people at the stake. Any relevant evidence or
contrary witnesses that could have exonerated me – were purposefully not interviewed. All material
witnesses that didn't support his “ case” were ignored...discarded... he was in his own language “
doing Gods work” ( the term used for fitting someone up).
This investigation amounted to a bully abusing his position to intimidatemanipulateand
emasculate an innocent man. He was not a credit to the police force but a black spot on itand
deserves everything that “ success” will give him from destroying my family.
Instead of catching real criminals he was directed like a puppet from higher up on the food chain.
Although I don't have concrete proofI
have a reasonable suspicion that he may have had sex with
either my wife or her sister.
It was definitely an inappropriate relationship...what police officer accepts romantic gifts , flirts in
Spanish whilst in the middle of a serious child rape investigation? and
even after the complainant
has been proven a liar... has lunch at Nandos with the complainant and concocts further fabrications
over months?Answer...
no one.
There was I believe something very very fishy about this. The truth will come out one of these days.
But even if it doesn't...even if he didn't bonk my wife or her sisterthe
way this investigation was
done was totally inappropriate for a police officer.
Even in court he looked like he was very close to my wife in facthe
even appeared with her in a
contact proceedings session in family courtthat
he didn't need toor
was invited to. It could be that
she was “ in fear of her life” and needed his protection... but at no time did I ever threaten my ex
wife or physically harm fact I didn't even speak with her. And also I believe her demeanor in
court suggested she was having sex with someone (who was protecting her )and
that she felt
comfortable with... call it intuition... but her behavior was unusual to her character. I was with this
woman for 12 years in a very intense relationship and I know herthe
woman I saw in court was not
the same one. She had the face of someone who was sold out to Satan himself.
The second argument for abusing human rights is... “ with rights comes responsibilities”in
words every citizen has an onus to live within the law of the land.
This is true.
But when the law ,or the application of that law is unreasonable, unjust and unfairit
is the duty of
that citizen to break that law...! History serves as a precedent to validate this truth. The highest
responsibility is towards our conscience – this is the barometer of morality and ethics. If we
fail to live according to a set of inalienable standards ; or sets them aside because they are either
inconvenient or uncomfortable ; we fail to exercise true justice and equality or equanimity for all of
its citizens.
“Todays terrorist is tomorrows freedom fighter” ref Nelson Mandela and Che Guevara
An insult to one, is an injury to all.
This police investigation costs upwards of £250 000 to the taxpayer if you look purely at all th man
hours involved, all the public servants roped in to this part of the process and the expenses. No
proper evidence of any kind was collected to prove my wifes case. Despite claiming to be “
traumitized” no
proper psychiatric assessment was done on my wife or read out in court – even
though we requested it in our pretrial statement. The thinking was simpleanything
that could
undermine my wifes case was not to be allowed in as evidence.
Instead the judge allowed the alleged dates of the alleged rape on my wife to be changed during the
trial by one whole year...! why...because... of the alleged “trauma..”I
was severely traumatized but I
had to get all my facts right... this is what you are up against when you are outrageously and falsely
* No expert evidence was given by expert witnesses.
* No doctors reports were used.
* No witnesses of any claims of rape within her circles
* No DNANo
photographic or any other kind of forensic evidence presented.
The government had decided the threshold of proof had to be lowered to increase the conviction
rates for sexual offenses to win more the woman vote and satisfy the feminist agenda. But what
many don't know is that when a person is charged with rapethere
is around an 8090%
rate. That means if there is a 6.2 % conviction rate based on accusations made intially to the
police.... around 80% 90%
do not reach charge stage because they are either a. false allegations. b.
a lack of evidenceor
a compliant complainant. So why would there be so many complaints against
men of a sexual nature? Simple: Compensationrevenge
& power. But there is an even more sinister
explanation for these high convictions once charged.
Cases are all about “ targets” if
you get targeted you have a 90% chance of losing against your foe.
Why? Because the threshold of proof is so very low... essentially its your word against hers.
You're a target.
An investigation in the UK is about collecting CHARACTER ASSINATING EVIDENCE not
about finding out the truthand
certainly not about justice.
This is wrong and undermines those working in the judicial and police profession who are
themselves professional and ethical. An investigation becomes a target and it loses its objectivity on
the altar of “ the outcome”certainly
performance targets obstruct justice being done. In serious
matters that affect many lives the aim of any investigation should be about finding out if a crime has
been committed and what evidence there is to support it – or not. A police officer should be a
collector of evidence and thats it. Success should be about punishing the guilty not the innocent!...
It should be about pursuing the truth as much as it is about getting a result...and most surely it
should not undermine the confidence we have in our common freedoms,our democracy and our
justice system...
Sadly... it does.
Until today despite repeated requests and complaints , legal letters and numerous phonecalls..the
police have still not returned my South African passport nor my other possessions not used in the
investigation or the trial. I also lost a large amount of cash that I had saved for my journey to South
Civil Liberties and human rights mean nothing in this country. The truth is the police can and
always do get away with the majority of the crimes they commit. Occasionally bad eggs are weeded
out and scapegoated but bad connected coppers get away with murder because they can. Its a free
mason family of friends that extends itself right to the top of the pyramid of the establishment.
Small wonder that people like Raoul Moat say : “ Enough!”...small wonder.
The truth is there exists a lack of trust in our “ big brother “ government...and that is why our big
society cannot work. Not until trust is restored in the hallways of government – and until our justice
system becomes open and accountable for the abuses of power and civil libertieswe
cannot call
ourselves a true democracy. Instead we can describe ourselves as a democratic dictatorship – an
illusion – a PIG society.... the investigation was actually a“ punishment without trial “... but more
was to come – much I was soon to discover!
3. Time on Remand:
“ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke
A system is only as good as the sum of its parts. If bad police work is the foundation of a caseit
alone would not be enough to convict me. If the malaise carries through into the judiciary and penal
system – miscarriages of justice become commonplace. Thus if what happened to me was merely a
systemic “ glitch” , the system could be said to be fair and just. What I was soon to discover during
my remand time convinced me that the problem was far more serious than I had ever thought
possible in a modern democracy.
My eyes soon opened to the corruption rampant in the courts and judicial process. On September
12th, 2008 I was charged with 7 counts of anal rape , 1 count of sexual assault on a minor and 1
count of witness intimidation.
My trial date was set for March 2nd, 2009. That meant I would spend 6 months in jail awaiting trial
– with no thought of compensation if I were found not guilty. The case against me was always
weak... what
made the CPS so confident they would find me guilty?... because they know how to
fit people up. And they have an over 80% success ratewhy
? Because they know how to manipulate
juries of mostly untrained people using emotional triggers and theater.
My trial was postponed twice. By the time it finally got to trial I had already spent a year in jail...
punished....without trial!
Article 6: “ In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge
against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within reasonable time by an
independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”
On September 24th ,2008 at my Crown Court bail hearing Judge Grubel( a secular extremist)
refused bail NOT because of the index ( main) offenses ie rape and sexual assault ; but because I
was his own words: “ an unbalanced extremist” . This was obviously a slur on my religious
beliefs. Gone was the presumption of innocence . Gone was the freedom from bias. Gone was my
Article 10 Right of Religious freedom & expression.
I was in the segregation block at HMP Wormwood Scrubs. I refused to eat. Over the next 6 months
I was to lose one third of my bodyweight ( 35 kilograms) on various hunger strikes.
To add further insult to injury ,I was told to sign a document from an organisation called
MAPPA( Multi Agency for Public Protection Arrangements). In this document I was told that all
inmates charged or convicted of a child sex offense had to have all their mail and phonecalls
monitored. The only problem with this document was that it said I had been convicted already of a
child sex crime. This went onto my prison record. Even after I was found NOT guilty – I was STILL
a convicted of a child rapist!!!... It took many legal letters and threats of court action ...and two years
to finally get it off that register... I was immediately classified as a high risk offender – this MAPPA
document violated my presumption of innocence ...and I refused to sign it. But on
the ground –
whilst on remand... I was according to the prison authorities... a convicted child sex offender. All
my photos of my children were confiscated so I couldn't even be comforted with a photo of my own
children. This was punishment without trial.
Later,I overcame this by drawing a picture of my children from memory. What made this even more
disgusting was that this extra judicial agency had made its decision in a hotel over coffee and
biscuits. They didn't care that you hadn't been to trial and been found guilty by the legal process....
you were simply in their eyes...guilty until proven innocent... it wasn't just offensive to
was sick. The sign of a sick mind.
On top of all of this it meant that I couldn't even see or speak to my children – I couldn't even send
them a birthday or a Christmas present or card.(I overcame this by joining the church choir and
composing a Christmas Carol every Christmas in Honor of my children. )It was a cruel, inhuman
and degrading punishment – and a violation of my parental and family rights under Article 8.
But even more was to come!
In prisons in the UK all trigger offenses and vulnerable prisoners fall under what is known as Rule
45. It is a way of ensuring protection from harm by other prisoners.
Article 5 states: “ Everyone has the right to liberty and security of the person.”
Essentially what this says is that the when the state lawfully ( or unlawfully) detains me until a
hearing date or has a POSITIVE duty of care and protection of my person. The state had
removed my liberty but it cannot remove the security of my person whilst in their care.
On the 17th October , 2008 I was left alone in the Brixton library with two other inmates who were
not supposed to be there. I was in fact left alone with them for 3 whole hours. I soon discovered
what that meant.
In prison anyone who is even accused of a trigger offense is “ fair game”. In the old days those
charged or convicted of any kind of sex offense were rapedbulliedbeatentorturedhumiliated
There is still a very real line between sex offenders and non sex offenders...VPS and Non Vps. They
are labeled by other prisoners as “ bacons or nons or paedos”( paedophiles).
It is better if you are a murderer or bank robber in prison or even a thug who beats up old ladies.
The lowest of the low in prison are paedophiles and rapistspaedophiles
are at the lowest rung of
the ladder of crime.
Glass is put in your food, hot sugar water – water mixed with brown sugar is
thrown in your face at
boiling pointor
you could be given a permanent “Chelsea smile “( your face cheeks cut openits
called a Chelsea smile after the cat in Alice in Wonderland)...and in some circumstances you are
turned into the wing bitch. I met a guy that happened to in Romania and he contracted spinal
tuberculosis and nearly died from being constantly gangraped
and anally abused. Nowadays
vulnerable prisoners ie sex offenders,politicians,policemen, terrorists and people with mental health
issues are is an apartheid system – but it works.
However, knowing all of this – I was still somehow left alone with two dangerous thugsone
Lithuanian Mafia asshole and the other a Jamaican yardie thug. The librarian commented that this
had never happened in the 5 years that he had worked there. This confirmed to me that again I was
set up by some sinister forces working within the prison service. Unfortunately, once again... I cant
prove it. But I have sued th secretary of state for gross negligence...
On the 17th of October , 2008 I was stabbed in the face just above the eye. I nearly lose my eye by
millimeters... it was an eye for an eye , a tooth for a tooth...literally. Shortly after I felt an
uncontrollable rage and anger and I started to cry and to shake. It was the last straw!
For the next 2 months I was in the healthcare wing with the crazies bouncing on the walls.
Punishment without trial? This was a crime against humanity.
Article 9: “ Everyone has the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion; this right
includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom,either alone or in community with
others and in public or private , to manifest his religion or belief , in worship ,teaching, practice
and observance.”
Article 10: “ Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to
hold opinions and to receive and to impart information and ideas without interference by public
authority and regardless of frontiers.”
Prison is an angry, hostile and violent environment. You wake up out of your dreams to loud
shouting and doors constantly slamming. My time in the healthcare wing was different. Crazy
people can express themselves so in a prison environment that is full of oppression an suppression
so you can have an illusion of freedomat
least in behavior. In prison you can never show your true
feelings too much. People prey on any kind of weakness or vulnerability. Although I had suffered a
breakdown following the stabbing; I refused any kind of medication.
Consequently, I slept no more than 4 hours a night and ate little. What kept me sane was to write. I
wrote my life story, composed poems...and even a play I had been planning for years to write.
Artistic people convert their emotions into words and images...I was assessed by the prison
psychiatrist as having “ suffered a traumatic incident“
post trauma in other words.
According to them ( the psyches)I
wasn't an unbalanced religious extremist” and I certainly didn't
think I was the Messiah. ( There were religious extremists on the wingand
they definitely
My time in custody was designed to “ beat me down” so by the time I took the stand I
would look
and play the part of the “ guilty looking man”...the “ angry man” ...the villain..the vagabond!”
It was all carefully scripted all the way through.
The experience of what I'd been through would have broken most men. It amounts to a vicious
psychological brutalization of the spirit , the soul, and the integrity of the inner man. It was by
definition... cruel, inhumane and degrading was spiritual rape.
Soon after my time in Brixtons Healthcare wing I was transferred to HMP Wandsworth prison to a
special wing holding around 300350
inmates. The Onslow Winga
prison within a prison. 90%
were sex offenders awaiting trial or convicted and serving time. I soon learned the score. Many men
have gone through similar stitch up experiences by the state.
In my 2 years on this wing Ive seen it all. Rapefightsoverdosesself
The whole experience of being in prison often either animalises them or feminises them. Men who
were once heterosexual become bisexual or “ prison gay”homosexual.
France – Saudi Arabia and
Cuba all allow conjugal visits with wives and girlfriends. Britain and its surrogate colonial children
Africa and Australia do not.
Oscar Wilde who was a visitor of this prison during Victorian times 100 years ago – (he was on the
Onslow Wing for 9 months)...said: “ If this is the way Queen Victoria treats her prisoners, she
doesn't deserve to have any!”
Being in prison desensitizes the soul and dehumanizes the character and identity of the person. You
build an invisible bubble around your heart , and you lose your sense of compassion and empathy
for others. Night after night I dreamt about different tortures and possible fates of my enemies. I
couldn't pray anymore , or forgive anymore – as the poison of your hatred and the thirst for revenge
permeates your entire being.
You become a different person.
You try to cope with your anger and your depression by self medicating or by writing. Sometimes
you cant move or even breathe because the rage is so great its like a bonfire burning in your heart
and you become afraid of your own shadow. Afraid what you could do. Afraid to talk or to even
move.So you lie on your bed ...and you let it just flow through you or you convert the passion into
poetry. You don't fight it anymore – and you finally drift off into a dreamless slumber....time
becomes nothing... meaningless. Absolute.
This is punishment without trial.
4. Murder by Probation
A system is only as good or as bad as the sum of its parts. But if even if one of those parts is rotten it
spoils the whole batch.
Today in Britain most of all probation officers in positions of power are women. That includes
executive power. Some are openly militant feminist extremists – some are simply doing their
job....but on the whole those who deal with sex crimes against women – are female and are sexist.
They realize they have a lot of power and they ruthlessly use it to punish without trial those in their
care. Despite hard evidence to the contrary – my probation officer – Sarah Viner was internet on
pushing me over the proverbial edge of that mental cliff to oblivion. She – after interviewing me via
video linkbefore
I was sentenced I might add... recommended what was in effect a life sentence.
Its called an IPP or Indeterminate Public Protection order which is imposed on you for 99 years...
and you can remain in prison for all of your natural life. Her grounds were that I was because of my
religious beliefs and the nature of the offense “ dangerous to all women!”
It could also be because I had cut my hair like a Klingon and looked a bit like Charles Manson... but
whats that got to do with it?
During my time awaiting trial there have been 12 deaths in custody and one serious rape. There have
been countless incidents of self harming ( cutting wrists etc) – strokesheart
attacks etc... The
person who was anally raped by a black guy called Benson was transferred to another prison and I
doubt he will ever get out. The victim was bloodied and suffered a great traumaboth
physical and
emotional. Of the 12 people who have died in custody over the last 2 years 3 that I knew hanged
themselves or killed themselves because of the impossible demands made by these sexist probation
Barry Camwell, Christopher Wardally and Stephen Stoner ( I actually heard him rasping for air
at 4 am in the morning. He wanted to die.)
Two inmates – Barry and Christopher had less than 2 weeks to serve...even less...they simply could
not cope with the unreasonable pressures put on them by their sexist – prejudicial probation officers.
It was murder by Probation...nothing less than corporate manslaughter.
5. The Pretrial Process
This environment affected my mental and emotional well being. I was placed on suicide watch for
one year... that meant that every hour someone looks through a peephole to see if you've not slashed
your wrists or hung yourself up from the cell window... it was in this state that I went to trial... but
this is about the undue pressure that probation officers put on inmates...especially those who have a
sex offense or doubly so those who maintain their innocence.
There was one more event. A week before my trial an outbreak of what was initially thought as the
Nora Virus... (it
was like something out of a Hollywood movie... the whole place was locked down
and everyone was running around dressed in white and wearing masks...)
All those experiencing symptoms of diarrhea,fever were immediately quarantined for 3 days.
But even this was not the most frustrating experience of awaiting trial – according to local law
(English Law) – every prisoner is given supposed access to justice – this means or is supposed to
mean that he or she has the time and the facilities to prepare for trial. The Onslow Wing had a good
library. But the most frustrating thing of all is not being able to type out your instructions or making
legal phonecalls( which are meant to be confidential). You're banged up or inside your cell
sometimes for up to 23 hours a day.
Your solicitor visits you but theres never enough time to give your full intructionsyou
get usually
only one hour of consultation. My trial was a complex one with over 1000 pages or about 20 hours
reading time. And because legal aid is often minimal, your solicitor gets only a minimum amount of
time to focus on your case.
The final insult was the prejudicial evidence and bad character evidence allowed in court. Much of it
was a slur against my religious beliefs and had nothing to do with the index offense. Most of what
we requested in our pretrial statement was never followed or complied with by the prosecution. This
bad character evidence is actually what anyone says about you...without proof... in order to paint a
very black picture of you. Its called hearsay. Actually most of it is slander and in populist trials its
OK to slag off the defendant because of the nature of the offense. You don't have to prove a crime
has actually taken place.... all you have to do is to make people believe in a fantastic lieand
more fantastic it is … the better!
My time on remand awaiting trial was in fact a “ softening up “ process. You feel like your eyes are
blinded and your hands are tied behind your back... you fell helpless and extremely frustrated
because you have to somehow gather evidence from inside a high security prison to prove your own
innocence. Its supposed to be the prosecution proving your guilt. Its never like that with trigger
offenses. You're stereotyped . You're demonised. You're slandered and lied about. You have to deal
with the shame of your situation and the humiliation of suppression and oppression of your spirit.
You're made to look and to feel and think you're guilty even when you're in truth you're not.
You get battered with terrible lies – half truths – distortions and constant character you are” prepared “ for trial is disgraceful. The CPS do not care about truth or
about the human damage they cause...or even about justice..its all about percentagesstatisticstargetsbudgetsoutcomes...
results...and yes... of course... conviction rates.
They know exactly what they are doing.
They know by suppressing you in custody in collusion with the prison service – thats another
thing...(sometimes problem cellmates
are put in your cell to disturb your peace and unsettle you)
by battering your will to fight backby
wearing you down through psychological torturethey
try to
get you where they want you ...primed for execution! Its very very Stalinist...very Orwellian...very
1984. You feel like you're in a spell – like someone has cast a spell on you and all you can do or act
is in the way they – the establishment want you to act – and say and do... like a robot. Its like a
python squeezing all the life out of you.
Ive had to assert myself many times when perverted screws put inmates with AIDS and drug or
alcohol or mental problems with me. It was either that or sleep with one eye open all the time.
Its occultic...truly occultic...and this all before you have to face the music and dance...
In conclusion, form the time you get arrested to the time you are charged the entire system is
designed to put you in a vicegrip
and screw you until you bleed!...To punish you without trial...and
that is why many innocent people actually end up pleading guilty. Human rights means nothing and
even English Law is open to interpretation when it doesn't fit in with the case. Law is applied
however they want it to be applied. Never in letter or in spirit. The books are merely a guideline...
6. The Trial:
I've included this section because I think its relevant to the background of this subject. The added
punishment you are never tried for.
By the time you get to trial you feel like a stuffed chicken skewered on a stick like a kebab and
slowly roasted...around...and around... you feel like you're in a waking dream...a daymare. You're
told to show no emotion – just answer the question but when the questions are so outrageous and
you know the witnesses on the stand are lying – or acting and crying crocodile tears...when you
know you've been stitched up and you're on this runaway train...all you want to do is to go to sleep
and never ever wake up again... this is what you pray every day.
Each day of my trial I had to get up at 6am get
dressed and shave in my cell and then be put in a
“box” on the secure transport van. The box is about 1m by 1m by 2 meters high. It has a gap at the
bottom and the seats are a hard plastic. You can look out the windows but they cant really see you
because its tinted. I've been in these boxes for up to 7 hours at a time.
You are then stripsearched
and put in a cold concrete cell. The call comes through – and you're
double handcuffed to a guard and you come into the dock after a moment to collect yourself. You
feel intimidated as all eyes turn to you. The bad guy!... Then the jury pretends not to look at you ( its
what they've been told to do like the sheep most of them are)... and everyone waits in silence for the
main man...the judge!
My trial was an absolute farce...and I'll deal with it in more detail at a later stage. My experience
however, even before I came to this point was the punishment no man should ever have to endure in
a civilized country. To see people you spoke to only yesterday hanging from a bedsheet in their
cell... to see your life going up in smoke all around feel alienation from your friends and
family – people you thought you knew. To feel like a leper – a pariahan
outcast...can destroy many
a mans soul. To listen to lie after lie and seethe with anger so much that you have the capacity to
start World War Three. To go through all this punishment – without trial...this is hard to bear...even
harder when you know in your heart you are completely innocent. It will break even the hardest
man. To not even be allowed to have a photograph of your own children to warm your heart. This is
cruel. This is unusual. This is inhuman.
But in the end , my ego and my faith in God got me through it all. Something inside of me so strong
which I cant put my finger on...kept me going... (perhaps my spirit)...something said: “ you're better
than them!” All I wanted to do was to die and sleep with my ancestors.
However, In two years of hell and horror I ended up on anti depressant medication. My hair turned
white. I lost weight and fitness. And most of all... I nearly died of a broken heart. But
someone...somewhere on this planet wanted me to live... someone – somewhere wanted me to live
through this baptism of fire to tell my story to the world.
Ive written two plays and about 3 books. I've won the Governors Art Prize and gained a Journalism
Diploma. I've converted or transformed my anger and passion into art and poetry. But this doesn't
alter the truth...the system is rotten to the core and needs urgent reform. Punishment without trial is
a crime against justice itselfnever
mind humanity.
7. The Media
In England there are two kinds of print media. The first and most popular is the tabloid press. The
second more serious and factual. The popular press serve the mostly semiliterate
masses and dish
up their daily garbagedirt
and opinionated bigotry. I call it secular extremism. Some of the worst
offenders print anything that sounds sensational. They are past masters at telling half truths and even
blatant lies in order to sell their papers. Freedom of the press means unless you have the capacity to
fight them in courtie
the money... they can print anything they want.
If Rome had Nero, you can be sure that the British Media would have been the mouthpiece of the
I can just imagine the headlines of the Roman Sun : “ CHRISTIAN FANATICS BURN ROME!”
Propaganda is about brainwashing not
truth. The fact is as a prisoner with no access to the Internet
you feel powerless to refute the lies. Although there is the Press Complaints Commission ( PCC)they
are practically useless and dance to the tune of the Establishment.
The arresting officer DC Wedger had a good relationship with his local rag ( cash for stories)and
probably with other hacks in the gutter press. Its all part of the sick sadistic mindset that pervades
those who hate Christians in this country. Secular Extremists. Free Mason Fanatics.
The sick thing about DC Wedgers behavior is that he felt it was all part of his perverted punishment
without trial and stitch up priviledge. To hand me over to the tabloid media by spitting vitriol to the
court reporters(
who I'm sure gave him a cut for his inside knowledge)... it was all so obviously
ignorant and so Nazi... “ make a lie fantastic – out of this world and the gullible sheep will lick it up
like milk. “
But if you tell the truthyou're
not believed. The trick with writing these hack reports is to make
more insinuations and catch your readers dark imagination...and lust for sex and ultra violence
religion cocktails sell papers like hell! All the time – every time. Thankfully this
smalltime reporter stayed small time. Even the national gutter press weren't that interested in my
story in all its detailalthough
I did make the Scottish Nationals for some reason...maybe they like
that kind of thing...who knows? But down south it only made the Chat Maga
tabloid magazine
aimed at sexually frustrated suburbia women and a few local rags like the Harrow Times.
But nowadays with electronic media damage control these days is difficult. A bad news report stays
on Google for years and basically ruins your reputation even when you leave prison and get
exonerated or complete your sentence. There is no privacy anymore unless you live off the grid. If
anyone googles your name and reads the defamatory trash they are more than likely to believe it...
This is what I call adding salt to the wound...and also constitutes punishment without trial. With
trigger offenses on the net your name can be dragged through the mud and theres little if anything
you can do it....”Resistance is futile when you deal with the asswashing
crew....” at the end of the
day... its all about relationship – people who know you will do business with you if they believe in
you...have faith in you!
The rest don't matter. They are all shallow shells. If you let people take away your dignity and self
respect ; you become a social leper...a pariah...outcast...loser..IFWhen
stupid people make stupid
accusations its bad – when stupid newspaper reporters write lies and libel your name ...thats...wait
for it....
Simples. There is NO accountability for bad journalism. None. I believe there is a way to name and
shame these people. The internet is a powerful resource. One day there will be a revolution in the
justice system...and perhaps we will have online cyber trials. One day those who abuse their office
will be exposed for the despots and liars they truly are. One day you , the people will be the jury –
and not the media or the courts … or the lynch mobs on council estates. One day sanity and
rationality will prevail ...what garbage is printed in the tabloid press proves what gross manipulation
and ignorance exists in the mainstream...
Until that day of reckoning comes however, all I can do is to do exactly what Trotsky did in exile...
set the record straight detail by detail....point by point...
Paul R. Denton
It is those who read it that decide who the winners are and who are the losers.
“ Messiah Faces Prison for Womans Multiple Rape Ordeal”
October 22nd – Harrow Observer
I quote: “ A preacher who hailed himself as the messiah and repeatedly raped a young woman on
seven consecutive nights faces years behind bars.”
Riposte: First and foremost ; I have never...never called myself the messiah. That is blasphemous
libel. Secondly, the young woman wasn't a faceless member of the public....someone in the bushes...
it was my wife of 12 years. And finally I certainly did not rape my wife seven nights in a row. This is
not true.
“ Paul Denton , 45 of Edison House , Barnhill Road Wembley, changed his name to Lord Denton by
deed poll and claimed he was sent by God to save the people of Daventry , Northants.”
Riposte: This shows how irresponsible the secular extremist press are and has become. By giving
the address of my ex girlfriend Ms Kennedy, they are putting that persons safety at risk. It is also a
violation of the data protection act. In this gonzo journalism places and events are linked out of
context to justify what they have said and their argument. Its like saying...” I jumped over a fence I must be a horse....thats how logical and rational the thinking is.
Yes, I was in Daventry as an evangelist and missionary. So what? Yes, I was sent by God to share
the gospel message. And what?...that was in 2002. It was only in 2007 when I was living in London
that partly as a joke, and partly as a statement of my faith in the Kingdom of God and our positions
in it that I decided to manifest that in the world by changing my name... SO WHAT! And as for the
messiah reference... that was a logo on my Nikes... big deal! I love my MessiahJesus
Christ of
But that doesn't make me a wild and crazy rapist messiah...! Article 9 and 10 of the Human Rights
Act ( HRA) provides for freedom of expression and freedom to practice ones religion. I don't have to
and will never justify my spiritual beliefs...I am what I am.
“ As the guilty verdicts were read out Denton repeatedly asked for the opportunity to address the
jury at Inner London Crown Court on Monday. But this was denied by Judge Mervyn Roberts, who
has postponed sentencing until December 7th – as he was led down to the cells ; he shouted:
“ Hallelujah!Jesus
Christ is Lord! Read Matthew 24!”.
Riposte: TRUE. But this I expected. I wanted to say to the jury that they have been conned – and I
hope they will sleep better knowing they have orphaned 3 small children and 80 children in Africa
that I was supporting. In the end I just shouted out all my frustrated feelings of the entire modern day crucifixion in a biblical verse. Its better to be salt and light than wishy
washy anyhow. Those who are interested will read itfree
publicity for Jesus!For
me it was a
spiritual victory as I finally understood the mystery of the “ holy place” which is the judgment
seat ...and the abomination of desolation which is the Antichrist counterfeit kingdom. I'm a
theological scholar since I learned to read at age 6...and the mysteries of God are what interests me.
It showed that the establishment wanted to shut me up and this I was to use in my appeal at a later
stage. The judge shot himself in his own foot. It was pure theater ...all the way!
“ Denton first met his victim in 1996 at a Rainbow Gathering in France , when she was 19 and
Denton , also known as Robin, was 33. During one violent incident he had head butted her in the
face and in another he pulled her down the stairs by the hair and throttled her. The woman said: “ I
thought he was going to kill me. It was hell on Earth. “
Riposte: Once again the “ victim” is impersonalized. She was my wife. We did meet at a Rainbow
Gathering in France. And yes, there was an incident where I lost control and head butted herbut
was not intentional and it was a reaction at seeing her abuse my son. Living with a “ she devil
sometimes life was impossible. We were living in one room in social housing and working 247.
had a tendency of pinching my children's arms and even eyes. I was abused as a child and when she
did that I was so shocked I headbutted
her. I was tremendously sorry about it afterwards and
She forgave me and even joked about it. We even used it as a secret greeting between us later on in
our marriage. There was no ill will. I forgave her and she forgave me. Thats what marriage is about.
As for pulling her down the stairs with her hair and throttling herthat
was a blatant lie. A story.
In fact that particular incident was relating to when I had a fight with her father and he was beating
on me! None of that came out in the trial. Regarding the hell on earth remarkthat
was in relation to
living on a terrible estate called Southbrook in Daventryand
her exact words on the stand was
relating to life on the estate not our marriagebut
it was misquoted by the court reporter.
90% of the time we were happy but we did have rows as any young couple with young children doand
there were specific issues that we were working through.
“ After another attack , Denton went to Russia for a month to customise a Zeppelin airship which he
said he wanted to use to spread the gospel. When he returned , Denton raped the woman for seven
nights in a row.”
Riposte: What utter nonsense! Firstly, why would I attack my wife? Go to Russia...and then just
come back and rape her? Duh! Did I think I was Rasputin or something?
Or some madman? How
journalists can print such nonsense is beyond me. What drivel. Yes, I
went to Russia to sign a deal
with an airship building company called Rosaero systemswhy?
Simple. I wanted to sell their
products in South Africa. So what???? I certainly didn't go and customize an airship to spread the
gospel ...I mean... where would I get $ 34
million dollars to do that? I was just a simple gardener
with a small start up media company. I'm not a millionaire...what crap.
As for the accusations....I was arrested and exonerated of child rape ( sic) in Februaryagain
false allegation by my liar ex wife. Why isn't she named for that? For lying? Why is she written in
the 3rd person? As if “ she” was some random figure in the millions? Again...this total slander
constitutes punishment without trial. WHY? Because they – the media(
owned by around a half
dozen big corporations) able to twist the facts? And they do. With total impunity... its
simply...because they can!
“ Before Denton knew the woman had complained to the police about raping her , he wrote on his
blog about it being a form of punishment.”
Riposte: Again...utter rubbish. My wife had told my father and me on two separate occasions even
before she signed her statement that she planned to fit me up and put me in prison as a form of
punishment and revenge for our failed marriage.
I had responded by saying that in jail if a man is accused of a child sex offense or any sex offense he
is a marked man...and the lowest of the low...and is – at least in America and South Africa raped in
the showers(
see blog comment Dr Jecklina & Mrs Hyde) – how was I to know she would actually
sink so low?
But this was the prosecution case. They twisted the facts around and tripped me up by using some
words I had written in a moment of madness and anger and frustration about my wifes
schizophrenia. I certainly don't see rape as a form of punishmentabsolute
“ Denton was found guilty of four specimen counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, seven
charges of rape and one of witness intimidation. He was cleared of one count of indecent assault of
a child under 13.”
Riposte: Of course they had to mention the charge I was found not guilty of...why? Because by this
time it didn't matter. To some its enough to be accused of a child sex offense to be guiltycertainly
in prison... as it happened the court recorder screwed up ( intentionally or unintentionallyI
do not
know) and recorded a guilty verdict on ALL counts!!!
It took 6 months of struggling to clear my namebut
Im still not allowed a photo of my chidlren....
or cardswhere
is the justice in that?
The media is calculated and used by the police and CPS as another form of punishment without
trial...because they can write anything they want and they know they can get away with it 99% of
the time...why? Because they know that you are in prison and you cant fight back since you either
don't have the money or cant get the case together from behind bars.
The whole strategy of those who decide which cases to prosecute and which not to do so from their
ivory towers in a room somewhere in Whitehall ( its a mysterious group of high ranking politicians
and secular extremist policy makersno
one knows who they are )....their aim is to punish without
trial without thought for the rights of the individual – to achieve what they want as part of
forwarding the political agenda of the New World Order.
And the media, the justice system and in fact all public parastatals work hand in hand with these
unbalanced religious extremists. It is the biggest threat to democracy and freedom we face in the 21st
Century in this country. Until I experienced it for myself I would never have believed it.
8. The Psychiatric Assessments:
Part of this pervading rot in your punishment without trial experience is of course … the psychiatric
assessment. To allay the guilt of the courts in their harsh sentencing of targeted enemies of the
state /establishment you are asked to comply with the indignity of a psychiatric assessment. What
this translates as is … “ lets demystify you – lets prove you're a nutter!”
There are two kinds of psychiatrists. The first kind are the ones who work for the court and thus for
the prosecution...the second are those who are alleged “ independent “ psychiatrists... I can honestly
say that most of them( not all) are snake oil salesmenI
have been assessed by several renowned
psychiatrists...( Dr H. Rutherford, Dr. Brown, Dr. Forrester, Dr. Singh, DR. Levy, Dr. Turner
and Dr.A. Grounds.)
All concluded that I do not suffer form any delusions about being or thinking I'm the messiah.
However, for the purposes of the court and to reinforce the prosecution case the assessment
normally has to look at you from the perspective that you are guilty of the crimes and what reason
motivated you to do where did the thoughts originate from...and what is the likelihood of
in the future.
An assessment by a qualified psychiatrist normally costs the taxpayer around £34000
– its a good
earner for the psyche. If the psychiatrist recommends a mental hospital you get sectioned or
committed indefinitely until you are deemed fit to rejoin society. Since the its all about coststhe
psyche will rarely section you.... it costs around £ 100 000 a year in a secure mental hospital per opposed to warehousing mentally challenged inmates in a VP wing for £45 000...
So as part of assessing dangerousness – this is what the quack ...Dr. Levy had to say:
“I am of the opinion that Mr. Denton is not suffering from a mental disorder within the meaning of
the Mental Health Act 1983.
Mr Denton does manifest low moods , which are primarily reactive to his ongoing circumstances ,
and have been adequately managed by the resources present within the prison setting.”
Riposte: WELL...You certainly dont have to be Sherlock blinking Holmes to realise this!- The truth
is I would go through days of very deep and dark depression. It felt like a wave – a kind of
emotional emptiness – like a dark cloud descending over me...when I feel it starting , all I can do is
to sleep on my bed and wait for it to just pass. Sometimes it would be minutes, sometimes
hours...sometimes days. You feel totally emotionally spiritually and mentally drained – in fact the
best way to express it is through a poem I wrote called “ Dreamless Sleep” ( see end of chapter)-
But to conclude, Dr. Levy's report ( which was 20 pages long) he recommended counseling,
forensic therapy and re education programmes...more punishment without trial... all to get you to
believe a lie and take on guilt that doesn't belong to you. Besides... how could I possibly be normal
after what the state did to my family? And this is what he had to say.... based on the way of
thinking...the mindset ...the psychology of the “we are always right “secular extremists...
“ Mr Denton primarily poses a risk of aggression towards a vulnerable adult who he might be in a
close relationship with … the potential victim in the future might be an adult with whom he forms
an enmeshed relationship of a controlling nature.”
Its like hes speaking over your some new age prophet...or guru...or preacher... how did this
quack make this conclusion? He simply read through some notes of a comment a South African
Female Therapist who didn't like me... in fact she was jealous because when I was in the healthcare
wing I got many her patients so listen to me. So she wanted to exert her power over me as a
healthcare worker and make one negative comment. As far as leadership skills are concerned I am a
natural born leader and I am totally unashamed about this.
However, in my situation in prison as a convicted prisoner...that is seen as a negative thing – a need
to control others so I can impose my will. This is just another part of the process of mental
punishment to undermine your self confidence. Another lie many feminist psychiatrists use for
alleged sex offenders in “ denial” is ...wait for it... “ he has feelings of inadequacy!”... that means
that you suffer from a small limp dick and you need some help to get it up... !- in the psychiatric
sense when it is used the doc thinks you're guilty.
You hear this word( “inadequacy”) again...and again..and again- in truth I submit that no one likes a
person who is rebel...a charismatic rebel that can motivate men! fight back!
Its all part of the wearing down- the emasculation of men – the constant reprogramming of society
from individualization to homogenization – from a place of responsibility and co-operation to
apathy and alienation... this is their vision.... “managed order!”
The state hates it when they get it wrong . Stalin had his falsification of history programmes; the
establishment in Britain- France- Germany and America have their grand master plan of a neweconomic
– social and secular humanist world order... its an entire religion in itself. “ Omni Pluribus
Secularam...”A godless society that puts the ego on the throne of the heart and self gratification as
their only aspiration. A spirituality that embraces spirituality but not God.
So if you're a good boy , you just get with the programme – if you're're classified as
dangerous. Militant feminism is not gender orientated, it is a philosophy embraced by men or
women. But even more than that it has permeated into the group-think by the psychiatric profession.
Rape is an act of violence...and it is a heinous crime- but what is rape? According to the legal
feminist expert Draper “ All sexual intercourse is violent , and therefore could be deemed : rape”.
But this of course is a silly argument. Rape is usually understood as an act of penetrative sexual
intercourse that is committed against the express will or consent of the alleged victim. Does this
consent have to be verbal? Not necessarily. Any act of sexual intercourse that is committed against
the “reasonable consent” of the alleged victim is rape. That never happened in my case. My wife
consented both verbally and physically to anal sex...period. She was not raped.
It was and is the militant feminazi argument used on a vulnerable adult in that womans refuge in
Croydon that convinced her she was raped. The Draper Argument.
The great travesty of our modern society is the creation of a “ victim culture” . Not once throughout
my ordeal of being punished without trial was I thought of as a victim....I was always the
perpetrator and therefore without rights. I endured everything the system threw at me stoically
because deep down I knew I was innocent -
“ I am of the opinion ,that the offenses were primarily stemming from aggression rather than
underlying sexual deviancy. Its quite possible that there is an element of unexplored deviant sexual
fantasy that found sublimation in the sexual aggression, ..which needs to be explored further in the
course of psychotherapy.”
Riposte: Sex is all about fantasy. Some women like rough sex- aggressive hard sex...and my wife
was no exception!...I was her first sexual partner- Ive bedded over 200 women and I think Ive
explored just about every possible deviancy imagiable. No one ever...ever cried “ rape” no one!
Once again this doctor makes wild assumptions and thats all. All he has is a paper degree in a
science that at best is fallible. At worst has ruined countless lives with electric shock therapy and
I had a normal- healthy sexual relationship with my wife. Her inexperience got the better of her at
times and she wanted me to teach her... I did... but it was her paranoid psychosis and bipolar
disorder that demonised me as the scapegoat of her own mental inadequacies ...full-stop. She simply
couldn't face her own demons and deal with them.
I find it really amazing how these quacks , these snake-oil salesmen sell their really
know what is inside the mind of a man you have to peel the many layers back one by one...slowly.
You cant make life changing conclusions after observing someone for minutes or even for hours....
its just nonsense. At best you can only surmise. But a good psychotic like my wife can hide her
illness well- until she flips out. And then its too late. After the fact.
It is quite amazing how this quack science has permeated into the justice system - it is quite
shocking and how unaccountable these two faced bastards truly are. L. Ron Hubbard was wrong
about a lot of stuff – but when it comes to this ...he was entirely right.
He wrote: “ psychiatrists are probably the most misunderstood profession of all. Their science does
not deal with the spirit or the soul and at best they have way too much power than they deserve.”
Anyone interested in learning more about the excesses of this quackery can Google the Freedom
Magazine. In conclusion , psychiatry like the present day criminal justice system is a science of
bestiality obese with power -creating new victims every day in the warehouses of Britains prisons
and perverted in its politics.
As if to confirm this, after one hours interview the learned the “learned “ Dr Stuart Turner MA
MD FRCP FRC Psch ...( LSD)...stated: “ his presentation now is somewhat unusual. I would not be
surprised to learn in the past he had experienced a psychotic episode. However, I have no firm
evidence to support this suggestion.”
Its amazing how stupid these guys are. I started with an open mind only to learn the best answers
are within yourself. With psychiatry it is best to say...” no comment”- psyquackery simply does not
work...and is at best...a guessing game. But its another weapon in the armory of the establishment to
punish you without trial.
The best you can do is get some free drugs to numb the boredom and the pain. By the way, the
above comment is about my haircut- ( I think I was in the klingon mode) – shave a half your hair
from the front to the unsettles people bigtime.
And the rest of the £4000 my solicitor paid to Dr Turner for an assessment -of a 40 page report was
a tome of inconsequential psycho -babble and double talk. He missed the key fact that I had been
admitted into the healthcare wing because of my post traumatic stress – I had of course been
stabbed and had a breakdown after that. This meant I would be under observation 24 hours a day for
2 whole months.
Dr. Turner was unbelievably stupid and certainly not worth the £4000 we paid him.
Although the prosecution was intent was intent on proving I was some kind of nut..they failed. They
failed because I had their number from day one. I was trained to deal with psychiatrists when I was
22 as a scientologist. For that I am thankful to L.Ron. And of course they failed to prove I had
some kind of Jerusalem Syndrome ( thinking I was Jesus) because I transformed my anger into
passion and prayed intensely – sometimes all night... and I documented everything. It was hardvery
hard but I wasn't going to allow the system to chew me up that easily. No way!
As Ive said before ...and Ill repeat; psychiatrists that work for the state do not care about you.
Period. They only care about keeping their jobs and reputations. Therefore, in any assessment they
always leave the proverbial door open to cover their own asses.
Psychiatry is not an exact science but similar to reading tarot cards. Most of it is a guessing game.
In its most evil form it becomes the surgeons knife to dispatch anyone deemed “ delusional” or
“dangerous”... and section them in a maximum security hospital like Broadmoor or Rampton...
forever. They have a lot of power in the prison system and in the justice system. Almost too much if
you ask me.
As you can see I was interviewed quite extensively by 8 different psychiatrists. Some independent,
some not. The best one was Dr Grounds who actually had a greater understand of multipolar
disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Generally, psychiatrists do not work for you but
against you. They do not do you any favors. They are not your friends. Having to endure the
interrogations constantly from healthcare workers,prison officers,doctors,mental health nurses,
therapists, psychologists and of course psychiatrists became another kind of onslaught ...a mental
and emotional onslaught... a punishment without trial. But top of the pyramid is the
psychiatrist...once he brands you in the are branded!
Each week for one and a half years I would have to sit in front of five professionals including the
prison chaplain and be quizzed with the same questions... whether or not I was going to kill myself
or not. This is called an “ACCT” review – in truth it was always done in the busiest times and all
the other prisoners treat you like a nutter. It was humiliating!
I detested it.
Finally, I realized how ridiculous this was – and I decided to stop seeing these peons of the
Establishment. If I was going to kill myself ...I realized – its better to be homicidal first instead of
suicidal.... that gave me some peace of mind...some solace. I could live with that thought.
9. The Gender Factor
Raw revenge stems from rage ...rage from injustice- injustice from greed- ego – power ...more
specifically; in my case...” cuntpower”- and that I say without prejudice towards women... men
my ex wife and her wicked sisters bewitched the bumbling brain dead detective with their feminine
charms and their occultic primal sexual powers ( I've seen it used at may Rainbow Gatherings)...this
is the ugly face of militant feminism- sexuality- spies like Mata Hari use it... advertisers use itauctioneers
use it... its a science as old as the hills.... a woman who want s revenge like my ex wife
will use anything and say anything with complete conviction...actually believing what she is saying
is true... and then heap the wrath of khan on her former beloved...she doesn't need to hold the knife
herself and stab me or to kill me with a gun....all she had to do was make the wildest – most
fantastic allegations possible – and use...her supernatural “Cuntpowers” to drive the lapdog copper
to do her sinister bidding...and he did willingly! My ex wife understood only too well the alpha
female – alpha male concept- I trained her on it)..In fact most of what she learned to destroy me she
learned from me!
Bill Clinton nearly lost his presidency to the wiles of Monica Lewinsky ( not officially but his lame
duck status was cemented by the affair)– it must be noted here that I have witnesses to prove my
wifes sister flirted with DC Wedger bribed him with gratuities the same day or the following day of
February the 5th , 2008. Sh used her deceptive feminine charms like Salome- as a sexual weapon to
ensure I got punished without trial like John The Baptist... She wanted my head on a silver plater
and she was willing to use her vagina -her tongue and her soul to achieve it...
Did she ever once consider the consequences of her actions? NO!...She was angry at me – so angry
that I wasn't the man she wanted me to be ...angry that I expressed my love and my attention that
she carved... to my daughter Anastasia-and sadly – to my internet world parallel alternative
reality. My wife determined to use her best weapon to exact her diabolical plan only a woman
can do... to stitch me up... her sex. The gender factor.
She had always said – confessed in fact with threatening words: “ I can put you in jail anytime I
LIKE with ONE single word.... JUST ONE WORD!
And she made good on that threat – why? Why go to so much trouble and cause so much
trouble ...why? Because it was and still is primal sexual cuntpower versus primal penuspower... it is
Freudian...but very true. At the heart of this sex-game was the desire for me to want her... and if I
DIDNT WANT HER , SHE WOULD MAKE SURE I WOULD PAY... that I hated her with all my
being by destroying everything I held that I would become so embittered that living a
normal life would be impossible... and no other woman would want me – this is at heart , the
nerve...the root of the force she released a volcano of spite... scorn... hatred... towards me...its
evident in her very long statement which we will go into on the next chapter. And the strange thing
about it all was that in court she was turned on by this torture of me... it actually turned her on! - it
was a theater a drama of the use of cuntpower that made me want her but never have her... and this
mindgame she was playing was another form of punishment without trial... this is how she used
the gender factor to win the war against me...( or at least the first round)- in fact there are never
any real winners in a marriage and family breakdown. In most circles this is a taboo subject- the
gender factor- and not very talked about... but needs to be.
She unleashed this power which had a knock-on effect right through in my dealings with females in
the establishment... this Jezebel spirit that manifested itself and unified itself in the prosecutor, the
probation officer,the social workers,the hostile witnesses, my own barrister and even the judge. Did
she ever once think about the effect it would have on our children? No.
This is why people use the derogative word “cunt” as a swear word to mean someone without
morals or conscience or ethics...
It was in this climate that the authorities stepped inside our family life to minister the most
unkindest cut of all...
10. Divide and Rule:
“Find out what a man loves most and attack it; ( and you will have your will win)...”
Sun Tsu- The Art of War.
The first concentration camps were not in Germany but in South Africa. I visited this place just
northwest of Durban in a small town called Howick. During the Second Boer War the British came
head to head with the guerrilla tactics of the Afrikaner Boers...The British were losing the war.
Finally, Lord Kitchener or Lord Milner and their vassals dreamed up the idea of a concentration
camp – it could have even been Churchill. Warehouse the women and children and the Boer would
lose his support structure. It became total war.
The military tactic of divide and rule goes way back to ancient Rome and before...even to
Alexander the Great...but the British who picked up the mantle of imperialism and conquest took
cruelty to another imprisoning more than 28 000 women and children in camps. The men
in the bush were disorientated and fought on half heartedly. The tactic worked. It came at the behest
of Queen Victoria and parliament to find a speedy way to end the that gold and diamonds
could be mined and the establishment could make bags of cash... My great great grandfather fought
against the Boers. Thousands died in the camps. The Afrikaner became demoralized.
It was a war crime for which the Boers have never forgiven the British. Hitler took the idea to
another level with his extermination camps in Auschwitz and Dachau and other camps.
This divide and rule principle is what the police and baby snatching social services ...wait for it...
the SS.... use to intimidate and breakdown their targeted victims.
I have copies of the Cris reports ( police notes) – interviews with the children and loads of other
materials which show beyond reasonable doubt how cruel and inhuman the treatment of the police
and the social services were towards my family. Are they ever accountable? Now way... they will do
as they always have done... “ wash each others ass!”
Britain has never apologized for using women and children in this abhorrent manner to win the
second Boer War in 1902. And they probably never will as long as the Establishment rule.
The major problem with the way the regime in Britain thinks – the “ powers that be”is that it is
archaic- Victorian and imperialistic...
Fathers have no right – men have no rights – Christians & Muslims have no rights...and the illiterate
have no rights... in the sense we are divided and desensitized.... and dis-empowered...The truth is
animals are more equal and women even more so than men in this are way down the
list. There is a silent gender war going on every day all over this land. Men are being punished for
the past...because they are men... because they are male. And so are Christians ...and anyone who
fundamentally believes in God.
There is less and less equality now than ever before – but there is another slant to this horror story...
the children.... and this takes punishment without trial to a whole new level!
What paranoid sick mind puts their own flesh and blood through the trauma of a Crown Court trial?
What evil mind allows a painful, intrusive, humiliating and traumatic medical examination of their
own daughter on a whim?
What fascist mind forcibly breaks all contact with their living- loving father and grandparents...?
what indeed. There was not ONE shred of evidence of any sexual impropriety beyond a dream form
God( sic) – Not one valid reason to put 3 innocent children through this hell.
Yet this was done was done “ in the best interests of the children”
My children loved me. And I them.
I WAS THEIR DADDY- THEIR HERO ...psychological violence is always worse than physical...
and yet the police – the social services even the pastor ...and my wife had already acted as judgejury
and executioner...
The “professionals” at the child abuse investigation unit/team ( CAIT) believed they could crack
me- break me – like they did with the Afrikaners... ( Statistically most people charged change their
plea to guilty to avoid pressure son their families- especially in these kind of cases)- even if they are
totally innocent.
They not only used sex as a weapon but also the children....just like Lord Kitchener and his fascists.
By dividing you rule because you force your opponent into a position of weakness... even Jesus
said: “ a house divide cannot stand!”
Time will tell to what extent this punishment without trial will affect the emotional and
psychological development of my children. I am sure when they are old enough to question and to
reason and to decide ...they will. It all depends on how much they have been brainwashed and
poisoned. Children need their fathers as much as they need their mothers. Families need Fathers. Its
a fact.
The major cause of a Broken Britain is the dysfunctional family – and the emasculation of the male
in society in the media and in the marketplace...AND in the justice system. Equality- fairness- and
justice have become illusions... fading dreams. Children are affected by marriage and family
breakdowns.... and of course divorces...
but what my ex wife did was far far worse... she dragged two of my children through that process of
arrest- investigation- separation- cross examination and trial. My daughter Anastasia was only 8
years old. My son Jeremias only ten years old. What the British government did to my family was a
crime.. a crime against humanity. It will affect them for years to come...I was refused all contact –
even birthday and Christmas Cards- even my own father and mother was refused all contact – and
they had nothing to do with our break up.
This whole nightmare experience has robbed them of a normal family life and is a clear violation of
article 8 of the HRA. But does the state care? If they say they do...well its empty rhetoric...just
words to assay their guilty feelings... if they say its not their problem..well they're in denial.
Divide and rule ...Punish & Fool !-these are the tools used to pervert the course of justice, punish
without trial...and to be very frigging cruel!
11. Personal Loss: Conclusions
The greatest punishment however for me over the last two years was not my disgraceful trial and
wrongful imprisonment – nor was it being stabbed – slandered- libeled-poisoned- tormented and
beaten... I could even handle losing my private property, my family , home, business, money and the greatest personal loss was far deeper than that. It was in the knowledge that part
of ME- my essence... my identity...had been stolen.
In its place was bitterness, anger, frustration...hate. This personal loss for me was not even in the
deterioration of my mental and physical state... yes, I had become a chain smoker, lost incredible
amounts of weight...and yes... my hair had turned white...and I had become unfit and developed a
hernia...and my eyesight had deteriorated so I needed glasses-all of this was a great punishment
...but the greatest personal loss to me was in the loss of faith in other people faith in the justice
system... and my belief in the church of Christ.
It was born again Christian that had betrayed their faith and had lied under oath... to put me in
prison. It wasn't just my ex wife. It was other Christians! My wife in essence was my disciple-she
knew and had experienced all of the miracles, signs and wonders- just as Judas Iscariot had... she
did -and for me I felt like Mel Gibson on the battlefield in Braveheart when he was playing William
Wallace. Betrayed by his king – he just lay there and wanted to die- unable to move or to function
or to think properly.
I had been betrayed by the woman I loved. And this was...and is for me the greatest personal loss of
all...this brutal betrayal. Like a knife through my heart twisted... As Stalin was Trotsky's nemesis –
my beloved wife Ewelina- the love of my life...had become my nemesis... my Judas... betraying me
with a kiss!
Our story was a great tragedy. But an even greater tragedy was the subsequent exploitation of the
Establishment in our family dispute. For their own political gain. This exploitation had one aim... to discredit me and my faith and to destroy my love for Jesus. The nexus of this
persecution was about destroying me...what I believe in...what I love.... and who I am. To turn me
into an animal or an unbeliever... a best... a man of war... a war with himself like Sir
Lancelot with his divided love for King Arthur and Queen Guenevere.
This theft of my identity was for me my greatest personal loss and most poisonous punishment
without trial. I could handle everything else.
Let the reader judge if I deserved this purgatory. This torture. In law,a person who is charged and
convicted of a crime is usually punished with the loss of his liberty. Thats it. Believe me- thats
punishment enough- He doesn't lose his basic human rights. This is what makes us different to
savages and brutal regimes.
This is the cornerstone of our civilization and democracy and common humanity....t
the vindictive forces of persecution and prosecution turned the judicial process into a Science of
Bestiality & Political Machinations. The Establishments use of Machiavellian Methods to push
me over the edge into the abyss almost worked. Its machine of mass destruction is what fuels the
entire public service...misery and crime do indeed pay in 21st century Britain.
In the end what saved me was my art- my wordsmith skills and the Supernatural Grace
of God through constant inner prayer. Amen. (I used to pray the Jesus Prayer day and night. )
This is a Persian styled poem called “ghazal”that won me £10 quid in a competition when I was in
prison. – I wrote this to describe my feelings on incarceration as I travelled through his
metamorphosis of pain to a place where hope could be found... from anger –
hate-bitterness-despair-depression-frustration to love-life-positivity-LIGHT. That place.
A place where what remains is not reconciliation or restoration...but a place of forgiveness. It is and
always was my greatest biggest mountain …
DREAMLES SLEEP by Paul R. Denton
Wandering into night , drifting into deep-deep dreamless sleep,
Day after day , deep calling unto deep – deep dreamless sleep,
Hypnotic awakenings , shambolic shakenings of sleep -sleep- sleep...
I call again and again , evermore again for deep dreamless sleep-
Inside my cell, my tomb, my bubble, my womb- my keep-keep-keep,
I lose myself in dumbing – draining -deadening dreamless sleep,
Wishing for death, wishing for tears to weep- weep- weep,
Traveling through time and space in wasted deep,deep dreamless sleep,
Mindless matrix machinations- counting the sheep-sheep-sheep,
Never dead – never alive – never awake- never asleep...
This is my life, listening to the walls coming : creep-creep-creep,
Eternity unfolds, I am here but cold, longing for deep-deep dreamless sleep!
What a Good Read - Hope all is good now