It is time to fight violence with peace and guns with pens - bullets with words and terrorism with good ideology..good ideas vs bad ideas. Imperialism and democratic dictatorships do not work in the long run..there comes a time when you need to let go of the pointless rhetoric and embrace the chaos and fight the evil ideology that is the wrong thinking...and in this way-this way... you will WIN the war! Can I get an amen?
Ok so here goes...wade through these definitions and then I will give you my take on it and my experience:
First some wikidictionary definitions. Some can be expanded on and I will do so - but here they are.
True religion begins in the heart... and is sanctified in the mind and expressed in the world. A man of God seeks peace and reconciliation and when he doesn't find it - or if he needs to defend himself from evil ideology... ( people are not evil- ideology is)- it s only then that you take up the sword... the Western secularist extremists are not helping their cause by spreading their evil ideology or using the local media to get more disciples... this is what Hitler did.
truth is truth is doe not change because of whoever is in power or whoever pulls the strings... truth is truth.And that is where we are now ...on a journey of truth. A war on ideology has replaced the war on terror because you cant tell the pigs from the men... or the men from the pigs and this animal farm has become truly aberrant. IT STINKS!!!!
From Latin saeculum era, age.
secularism (countable and uncountable; plural secularisms)A position that religious belief should not influence public and governmental decisions
The related political belief in the separation of church and state
muslim mean believer.
‘islām, “submission”).

Circa 1590, from Latin Christianus, from Ancient Greek Χριστιανός (Christianos), from Χριστός (Christos, “Christ, anointed one”) + -ιανός (-ianos, “of, related to”); as if Christ + -ian.
A believer in Christianity. [quotations ▼]
An individual who seeks to live his or her life according to the principles and values taught by Jesus Christ.
(Can we verify(+) this sense?) One born in a Christian country or of Christian parents, and who has not definitely becomes an adherent of an opposing system.
from the stereotype of Jews as scheming merchants. Compare gyp (“swindle”) (which is probably from gypsy (“Roma”)), and welsh (“swindle by defaulting on a debt”), from Welsh.
From French idéologie, from idéo- + -logie (equivalent to English ideo- + -logy). Coined 1796 by Destutt de Tracy.[1][2] Modern sense of “doctrine” attributed to use of related idéologue (“ideologue”) by Napoleon Bonaparte as a term of abuse towards political opponents in early 1800s.
ideology (plural ideologies)
Doctrine, philosophy, body of beliefs or principles belonging to an individual or group.
The study of the origin and nature of ideas.
From Latin idea (“a (Platonic) idea; archetype”), from Ancient Greek ἰδέα (idea, “notion, pattern”), from εἴδω (eidō, “I see”).
idea (ideas or rare ideæ)
(philosophy) An abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations; pure essence, as opposed to actual examples. [from 14th c.]
(obsolete) The conception of someone or something as representing a perfect example; an ideal. [16th-19th c.]
(obsolete) The form or shape of something; a quintessential aspect or characteristic. [16th-18th c.] [quotations ▼]
An image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory. [from 16th c.]
The mere idea of you is enough to excite me.
More generally, any result of mental activity; a thought, a notion; a way of thinking. [from 17th c.]
Ideas won't go to jail.—A. Whitney Griswold (1952)
From Old French terreur (“terror, fear, dread”), from Latin accusative terrorem (“fright, fear, terror”), from terrere (“to frighten, terrify”), from Proto-Indo-European *tre- (“to shake”), Proto-Indo-European *tres- (“to tremble”).
war on terror or war on ideology?

Islam actually means according to them - submission to God... peace with God... and in fact jihad is the 6th pillar of Islam sanctioned by Mohammed if the faith needs to defended- but it is a corporate strategy not necessarily the duty of every individual radicalized Muslim- again- some people will disagree with this definition- but ask yourself this question...what if you believed in peace...and a drone blew up your wife and children in mutilated bits and pieces... how would your ideology change? so who is the terrorist here? the secularist extremist or the Islamic extremist? who chops off a soldiers head on the streets of London... answer: BOTH ARE WRONG.
I believe that the war on terror is officially over. We are entering a NEW phase of terrorism and the war on terrorism which is completely different to the one that has passed.
It is no longer an entity or a body that we who believe in peace and love are entering... it is a WAR OF IDEAS. and more specifically ... a WAR OF IDEOLOGY.
Osama Bin Laden and his cronies, Al Qaeda and its satellites are all illusions... SMOKE AND MIRRORS... the Western secularists have been running around like headless chickens not really understanding the GREAT GAME AT ALL...and that is another completely different subject.
Ex secretary of state Mr Ruben?- during the Bush administration- after 9-11 said it was a "war of civilizations"... and George Bush coined the phrase "war on terror" and " axis of evil" WHICH SADLY TO SAY... IS NO LONGER A BELIEVABLE SOUND-BITE.
The only way to win any kind of terrorist war is to win in the realm of the mind and the heart. There is no other way for those who do not value life or do not fear death.
At the same time... why I say ideology is that in order to WIN this war for the heart of humanity... and the mind of humanity... any philosophy must have MORAL AUTHORITY.
And sad to say... America and Britain has really lost that moral authority of righteous outrage ever since the twin towers...
many dictators are pretty stupid and they lose the war by losing the moral authority and they in fact shoot themselves in the foot...
Hitler did it with the jews... Saddam Hussein did it "achmidinnerdad" lost it with his rhetoric against BLOWING Israel OFF THE MAP- and Qaddafi lost it with his threats of Benghazi...
But OBAMA-...OBAMA has lost it with the terror caused by the indiscriminate drone attacks ON CIVILIANS -and failing to close Guantanamo TORTURE CAMP as he promised in 2009. IT IS A POCKMARK ON THE HISTORY OF SUCH A GREAT COUNTRY AND AN OTHERWISE GREAT PRESIDENT.IT IS EVIDENCE THAT OBAMA IS INDEED A PUPPET.
Muslims see Westerners as morally bankrupt...that is why you have things like Pakistani paedo gangs abusing English girls... they see us as morally bankrupt and " fair game"...
on the other hand... the secular extremists controlled by the Illuminati and the bilderbergers seek global domination and cant handle that they cant control hearts and minds .... they want everyone to " get with the programme" and if you don't ...well you're a terrorist or you're an enemy of the state...OR YOU'RE A NUTTER...!-
-and if you DO have the moral authority they will USE the system to fit you up- how? SIMPLE... THEY RUN IT...THE JUSTICE SYSTEM, THE SOCIAL SERVICES SYSTEM...EVERYTHING...
But we are right now entering a new phase of the so called war on terror - which is already redundant- whereby individuals of ones , twos, threes and fours get radicalized on the Internet- and don't need to travel to some flea bitten desert camp in Somalia or Afghanistan to get training... they simply get trained to be a terrorist ... they were getting trained to speak English or learn physics...
Anyone can write a book on successful terrorism and publish it online...
its terrorism online... and its about ideas... arguments and ideology...virtual terror camps...get it...its a new phase... a new kind of war.kapish?
MI 5 NEEDS TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE. If you're going to beat this new wave of terrorist ...the war must be fought to demolish arguments... UNDERMINE WRONG THINKING...Lets look at other places than the middle east or central Asia...
East AFRICA IS becoming a hotbed for terrorism because of intellectual sheiks appearing on TV in Zanzibar undermining what the Word of God says and proving Islam is a superior ideology... homegrown terrorists follow these arguments and are radicalized. ALL THE INFORMATION IS OUT THERE...YOU DON'T NEED TO BECOME A TRAINED TERRORIST ANYMORE... ITS A FREE FOR ALL...!
The truth is theres NOT enough Christian intellectuals and others engaging the concepts the radicals use to justify their actions... and again...
Christians keep quiet about the torture and rendition camps and the indiscriminate drone killings of women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan... the desecration of corpses , the rapes by soldiers etc.
Its all part of the disinformation...THE MEDIA BLACKOUT THAT IS SO OBVIOUS IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA COMPANIES... and until we get this right... we certainly wont have a hope in hell of stopping terrorism from coming to our front doors....
As JFK once said: you cant fool all the people all the time...we are not all robots.
and the politicians need to get their heads out of the new world orders ass and their agenda and grow some balls...they are answerable to the people not to the Rockefeller and Rothschilds of this world... no matter how much they think they are not...they are.
When a foreign policy does not work...change it...stop it...
or how do you plan to win hearts and minds by playing DEUS EX video games from Virginia? When you kill another human being remotely- you objectify the death of that person... it is not only is is not is NAZI!
How are we any differnet to them when we employ these kind of tactics?
Come on...
YES-the drone phenomenon is something that has happened and has " worked" and now its time to stop. its time to put money into peace and PEACE SCHOOLS... Like the Jerusalem Peace Academy......where is the funding for peace? nowhere... why? because war and suffering sells.Misery and crime... pay.
I've been working for peace for 30 years now. I have NEVER got a penny for it...but I've done everything on my own budget... and theres many of us who do peacework and try to fix up your warmongers messups...and broken lives... you destroy...we heal... where is your empathy?
To win hearts and minds... you need to get your ideology correct.
Ive worked all these years and sacrificed so much... for what?For nothing...
WHAT THIS WORLD NEEDS IS LESS GORE AND MORE HOPE! - or what do you think? What is more CALCULATING?... killing someone clinically or chopping off their heads in public?...
Its like buying something in a nicely wrapped package in the supermarket or butchering it yourself...we are disconnected with our food and almost surely disconnected with what horrors are going on in Afghanistan...
It still doesn't justify killing someone in cold blood... of course it doesn't... but thats what is happening in Asa- Iraq...Syria... Every day.
- the Germans thought they were being humane by killing Jews clinically in gas ovens... but when i visited Auschwitz I asked Myself : what kind of mind could create and design killing machines...efficient killing machines like this?...and i say the same about drones... efficient killing machines...what kind of mind could create such and evil method of killing...
-where innocent women and children are killed daily in the pursuit of the target and called ..." collateral damage"-
if this does radicalise...a moderate to becoming an extremist...what does? therefore, it is in the human mind that we must win this war...with HONESTY...WITH TRUTH...WITH LIGHT...WITH EQUILIBRIUM.
I recently spoke to some Palestinians who were being radicalized ...they said" in the old days ...Yasser Arafat would have given us a gun and said... go kill the Zionist!- nowadays our leaders... like Mohamed abbas fill their pockets with cash and do nothing about jobs- about peace- about freedom...they just talk...and talk and talk... and the youth suffer and suffer and suffer- unemployed and frustrated watching the flower of their young years get flushed down the toilet of indifference... corruption...conflict.
Of course dialogue is necessary...
and another boy said to me : robin, all i want to do is get on a bus and have an ice cream in tel aviv and see my Jewish girlfriend- go on the beach and a nightclub... I don't want to be stuck in this open prison...watching my people being humiliated every day...
and where does the idea begin to build a wall a prison camp or whatever... ?
it all begins with ideology... and where does the idea begin to blow yourself up in a nightclub and kill indiscriminately?... it comes form ideas and ideology...
the jew thinks hes superior... the muslim thinks hes superior...and the Christian - sits in the middle debating which is right...
But there is a fourth element in this war on ideology... it is the secularist extremist who makes the decisions to blow up civilians in Pakistan or Afghanistan... whose taskmasters are the rockefellers and others in the top of the pyramid...who have held the purse strings and the powerstrings...for generations...since napoleon or even before...
its the puppetmasters that run the show... and they watch us fighting... and they implement their own ideology...secularism...
because they hate anyone who says.... my God is right and your God is wrong.They want to bring the Antichrist to rule us all and unite all the spiritual powers and principalities...-but even if that were not true... its about global domination and the global government ...and the direction we are being led in... its time the puppetmasters release abundance on this earth...explode conspiracy theories and come to the light...if you want to do something about something... stop deceiving us all.
The waterloo principle is redundant. WE NOW HAVE INSTANT INFORMATION...ON TAP.But even then... somehow the global system was undermined until the stockmarket crashed at the top end of the financial bubble where the banks had to shed their leverage...
but this story -it is even more profound... it is about the right to rule... because of what is perceived supreme intelligence.
and the belief which is almost religious in its nature...that WE are right..we have the right to rule... and to control... because WE KNOW BEST... OUR GOD IS RIGHT AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG...
and yes, you can draw some of this from the free masons...but they are only the peons... its the global elite who really set the entire agenda...
I'm talking about toppling governments, media propaganda outlets trying to brainwash the masses , food control...oil...war machines etc...
and of course the banking system...
its all pretty common knowledge.
so what then do we do?
Ive been involved with Rainbow movement for 25 years now and thats what we do around a campfire...we talk...we get to know each other in the nature... natural enemies becoming common friends...
and it works... but do we get paid for it? not a fact we get persecuted for it by people who are simply ignorant.

no, to win this war on terror, we need to win the war on ideology... ask Ahmed Deedat and all those who try to win their arguments of superiority against Christianity and against the secularists...
But it must work hand in hand with the political will of the politicians and the financial will of the bankers... this is the way to win a lasting peace.
Its time to rethink our entire strategy.
" there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come!"
Ideas change the world... the spaceship going to the moon was an idea... building the pyramids began as an idea... it all begins and ends with ideas...and that is where we are now...
there is no more military solution between Islam and the West. Between Religion and Secularism.
It simply does not work.The war is over... or is it?- perhaps misery and blood-letting is such good business that we need to keep the whole world in poverty to pay for these expensive wars that achieve little or nothing and in fact create terrorists..radicalise whole villages at a time...
so WHO are the terrorists? WHO ARE THE CRIMINALS? ... Those who kill...or those who create the evil inhuman ideology?...or both?... society pays for the fracturing of its freedom. People will never - never believe anything the sun newspaper says when they know different...
if you are going to win this war on terror must win the war of ideology first. And indeed..recognise where you yourself are intolerant and aberrated... indeed the question and the answers all begin and end with the actions of those who act with courage...
but-maybe ... there is another way? The battleground of the human mind.
This is the only way to " win" any war.
war on terror or war on ideology- that is the question!
I thank you
Paul R Denton
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