Tuesday, 14 June 2016

For gods will... vote OUT!- we need to see through the lies... june 23rd... leave is the right thing to do.


The debate to LEAVE the EU is heating up and centering itself on immigration. But this is NOT the main reason for leaving the EU.

I will address this in due course. If you had spoken to me 10 years ago – or even 5 years ago...I would have said ..STAY... but the overwhelming facts speak for themselves that the BEST course of action for the BRITISH economy is to LEAVE the failed EU. IT SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK!

I am arguing for the LEAVE camp... BUT NOT on the platform of immigration. Immigration is GOOD for this country and makes business more competitive. No. We will continue to get people coming to the UK because of its stable economy and its infrastructure. Even TURKEY joining the EU doesnt bother me either... this is NOT the main reason to vote OUT. Even if we have a net migration of 330 000 per annum. Its not a reason to vote out. It is good for the economy. We simply have to extend our imaginations to cope.

But with cheap labour has come a new nightmare for everyone... workers rights.

Business needs cheap labour and workers rights under the zero hour contract has never been at its lowest as it is right now. The fact that there are so many people who are willing to be abused by the big corporate companies such as SPORTS DIRECT- AMAZON- DPD... is testament to the fact that the EU hasnt protected workers rights at all...this anomaly is only now coming to the fore. We need better workers rights for those who legally work here ..and the only way we are going to do that is OUT of the EU. We cannot live and work in a culture of FEAR- we are not a slave nation anymore... we need to respect and honur the rights of workers in the work place. Zero hour contracts don do that. Its the nature of the capitalistic beast to exploit...and the EU has failed to hold these rogue companies to account.

The EU had its chance …

However,the main reason I believe we need to leave the European Union IS because we can trade with other economic blocks and get better deals for ALL British consumers and traders. Our tariffs will be lower and our consumer goods will also be lower...giving us all more disposable income.

Case in Point:

  1. The Commonwealth. We created this bloc of nations representing millions – and we are in a good position to trade with this bloc IF WE LEAVE THE EU.
  2. BRICSI- Brazil- Russia-India- China-South Africa-Indonesia- Collectively this economic bloc represents... wait for it... nearly 3 billion people!... If we vote OUT... suddenly we are able to get better deals from all of those nations in goods, services etc. In the EU we don't.
  3. America- and ASEAN- specifically the special relationship we have with USA. We are ideally located to make better trade deals and this alone and be at an advantage with the EU.
  4. NORWAY and Switzerland. Both nations opted out of the EU but have retained a special status of trade with the EU..and movement... they chose RIGHT. Why? THEY CONTINUE TO TRADE AT PREFERCIAL RATES with the EU... eg Norway sells its excess electricity to Germany FROM its hydro electrical power stations.

But there are many more reasons …

  1. We spend nearly 1 billion pounds...a month....- and even if that is only half … we still pay out more than what we get back. This is money that IS impacting on public services such as the NHS- Defense and state pensions... We need to get control of public finances again. By VOING OUT..we will. This is about regaining controls of our spending, our migration,our laws and our economy ultimately.
  2. Currency speculation. Some people think by leaving the EU sterling will drop like a stone... rubbish..actually quite the opposite... the EURO will drop like a stone. It will eventually correct itself- until the next bail out-which YOU the taxpayer will have to handle- remember Gordon browns emergency economics......and that's why the city of London are shitting in their pants... we need to protect the pound by staying out of the EU.
  3. The MODEL of the EU is outdated. The EU cannot reform. It had its chance and its too corrupt... How is it that the capital is moved once a year? To Strasbourg? How much does that cost the UK taxpayer...? A completely unnecessary waste of money... we are talking millions of pounds.
  4. Unelected MEPs making decisions for the British people... that must change. They are not elected by the people... and they speak for you and me..that must end..and by voting OUT... we will get back our sovereignty.
  5. The Human Rights act will stay as it is unless the British PEOPLE throw it out. As a signatory to the act..we are still beholden to it...as we are to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... which we have signed... we are accountable- whether we like it or not... we have to abide by its dictate. Voting out will not change that fact.
  6. WE ARE LIVIGN IN THE 21ST CENTURY and the establishment will have to abide by the human rights act (HRA)-whether they like it or not!
  7. Freedom of movement- will carry on as it is. Why? Look at Switzerland... they have freedom of movement. Britain has always been in control of its borders. They have never been open like between France and Germany...never. Open borders will only occur when there is trust in the European experiment and its security.
  8. Tariffs and the Tipp AGREEMENTS... all of this can be negotiated for a position of power.-STRENGTH.. why because we trade – buy and sell from Europe and if they raise tariffs... we will too. NO QUESTION...in fact the nett trade between Britain and the EU is plus on their side... they export more to us... so there's no need to even talk about it...there will be no tariffs on goods exported from the UK... AND ..IF THEY DO... THEY LOSE OUT- NOT US.

But there is even a much more profound reason to vote LEAVE...

England has been a dominated and oppressed nation for 1000 years- EVER SINCE THE NORMAN LORDS STOLE THE LANDS FORM THE ANGLO SAXONS...... we need to find our own tribal destiny...as do Scotland- Wales and Ireland... and this is our chance to redress the injustices of the past 1000 years by voting leave... the elite who control the use of land and our resources will be directly accountable to the people. And this is why they are crapping themselves.. why? Because suddenly Westminster will not have so much power any more... or their Norman masters. Its tribal too. Its a apocalyptic meeting of history with the time of the where we are in this glocalised society. You cannot wipe away history or what our ancestors struggled for. If we vote leave then it will set off a remarkable chain of events... one that will eventually change the face of Britain as we know it. There will not be a United Kingdom anymore... it will be a Great Britain.

And finally, not only will sovereignty increase … but self determination... hope.

The truth is that the EU will become a confederacy of nations... or Europeane Confederation. EC... this will end all the baloney and bureaucracy and give the power back to the people again...

if you are afraid of that..then vote remain..and you will get more of the same... you will not evolve.

If however, you have worked it out by now … that why all these big hitters are saying stay... is because they have been instructed to. Look at Jeremy Corbyn... he was vehemently anti European... now he's the biggest proponent of the remain...

James Dyson the billionaire entrepreneur sees greater opportunities – as do many other business people... but the truth is... it will take time for it to feed into the system... but unless we vote OUT... we will simply have to put up with the status quo...

There are other reasons..cultural ..political...spiritual- emotional... and historical..not to mention economical etc..Africa will be better off if we vote out... why do we care? - because by voting out ..countries in the developing world will be able to export their goods and services at more competitive rates to the EU. We will also be in a stronger position to offer more educational services without restrictions. Indeed- if we develop their economy – they don't need to come here!

Now lets go back to 2008 –( the BIG CRASH....)AGAIN FOR ONE MOMENT... it was only 8 years ago... but it created a lot of pain for many people... and none of the elite really suffered...the same ones who are telling you now to vote to stay in...NO BANKERS WENT TO JAIL.

Ask yourself this question...when the banks failed ..who bailed them out? … when the EU fails...who will bail them out?...THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE TELLING YOU TO REMAIN.



This time say NO! …

No more... !!!


PS... to make Britain GREAT again we need to say to Europe... reform or die!- THE ONLY WAY FORWARD IS A CONFEDRACY OF NATIONS...one that will eventually include all nations all over the world.

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