Thursday, 2 July 2015



30 British citizens on holiday on the beach got gunned down in cold blood. They went to Tunisia to support the local tourist industry – and didn't go somewhere else. They went to spend their time and their money to have a break. They didn't have prejudice towards ANY Tunisian national. In fact if they did they could have gone to a Christian country like Greece or Portugal… but instead… they went to a Muslim country.

So what then is David Cameron going to do? What is the right thing to do?

If this about combating poisonous ideology- as I have repeatedly is in other blogs… then how do you fight an almost invisible enemy? If this is a WAR ON IDEOLOGY- how do you fight it?
First of all- you fight it on the home front.

The double standards that exist in British society should be addressed. One of these is the alleged freedom of speech that the media says is all important to democracy… This is partly true. When the tabloid press prints things that offend Christians as well as Muslims...and continually get away with things like inciting religious hatred, phone hacking and sexualising events ...if the media doesn't follow responsible journalistic practises – and after all of the inquiries… there's still no real change.
A newspaper can say anything they like about you...and they can get away with it- why because the PRESS Complaints Commission is toothless.

The government needs to CLAMP DOWN on racist secularist journalists.

Another issue is the justice system. By abusing human rights and human rights judgement you lose the moral high ground. The courts in this country still do not think much of the Human Rights Act. You can get stitched up with ANY false allegation and due legal process can be violated – simply because there is a political agenda to suit a certain voter group. I speak of course about fake sexual allegations which are used to neutralise any enemies of the state…

Introduce lie detectors and give liars the same sentence as the people they allege abused them. All must be equal before the law. Not some. This gender injustice and inequality is wrong. We should ALL have equal rights- black or white- male or female… and that also means ..equal punishments.

These double standards in the law and in the media only help to shore up the ideology of SHARIA LAW and the rightness of Islam. WE NEED TO INCREASE LEGAL AID AND GIVE PRISONERS CONJUGAL VISITS AND THE RIGHT TO VOTE.

We need to be seen to be fair and just in our dealings with all our citizens.

The next thing we need to tackle is secular humanism. If the majority of this country believe in God – why then is there THEOPHOBIA? - like homophobia… theophobia- islamaphobia-christanophobia and anti Semitism has its roots in the undermining of the 3 monotheistic faiths.Secularists seem to think that God is not important- that the people cannot be trusted to make “ important” decisions of national security – or in fact anything else. We need to reform our democracy. Renovate it.
We live in a free country where we can express ourselves… we do not need to curb our hard fought freedoms – we need to increase our freedoms and increase our democracy- thats what and why Norway only gave Andreas Brevik the killer of all those people in OSLO...22 years in prison. Lets not keep paying for foreign criminals to stay at £30 000 per person per year.
WE NEED TO DEPORT THEM!A strong message needs to be sent to foreign criminal who commit acts of terror or any other serious question- you have human rights… but you need to exercise them in your own your own place. Not here. Migrants who import their extremists terrorist views form outside – here… they need to know if you commit a serious crime on British need to go home...and never come back. At the moment foreign criminals spend years at taxpayers expense. During this time they become radicalised...right here in our own prisons… I've seen it. Especially when many are innocent of the crimes they've alleged to have committed.

British society at home needs to take a long hard look at itself and how it really is and is perceived by MUSLIMS and other GOD believing people who share the same values of divinity within all human beings… in fact we need to go from being a power over nation nor a power with ...but a POWER WITHIN STATE..where we are ALL responsible for our safety and security.

We also need to deal with integration and stop cash black economies in shops owned by potential radicals. This money is being funnelled back into their own countries and is used to buy weapons...nothing is being done about this.


In the majority of ISLAMIC STATES… Christians do not have equal rights. WE need to show we have EQUAL RIGHTS AMONGST ALL FAITHS IN THIS COUNTRY.



There's much more that Theresa May can do to do this… engage and decentralise our central government and create alongside the political changes and economic changes… and synergism.

Second- There are 6 pillars of ISLAM. The last one – much debated...but still if you read the history of the prophet in Medina- and the KORAN… it is still existent.

Jihad”… JIHAD IS A PILLAR OF ISLAM. No getting around it.

To scholarly Islam… jihad is to be used only in Defense of Islam as a religion.

It is not to propagate it. !!!!!!

This is the TRUE difference between moderate and extreme Islam. Anyone who doesn't believe this is deluding himself.

Thus if we are going to allow this religion in our country… we must also defend Islam as a faith in the orchestra of faiths.

It can not be a hegemony… a dominance of ANY faith over another- and that includes ATHEISM – OR SECULARISM…

Thus in Islamic states we need to respect their faith and their ways… the only reason we have terrorism against the WEST is because the West tries to impose its morality on the morality of the i Islamic world…

we need to accept this.

True development must come from invitation to develop.

So the war on ideology IS ALSO a WAR ON OUR OWN EGO.

Finally, as an immediate response to destroy IS… I will give you a word form God Mr Cameron…

read your book of revelations..particularly the opening of the second seal. That has already occurred … in Mosul.

You need to cut off the head from the snake. Two places – Racca in Syria… AND Mosul in Iraq.

Its not just bombing. Train a special task force that will go in… and do the job… and leave. Not 100 not 1000… 10000 special forces.

You need to hit them hard… its BLOOD FOR BLOOD. No getting around it. But not a protracted war. IN… AND OUT.


Like they behead us… on you tube…( in fact call in the 32 battalion to show you how its done...)

Or will you leave the blood of those 30 British citizens… seeped into the sand when this blood cries out for …. JUSTICE!

I am a peace maker.. I'm NOT a war mongerer.

But its simple.

You cant negotiate with cant negotiate with terrorists. Violence is the only language they understand. Sad… but true.


But once this has been done…

….support those organisations that develop AFRICA.. and the MIDDLE EAST. What we want to achieve with the AFRICA UNITE PEOPLES EMBASSY is to be a voice for the voiceless.

In the mean time… try to learn from this terror attack… it wasnt an ARAB spring… it was an AFRICA spring. Good governance is better than this. International development is in our national interest … Stop the spin and increase the budget.

This is a war against our true spiritual values. We all need to pray for world peace… Islam also means “ submit” - But Sa-laam means Peace…

This is part of the rainbow revolution… praying for peace. For happiness for enlightnment for all the beings in all the worlds…

So we also need to PRAY!

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