Sunday, 27 October 2024


PLANTIFY"the Earth right now not fly aimlessly to smoke dope and dance around a fire! There are real problems like world oeace and world health to sort out ! if we carry on in our blond consumption we will not have an earth to bestow to our children . having said all this i want to say the benefits of meeeting face to face far outweigh a zoom conference . With this in my mind we want to invite you to SOUTH AFRICA in 2025 - the ONLY true free hemp lefal country in Africa ( there are 11 others ) but thet all require cumbersone licenses - the time is one minute to midnight for the planet - its time for all of us to turn the page on our past lives and look towards our FUTURE LIVES as ONE PEOPLE OF ONE EARTH ! - a place where all have a place in the circle of life ! so ince afain i encourage you wherever you fly to this coming year buy a kilo of hemp seeds - especially for africa because its anout HEMPOWERMENT - 50000 products excluding the money from selling carbon credits . this will help tiur fellow africans the most . not yiur 5 minutes under the sun buying a few iranges and tomatoes grown locally ! this IS AFRICAN ODYSSEY - removing the veil on the most UNDISCOVERED continent on Earth! GO PLANET ! QUANTUM

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Is it possible to bring peace in the middle east ?

 To whom it concerns ,

I am a traveller and a lightworker of over 42 years and amongst my accomplishments I have successfully manifested several peace events in the Middle East and around the world .
 These countries include : England,Egypt,Poland,Greece,Jordan,Kenya,South Africa,Georgia and Morocco. 

Any permanent solution in the Holy Land has to include God. It cannot be a secular solution. This is where many peacemakers go wrong. 

My personal quest for God ,truth and salvation began in 1981 in apartheid South Africa whilst studying law. Once I realised that I could not do anything until I knew more about the other I dropped out of university and travelled aged 19 on an amazing overland journey of years from Johannesburg to Jerusalem and beyond into Asia- Europe and the Americas. In fact I volunteered at Kibbutz Beeri and at a Moshav in the Negev desert. I lived with the Bedouin in the caves of Petra and the Zande tribe of Sudan. 

I have experienced war and peace - freedom and imprisonment - truth and lies. Humanity and inhumanity - justice and  injustice- God and nihilism. Love and hate. 

I discovered that there is so much we as human beings and me individually had to UNLEARN to come closer to truth. I discovered TRUE religion is to be found in the way of the heart not of the mind and in the temple made not of stone but of flesh and blood. 

But in the darkest of places I learned that no one is born to hate but are taught to hate by the environment and wrong teaching. Yet even the most evil of us have the opportunity to redeem himself or herself if they so desire. For we can all heal the wounds of trauma through time, patience and listening. By enlarging our capacity to love we can indeed win a greater victory than that which comes through violence. It is the way of truth.

No one can bring back the past. The divine spark that lives in all of us resounds to light itself in its journey to the source of light. Nihilism is the surrendering of the soul to loss of hope. Loss of life. There is a better way. Learning from the past but living in the present. 

In the HERE and NOW. And from this point we prepare for a better future. Investing in what is profitable for the human soul not an ideal that has lost its integrity. By doing so we give a better inheritance for the next generation and stop 19 year old boys and girls from dying for the ideas of old men. 

There is a better more profound way to peace. It exists and I can prove it. 

So how to bring the abstract into present time reality? It's simple. Create the model and prove it's possible. A prototype if you will. 

For me this quest began in earnest in Missouri on my birthday as 10000 people prayed for peace in the world in 1985. It began when a happy, smiling person gave a wandering traveller a big hug and said : " WELCOME HOME !"

Since that day without trying to: my destiny and my life was compounded in the magic of discovery of the questions that are now on the hearts of many around the world today. 

" Is it possible to bring peace in the middle east ?"

" When the Earth is sick and dying and polluted a new tribe of people will arise from all colours and creeds who by their words and by their deeds will bring healing to the planet and it's peoples - and they shall be called the " WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW 🌈!"

Native American Indian prophecy . 

So I became a rainbow warrior from that day. I discovered years later as a radio presenter that "" made by Rob Savoye is the world's oldest continually running website. That all the peace gatherings are FREE and self funded by the people that attend. That there are no leaders and no head offices. Just friends. 

I have also witnessed with my own eyes as a believer in God the miracles, signs and wonders of the lightworkers who pray for peace in the world , who pray for rain in the desert...who pray for healing from sickness, war and diseases. This is my witness. It's not hypothetical. It's not theory. 

And yes I have also witnessed the spread of fake news and false witness. Because not everyone wants peace. Not everyone wants truth. It's easier sometimes to weaponise law enforcement and media organs to spread lies,half truths and smear campaigns to discredit authenticity. Because the ones who fear truth are the ones who embrace nihilism. Darkness. Apathy despair and division. 

This is WHY we are today on the precipice of nuclear Armageddon. The one to blame for all of this is the ones who profit from the sale of misery ,death and destruction. 

But this is not what I have experienced in nearly a half a century at rainbow 🌈 gatherings. I have experienced transparency, love, light and happiness. Yes.. it's not perfect. Yes,it's far from ideal... But the true miracles take place in the hearts of Man when the gift of the universal brotherhood of Man comes together to pray for the peace of all living beings on this planet. 

The Rainbow family experience can easily be compared to the desire of 4000 years of Jewish history that says :" Next year in Jerusalem!"

 Next year we make a temple which is a house of prayer for all nations to come to. This is not a competition. It is each person's decision and right to decide... To be blessed or to be cursed. Until we create the atmosphere -the universal atmosphere of this great blessing by shining our own light.. it's all just words. Ideas. It must be shown practically- for it to have any truth! 

Every prophet , ascended master ,saint and Holy person will say exactly the same thing :
 " Feed the hungry - clothe the naked - visit those in prison and in hospital... Give to the poor ! " - and LOVE ONE ANOTHER!"

 This is the true commandment from God. True inner peace , personal peace and world peace begins from within by experiencing the ONENESS of the Divine and the DNA of LOVE itself that manifests itself in all organic and inorganic creation to celebrate the equilibrium that keeps the algorithms of life on our planet ...breathing.

That keeps Earth and everything  on it alive. 

With this in mind it is only the supernatural SPIRIT OF GOD that can change anything of merit. 

Our human hands are but instruments. 

We are not meant or born to hate, to kill and to main others. A true idea is one that is born out of love not hate. Truth not lies... Light not darkness and empathy not desolation. 

If we are to have hope as a people of God we must have a VISION of hope. This is how we see the way forward and what we must communicate to you at this time. 

True peace can only take place when we ALL throw our weapons into the sea AND FORGIVE. 

If you are to talk a two state solution you will miss the mark. It cannot be. 

There can only be a ONE STATE solution as we discovered in South Africa. Somehow we have to learn to live in FAITH.

 ALL of us. We must learn a new way that guarantees the safety and security of us and our children. FOREVER. 

And that way I believe is by implementing a "UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL & PALESTINE"- USIP or UIP ( United Israel & Pakestine) like the UAE ( multiple ststes but one country ) or BOSNIA & Herzegovenia it has been done and it can be done - even the temple mount can be a shared space as it was already soin PECS in Hungary - Let there be no borders anymore but simply one of life and of death. Let children be children and let them play - we can all share the football and have the same opportunity to touch the face of God with our prayers- it is simply between you and God. experiencing corporate prayer us a way of practise that all can do at different times !

 To vote for life as part of ONE country and two states ... 

Or to vote for death and a never ending war that will not guarantee normalisation or unity in the Holy Land. For without universal spiritual transformation or complete genocide .. there cannot be a peace that is lasting for all. 

 There must come a time where each and every person must learn to live together.

 Enemies they may be- but alive and free and safe they are too! 

Is it possible to live together in peace ? To share the Holy Land EQUALLY . we need : 1* the courage to LISTEN 2* The courage to FORGIVE ! 3* The Coursge to CHANGE 4* The courage to ACT .. each person governed by the sivereign desire to rxist . not to dominate but to share. and to be guaranteed the right to LIVE. To stop preaching hatred. Only the people can answer this. But we already have a model. In Turkey in the Anatolian mountains I have seen it with my own eyes in 2005. 

84 Iranians came from Tehran by bus to a gathering to meet for one month in an isolated Anatolian valley 214 Israelis and many other nationalities from around the world. 

 And they shared food together and music together and even friendship. The local town in invited 2500 people to town because they were so impressed . It can be done. The next town got jealous and they invited us too. 

It has been done. This is not theory or hyperbole. It's TRUTH. It's fact. My own son attended. 

And I have witnessed it. Imagine if the people of Israel and of Palestine were once and for all to stop hating each other- and do the same ??

It can be done. Imagine no more walls... No more barbed wire... No more fighting and killing and blowing up and death and destruction. Imagine that ? 

In an old translation of Genesis 12,3 :
 " I will BLESS those who bless you, and I will ( curse those who curse you ) 


It is time to SHINE people!

 And to shine brightly. Let people choose what they want. Blessing or cursing. We are sitting on the precipice at one minute to midnight. 

-But let everyone know that we have a model that works. In its imperfection yes. But it works. This I believe is the only way forward if people wish to LIVE in peace until their Messiah manifests themselves in true peace in their own heart. 

One New Man in Messiah.

 But that day has not come. Not yet. In the meantime - let's make the HOLY LAND HOLY once more! 

" They shall beat their swords into plough shares !" 

In context : 

..."they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Isaiah 2:3-4 

For this we humbly request as Jerusalem Peacemakers , the Rainbow 🌈 Family of Living Light , Partners for Peace and all who LOVE humanity to invest and allocate a piece of land for this very purpose in the land of Israel & Palestine. 

To pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to provide a sincere honest platform whereby a true consensus can be made to live in patient dialogue and true peace. We have proven it in our gatherings over a half a century in every corner of the planet. 

Yes, let's pray for the peace of the Middle East .  

One that is lasting and equal to and for all.

 Let those who renounce violence be allowed to live side by side in ONE united UNDIVIDED country with its Jerusalem  . Two states together with ONE  capital. JERUSALEM. 

Open and shared by all. Let the foundation stone of the world live in our hearts at last and let us learn to practise war no more.

 Let love- light and V'ahavta prevail upon all beings. May all the beings in all.the world's be happy and free ! 

Amen . 

I thank and I bless you all in the Name of almighty ,sovereign God and Yeshua.

 Amen and amen . 

Paul R. Denton. 

Partners for Peace - Solidarity News Network 


Thursday, 13 June 2024

The God of Genocide !

 Moses asks - who are you ? God said : I am that I am ! So this means that God is a being that in effect says something and had the final say. There is no debate with Him. 

And that's what he discovered. So how do we interpret what he says - God and what he doesn't say? 

Because this God speaks through spoken and written words. Many of these are in the torah. But other texts believe they took have the God of final words. Hence we end up in genocide. 

Which is not ideal. When we start arguing who is right who is wrong.. who does this land belong to and who does it not..  we end up in genocide. 

And its a big problem today. One that we have to resolve either by killing everyone opposed to us... Or by listening to what the other one has to say and letting them have the right to say it. 

Sadly... In both arenas. We are not there yet. And how to get there . We are not. And to get there we may have to witness rivers of blood.

Or not. It's really up to the ones with the fingers on the button. 

Sunday, 29 January 2023


To understand the plight of Ukraine. and its refugees we must look at each person and what we are doing to help. Jesus says.. to the least of them you do it to .. you do it into ME. On TV they say come to Europe .. come to UK. BUT.. thet are not doing what they promise to do.

Friday, 28 October 2022


NOTE : A REPRODUCTION OF AN EARLIER BLOG BY POPULAR DEMAND here it is... bon appetit! RAPED BY THE BRITISH CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM BY PAUL ROBIN DENTON DEDICATED TO THE FOLLOWING CRIMINALS WITHOUT WHICH THIS STORY WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE TO WRITE: DC JP WEDGER, EWELINA ANNA DENTON, BARRISTER NEENA CRINION, SARAH VINER, YVONNE LEWERES, JUDGE GIBSON, JUDGE MERVYN ROBERTS, URSULA SIENCZAK, ELSBIETA BARAN, PAWEL BARAN,PASTOR BILLY REID,MARIE PARNES, DR. PETER PARNES, KASPER RUCHINSKI, LAURA BRICKMAN ( MY DEFENSE BARRSTER WHO SHIT ME UP) AND OF COURSE DR LEVI ( MY PSYCHE ) WHO ENDED UP BEING TOALLY DISCREDITTED and finally Martin Behugiar - part of the gutter pess - a stooge to an american corporate company that seeks to brainwash people in OUR country through illigitimate means. You may think you are untouchable...but youre not...there is a highercourt we all have to answer to andone day we all will stnd in it...andhave to give an account of what we have done on Earth. I hope that you know that you are all participants in the destruction of my family and the psycological abuse of my children. Not to mention the greatest stitch up since the Birmingham 6.iF Mr Ludvig Kennedy were still alive he would certainly agree. AND SO...I write this without prejudice because everyting what i say here in this document is true. You were all part of a conspiracy to pervery the course of justice- ad are still a big par of it. Its been 5 years since Ive seen my children and you hav violated my human rights uner article 3,8 and 10. Not to mention you have sown that British justice is a sham. This is my horror story that began one afternoon on the 4th of february 2008 and ended with my exoneration on the26th of January,2012- and release from HMP Isle of Wight; the largest concentration of sex offenders in Europe-The Tabloid press call it"Paradise Island". I've lived through it all...and I have the scars to prove it...I was on suicide watch for 2 years...( 3 hunger strikes);but I survived to tell my horror story. This is it. My ex-wife , a polish national with whom I had 3 children were married 12 years. We had long planned to return to South Africa where I had originally lived. We were planning to join YWAM( youth with a mission) ; a Christian outreach organisation that is recognised world wide. We had done all the medical check ups and had been accepted. Tickets were bought. Then at the last moment she changed her mind. But because my ex-wife knew I would not agree to a divorce ; the tickets were booked but , at the last minute...she cancelled... and guess what... I gave her that decision...I didnt pressurise her.. she decided on her own...and this makes me think...was the whole thing a planned exit?Contrived. and because I knew secrets about her mental health and child abuses; she decided with her sisters to plot a way out. On the 4th of February I was arrested for the alleged anal rape of my own 7 year old daughter(sic).... In most countries of the world (even Saudi Arabia)the alleged victim is medically examined within 48 hours to assertain the truth of such a serious allegation. But , instead I was bailed and thrown out on the street. All my possesions were destroyed ,stolen or confiscated. I had to sort through what little remained in the local ASDA car park. It was the worst moment of my life...she even tore up savings books for our children and a weird sense I felt pity for her insanity...wondering how a woman I had so loved could become so crazy... But lets put this in the context of what she had said in front of a sworn witness " If you dont divorce me ; I m gonna accuse you (falsely) of child abuse!"...(My barrister-Laura Brickman- failed to bring this evidence to trial)-Also put this in the context of her undergoing a complete mental breakdown...( I did The investigating officer (DC JON PAUL WEDGER)spent the next 8 months investigating the case...( including trawling through personal creatrive writings,computer records etc- he was convinced that he had struck the motherload)-whilst I was homeless and without my children... yet he didnt even bother interviewing the local school because he thought it was "destroyed". Whats more on the night of my arrest he was seen by a material witness( I have his affidavit)accepting a bottle of spanish wine and a box of chocolates from the sister of my ex-wife; Ms Ula Sienczak. Again Ms Brickman failed to do her job.It just so happens they were flirting in Spanish because the officer has a house in Spain. My wife and kids were taken by taxi to a womens refuge in youngest daughter screaming " I want my daddy!-Wheres my daddy!?" Erin Pizzey stated recently that militant feminism not only is ruining families, but has also taken over the refuges themselves. Women who are vulnerable and angry are brainwashed to make up stoires to get rid of their spouses.Check out ...heres what she says about domestic violence If we have any hope of tackling the tragic effects of domestic violence we have to face the facts that women can and are also guilty of violence against their partners. To concentrate only of women as victims is to deny the fact that children are also abused by their mothers. We can no longer afford to cover up the huge scandal that has existed for the last forty years where only men have been held up as perpetrators of all violence. Erin Pizzey. Then my son called me one morning and begged me to get him out the refuge.I told him to listen to his mother and go to school and I would do everything in my power to get him out.The hat was sent by a guy called Kasper Ruchinski- a friend of my wifes...( and I got blamed for it)...( again my solicitors failed to subpoena him or the psychologist Dr. Peter Parnes who could have verified this. At this point I was just told to wait; sick with worry about the safety of my children. My ex-wife has been known to abuse the children in the past ;and it was this I was worried about.( she had pinched the eyelids of my son once until the blood came to the skin)- again I have two witnesses to that ( again not called by Ms. Brickman- (sometimes I was thinking she was working for the wrong side....she did everything she could to lose the case!!! My ex-wife, Ewelina has been known in the past to bend the fingers of the children backwards, pinch their faces leaving marks, she even pushed my daughter aginst the metal bed - not to mention the numerous other things that went on... and by accusing me she thought "the first in wins.".. why- because she bewitched the detective investigating... to pervert the course of justice and bring a malicious prosecution to court. It was a literally a stone cold hate campign. The officer even gave a photo of me joking about in the garden digging up a tree root with mates to try to give the wrong impression of "a monster on the loose"...some papers ran headlines like " the beast is caged!"- what rubbish!- when in truth...I've never been convicted of any offenses- let alone harmed a child- or even received a single complaint except from my ex-wife who was proven a liar. I have worked with kids and vulnerable people all over the world. Indeed , at the time I was supposed to have raped my wife...I was securing a shelter for 80 war and AIDS orphans in Uganda. As a result all that good work went to waste and those kids ended up on the street.Thats how selfish she was. For more details on that google my travelblog. Her story which she put her hand on the bible in court...was that I had rapd her in october 2007. She only chnaged her story once I produced my passport proving she was lying. Then she changd it to 2006. I of course had just spent one year preparing for 2007 and did not have any time or facilites to refute these new false allegations. Had there been a retrial I would have produced Dr. Bartlett who operated on my knee ( I had an ACL injury)- again proof tht she was lying. I also have other witnesses who were in the house at the time of the alleged attack which again would have proved she was lying. Mrs Ewelina Denton wasnt just a random woman- she was my wife... but unfortunately ; she wasnt a very faithful one- or a sane one ( I believe she suffers from false memory syndrome and paranoid psychosis- it may be genetic)...she has had affairs with other men before(brought them into the family home- into the marital bed-whilst the chidren were sleeping...)- and I wouldnt be surprised if she didnt use her charms to persuade the divorced officer with 3 kids Mr Wedger to do the same. It was an unprofessional and inappropriate way to conduct a serious investigation.; the 6% myth is simply propaganda. ( also check SAFARI) and ,FASO and FASSIT. The issue of false allegations is that whoever makes them is never REALLY punished and whoever is the victim of them is never REALLY compensated... thats the truth... even the miscarriages of justice support organisation (MOJO)-are underbudgeted to support victims. I have been traumitised by my ordeal and Ive got no support from any government organisation...if I was guilty would be easy...if youre innocent - you're an embarrassment to the establishment. As for the Innocent Project like the CCRC- a waste of time. Your only recourse is the European Court of Human Rights- but again 90% of the applicants dont get to first base. Its still has more moral authority than Britsh courts. The way that Human rights abuses by the British governemnt were minimised was by the implementation of a very long winded process that takes years and years. In other European countries it is easier to get to the ECHR. By doing this Lord Wolfe and co were able to lower the applications and show Britain wasnt that bad on human rights abuses. Also charities like Amnesty ,Human Rights Watch and Liberty do not want to "crap in their own backyard" by exposing the daily abuses of power in Britsh parastatal organisations. (another story) To continue -Whats more after collecting a big cash payout for her success , my ex-wife then proceeded to capitalise on her "misfortune" by selling her story to the tabloid magazines like CHAT ( a womens tell all gutter mag). I am in the process of consulting with several solicitors about this because it is tantamount to hate speech- anything that incites violence. (wikipedia : hate speech in the UK-definition)-I was raped by the system...! Rape is more than a physical act of is a violation of ones integrity... she as a " victim" profited from it enough to build a house in Poland!..."Innit to Winnit" doesnt even come close...-Crime pays...! and it pays very well! She won the lottery. Her winnings in this case amounted to around £50 000 - yet she pled poverty at the trial... despite having defrauded the benefits agency...- I was again blamed!Her bank records would have proved this- again... my barrister Laura Brickman did nothing to bring this evidence to court. Having come from a legal backround- I studied law in South Africa, I was appalled at the incredibly poor state and quality of the solicitors and barristers practising. For me it went from bad to worse. John Burton QC, Mohammed Ullah, Kaim Todner, and Laura Brickman ( who in my mind should be strung up-she even lied in writing to the High Court to cover up her cock-ups)... in short all absolutely useless. They use the system for big money but dont give a damn about their clients. Its disgraceful...and this must change. I spent one entire year every day studying Archibold, Blackwells and Taylors in the prison library- educating myself on British law. I had been tied up in a Gordian knot by the maleficants of injustice...but, for the sake of my children- I was determined to find a way to untie that knot. And I did. The trial was a farce; like a Faustian macabre theatre show. A rodeo of clowns.The prosecutor must have gone to drama school because the entire case was all about pschology not evidence and how to shock your audience into reducing your credibility... it was really like the inquisition. It had nothing to do with fact or truth or justice. And the judge was a complete incompetent booby.( Justice Mervyn Roberts)- even he like Pontius Pilate wanted to wash his hands of the affair... he'd had enough... probably he was told " we have too much riding on this- we cant lose face...convict him. My horror story was surreal because one week before the trial I was poisoned!- I spent 3 days in quarantine...( HMP Wandsworth have finally agreed a payout)...on top of this I was exhausted by the numerous drug addicts getting off heroin and alcoholics I had been doubled up with...not to mention the mentally challenged... I knew this was a ploy by the prison to wear me down and " prep" me for court... I was on edge and stressed out and refused any sleeping tablets. By the time I got to trial I found it difficult to control my thoughts and emotions. My medical records can all verify this... again evidence which my legal team failed to bring- even my solicitor didnt show up for the trial!!!- Sarj Patel from Darryl Ingram- you can be sure theyre all going on The entire affair cost the taxpayer over 3 million all in all... just for one idiotic domestic affair. 2 jurors walked out. I was never convicted by a full jury... but then again...the laws have changed so that 10 lay people who all have lives of their own... who were misdirected by the judge... and the public myths that abound...well... I got burned at the stake... Then on top of it all when I was convicted; all my family photos were taken off me, I was humiliated daily by some arrogant prison officers , bullied, shouted at...on suicide watch after I slashed my wrists, and could not even have a photo of my own child or write to her... I managed to get 3 cards in 4 years of my hell! I alleviated my pain by writing a Christmas Carol to my children every year that I was wrongfully imprisoned.( We performed them in the chapel)... Then-Just before I was due to go to get sentenced- The woman in charge of the pre-sentence report Sarah Viner - from Probation- actually recommended a life sentence- an indeterminate sentence for public protection (IPP)- on the grounds I was dangerous to women... even though I'd never been convicted of any crime in my life...( another stupid law brought in by Labour and never repealed by Cameron). It was a chronic miscarriage of just went from one horror to another. I made an official complaint of sexism to the ombudsman. It was like pissing in the wind...because the entire panel were female...!!! I dont want to mention what the media did to me because that in itself is another story. The sick thing about all of this is: I still after having cleared my name- I still havent seen my children and my accuser is still walking free after pocketing thousands on my misery from the taxpayer...its supposed to be a recession...but not for the public sector...its PAYDAY-EVERY DAY!- this is all there are around 20-25% innocent people in prison with sex related offenses. The rot is so deep it will need a revolution to change it. Its no wonder kids rioted in London. Many innocent men I have met in prison have sworn revenge on Britain and have decided to join al-Queda when they get out...thats how serious false allegations are to some people... its all about honour. Some lines should not be crossed... but this country crosses them anyway...the crucible of terrorism is not in Pakistan but right here in our court rooms...! Is this justice? -I think not. There are not many organisations out there who help people falsely accused ...but there should be. It destroyed my life. I lost everything I owned and loved. It was a tsunami. I can understand why people like Raoul Moat and Bird go ballistic- because domestic affairs go on everyday and some people cant handle the pressure... no one is immune. I have seen policemen in jail,soldiers,magistrates,journalists,MPS, professionals, rich and poor alike... today if your number is word... and youre banged evidence required! It happened to Dominique Strauss Kahn- Mohammed el Fayed...and others...the only difference is they had good legal representation...I didnt... and many more do not them...youre just a statistic... Now I am trying to rebuild my life as a stronger and better person. I will try to forgive but I will never forget how the British Criminal Justice system "raped" me. I am a victim of a miscarriage of justice but I must somehow rebuild my reputation. What the public dont know is how serious it is. Being accused of a sex offense is worse than murder...its a life sentence...AND IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE.... Its with you forever.You have to clear your name. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE...ITS LIKE GETTING A DEATH SENTECNCE - ONLY WORSE...! YOU DIE SLOWLY. You are tortured every day until you are able to prove you are innocent. It is worse than murder. Even when you come out the other side still breathing; you are scarred for life by the experience. It has cost me evrything that I had built up over the years. But it has taught me who your real friends and family are...I dont waste a single minute with time wasters anymore. I've cut them off. I keep my real friends close. Furthermore,In the body politique fake rape claims are an unpopular cause because there are many women voters...and;It is the one weapon in the arsenal of weapons that a woman can always use - "hell hath no fury" ...I may have been destroyed by my was my Mount Evererest-but,I am not defeated. I have earned half of a degree whilst in prison through Open University, wrote an autobiography entitled " Stitched Up!", a poetry anthology called " Poetry shall Prevail", learned drama, learned about graphic design, read many books( -I found Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and " Steal this book - by Abbie Hoffman who shows how to make homemade bombs... all that in the prison library) -along with law books.....,I won the governors art prize in HMP Wandsworth in 2010 and met some interesting Julian Assange, Ken Clarke and the Doorstep stalker- as well as many others who've been in the press. (Some of whom should probably be in prison -and some who should not!) - There are more innocent people in prison than we think or know about. Also human rights do not apply in many cases because thats how its always been. Many people turn " prison gay" because there is no access to women. The wing " bitch " was a Jamaican boy called Jerry Brown who charged an ounce of tobacco for sex...( the officers just turn a blind eye)- Jerry enjoyed his job... - I've seen a real bloody anal rape in prison by a proper rapist. That person couldnt walk for days. In Saudi Arabia,France and Cuba conjugal visits are allowed. To much degree British prisons are still very Victorian...Oscar Wilde was on my wing a 100 years ago...he said :if this is the way Queen Victoria treats her prisoners...she doesnt deserve to have any!- I wrote a tribute to Oscar. People in prison are being warehoused not reformed or rehabilitated... And this is the problem...being banged up in a cell with some drug addict for 22-23 hours a day... and your only option is to become a slave and work for £ 10 a week... yes, legal slavery. Dyson pays the prison service £ 1 a unit... all on prison labour... I've seen over 20 suicides and mysterious deaths in custody. Many people can't live with the pressure and just give up. I did not because I knew in my heart I was innocent and I believed so strongly in my cause. I also believed my children should one day know the truth. In ancient days those who " bore false witness " were stoned to death. Nowadays they get paid 30 pieces of silver and awy they go... the justice system has become a money spinning racket. There are many more things I can say about the horror of my incarceration the nights of rage- the cellmates from hell... the sadistic screws who try to push you over the edge...but I would like to say also... you can learn a lot from something like this. I used prison and my anger as my muse to write good poetry. I wrote 3 plays - something I would never have done had I been a free man living a normal life.( "The Importance of Being Perfect!",I am Man...I am Messiah!( a parody of the crown court trial)and " Sun City" ( how to gain super powers in prison-about turning prisons from places of darkness into light). My most important lesson is that you can only judge a man by the color of his heart not his circumstances, his character or his race or creed... I ve also learned that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a radical, pertinent, challenging and revolutionary message - even today. To pray for those who persecute you...even when everything human in you wants to put them on a spit barbeque or feed them to the sharks piece by piece... its not love your enemies..when they do such despicable things like making false allegations.The worst were the born again hypocrites who claim to follow the full revelation of God and yet did most of the persecuting....!!! And for the militant feminsits who are directing many of these prosecutions...have you ever thought about real victims of sexual crimes? what are you doing for them?- when you dotn punish those who make false rape claims?...Are you not undermining your own cause? offender programmes are a complete waste of time and money...True sex offenders are mentally ill and should be treated as people with a mental illness. The rest are voyeurs. Women who make fake rape claims should get the same amount of time in prison as those who they falsely imprison with their lies...I would have taken a lie detector test from the outset- willingly...and that would have been that... but if my ex-wife took one... would she have gone to jail for perverting the course of justice?- I think not. I got one year in prison for a bloody hat I didnt even send...! There are many issues to think about. But one thing I want to say more; a sex offender becomes a social pariah, a leper... it doesnt help that Ive been cleared, my face is still on the internet... how can I live in safety and security?...I still must deal daily with the bitterness I feel for what my accusers have done...but I want to move forward with my life... because I know that is the only way...but its not easy... In the end I blame the criminal justice system more than my ex-wife although she does bear some of the guilt for what she has done to me and my children. And I hope she thinks about that in her prayertime. I will always love her no matter what. It was peoples individual agendas that put me in prison; not the cause of justice , and for this reason I believe unless it is reformed it will continue to feed the lambs to the lions. Until Britain regains its moral authority as being free and fair and just; it will have to keep its mouth shut when other countries abuse their own citizens, as I was the criminal justice mafia. To regain this moral authority much work must be done to review how cases are investigated and prosecuted. Particularly, articles 1,3,6.3(b),8 and 10 of the Human Rights act were violated in my case. I was accused of a rape that took place in October 2007 , was convicted of a rape that took place in oct 2007... sentenced AND PUNISHED for a rape that took place in Oct 2007.... yet... I had a passport to prove I was in Uganda in Oct.2007 !!!-when the alleged rapes took place in London, unless I'm Jesus...there aint no way in hell I could be in two places at the same time!!!... Even with a cast iron alibi- I still got convicted ..!!!! How about that!!! ....because this was all about a witch hunt...not justice...and now that I have been freed ; this is a fact. For the courts it was a face-saving exercise...because they knew that the whole investigation stank to high heaven... and then I was thrown to the woves..crucified by the press... and separated from my children...I still dont know if they are alive or dead. I am still suffering from post traumatic stress after all I've been through. But" I will return!" as General Mc Arthur once said. You cant keep a good man down!...and as for them?...are they free?...Freedom is a place inside yourself... not a slogan. I cannot say FREE AT LAST! Until justice has been done. Until the equilibrium has been restored. But I am happy that not everyone is corrupt in the courts and the high court could smell a rat... There is still a god in england...believe it or not... and I hope that others can learn from my experience. There are real problems in the world...not just scandal. Thank you...but in the end... THE FUTURE IS OURS! It belongs to the starchildren...the ones that shine even in hopeless darkness.Those that live in fear shall die in it. I would like to thank these people who with their love, prayers support and donations kept me alive in inside and hoping against all keep the faith; SO Charles,Brijitte Williams, Carol Wain 9 criminal psychologist), Natalie ( prayer partner), Uncle Ronald, Greg Barker MP, Jonathan Aitken, Officer Lazzard, Collins, Chaplain Alison, Rosie Deeds, Sergio my drama teacher, Neavgh my open uni tutor,the many inmates who believed in me, peter from Poland and Peter from Brighton,Ian Hudson- my childhood friend, Bjorn Norrgard and afrophile-,the prison education and reform trust and of course my dad Vernon and lastly my appeal solicitor who took on my case even though I couldnt pay her initially; Ms Avis Johnson ( without whom I would never have made it through)-and last but not least my barrister Richard Hearnden. Thank you all. Requiem for a Victim When will the hunted become the hunter? When will the victim become the victor? When will the slave become the free? When will the blind begin to see? Trapped in the system ‘cause they made you a victim… Stitched up by the Man and screwed over in 21st century Britain; Welcome to the labyrinth for those who didn’t listen… This is the reality of the Criminal Injustice system… For does not a man bleed? Or breathe ? or need ? Does not humanity the emptiness feed? Or compassion germinate from a single seed? False Allegations and adversorial investigations; Malicious Litigations , lies and unspeakable abominations… These are times of trials and great tribulations; Welcome to life in this feudal island nation… …Until … suffering screams sympathy to the burning ground- Until oppressions orphans arise in London town… Until raindrops reap rainbows across the desert sky… Until the enemies of apathy resound the battlecry… And now comes the hour of my release… Is this another ruse of the Holocaust Police? Will vindication burst upon this dungeon of the deceased? Or will the dance of death be my only lasting peace? Does not the deep beckon unto the deep? Does not the good shepherd care for every solitary sheep? Does not the wild call upon a distant shore? Does not my soul like water into the world gently pour?... This is my requiem for a victim… Who refused to swallow the dictum… Who opened his eyes …fully realised… For crime does indeed pay in Great Britain…! And the truth can never be forever hidden-: Medication- medication-medication… This is our only …education- education- education When will the slave become the free? When will the blind begin to see? by Eli Shabak for Poetry shall Prevail. Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure: DNS Error: Address resolution of failed: Domain name not found ----- Original message ----- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=pH0gf27vKWTBO3sXHz8jUr17c0pGbZzLqwTCLk5a/Ak=; b=eArpwlvQpG8pSGbrQknZMgJaeYCLLL6VsETf46V4Zm1hJl5ghfeElp/I094+CtB9Wv rbAIuZGvbc9cj0cnQqRos/alfoKgPkGlLRsWhJw/avR8IkOO1AyfyNZMBbc9irNS0uv8 9K+g2xwwfI2k0l0QH8cyku5kLy8/PjcPqCPqAsJoCJHido6yagL7melc2S9xzKZ1U7zU PdyknxYBNYiSQUJVmjM7G4fEQAzrMm15w/R/FzhMUPlt4NI1MQf1HIdYNq4Hv/arSfTq 2nJvLy/VGIHt7iBWK/tiPQpiUl+3qMP8Zlbi1fiwh2utiwtN+2+9YAlWrJnvXd2ddgEH PGLw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id f6mr5904017yho.125.1412936530183; Fri, 10 Oct 2014 03:22:10 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 10 Oct 2014 03:22:10 -0700 (PDT) Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:22:10 +0100 Message-ID: Subject: raped by the british criminal injustice system From: Paul Denton To:,, Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=089e01538292f8cb9005050eebed here it is... bon appetit! RAPED BY THE BRITISH CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM BY PAUL ROBIN DENTON DEDICATED TO THE FOLLOWING CRIMINALS WITHOUT WICH THIS STORY WOULD NOTBEPOSSIBLE TO WRITE: DC JP WEDGER, EWELINA ANNA DENTON, BARRISTER NEENA CRINION, SARAH VINER, YVONNE LEWERES, JUDGE GIBSON, JUDGE MERVYN ROBERTS, URSULA SIENCZAK, ELSBIETA BARAN, PAWEL BARAN,PASTOR BILLY REID,MARIE PARNES, DR. PETER PARNES, KASPER RUCHINSKI, LAURA BRICKMAN ( MY DEFENSE BARRSTER WHO SHIT ME UP) AND OF COURSE DR LEVI ( MY PSYCHE ) WHO ENDED UP BEING TOALLY DISCREDITTED and finally Martin Behugiar - part of the gutter pess - a stooge to an american corporate company that seeks to brainwash people in OUR country through illigitimate means. You may think you are untouchable...but youre not...there is a highercourt we all have to answer to andone day we all will stnd in it...andhave to give an account of what we have done on Earth. I hope that you know that you are all participants in the destruction of my family and the psycological abuse of my children. Not to mention the greatest stitch up since the Birmingham 6.iF Mr Ludvig Kennedy were still alive he would certainly agree. AND SO...I write this without prejudice because everyting what i say here in this document is true. You were all part of a conspiracy to pervery the course of justice- ad are still a big par of it. Its been 5 years since Ive seen my children and you hav violated my human rights uner article 3,8 and 10. Not to mention you have sown that British justice is a sham. This is my horror story that began one afternoon on the *4th of february 2008* and ended with my exoneration on the*26th of January,2012-* and release from HMP Isle of Wight; the largest concentration of sex offenders ----- Message truncated -----

Friday, 27 April 2018

GENEVA is the BEST place to sign a political treaty with North Korea!

It seems as though Trumps diplomacy has worked... he should definitely get the nobel peace prize- if something comes out of it. Peace through strength... security first them peace... simple philosophy really... but it works... trust of course is given ... or taken... china - north koreas only real ally will have to take part in a peace talk and sign a peace treaty... and the only candidates for this are ... geneva- stockholm and singapore... - ulan ator and beijing... or the dmz itself... but I feel in the order stated it is geneva - 1. beijing 2. and the dmz 3. geneva is the political capital of the world and its a place kim jongun knows... plus Switzerland is an honest broker... and its neutral. As A NEUTRAL COUNTRY- it can best be positioned to hold the space for any peace treaty to be signed.
From north korea perspective it is good to sue for peace because they can grow economically... but the big issue will be whether or not they will use it as breathing space to get stronger and continue with their weapons programme at a later date when they get rich. Thats the big problem.

In the long run of course they should have free and fair elections...but that wont happen... so it will probably end up as a violent overthrow of the government - once the people themselves feel empowered to do so... and that surely will come if the north korean peninsula opens up to the world. One thing we should remember in all of this is this... this guy is a psychotic monster who cannot be trusted. He will use peace as a chance to build up his economy first then his army. Hes in it for the long run.. Saladin once said ..." do not march on to your enemy if you do not have enough water and food. " Its that simple. He waited for nearly a year before attacking jerusalem... the reaosn was because he wanted to be sure he could take it... he wanted enough men and material. In kims position he can sue for peace now...and later when hes stronger...say in 5-10 years time... start up all over again... thats what negotiators should be thinking about when they go into the room with this guy. Remember this... hes a guy who killed his own uncle or one of his genrals - dont knwo right now... with a bazooka... himself... thats brutal. Anyone that does this... you have to watch with eyes wide OPEN.

The only thing he listens to ... is a bigger bully telling him he has a bigger dick ... and thats what donald trump did... bravo!

Monday, 17 October 2016

RT UK has its account shut down by the british slave establishment FREEDOM OF SPEECH !!!!!

NATWEST.... IS AND WAS FOUNDED ON SLAVE MONEY. Its first branch known as the OLD bank IN BRISTOL - was to become the national westminster bank... and this bank was itself financed by slave money... the symbol of the triangle itself represents the  TRIANGULAR TRADE that existed between THE UK TO WEST AFRICA TO THE INDIES... AND BACK TO THE UK...IT IS STILL A SLAVE BANK WITH SLAVE OWNER MENTALITY - IT IS THIS EXPLOITATIVE MENTALITY THAT HAS SHUT RT DOWN!

Many of these bankers were in fact ... SLAVE TRADERS... from this lucrative trade in HUMAN flesh NATWEST WAS FORMED... this bank was later bought out by the RBS... royal bank of scotland...

now... the uk establishment control the corporate media... its the BBC and SKY and ITV... - BUT SINCE RT opened up recently ...much of the corruption within the uk establishment has been exposed... one such article was of course the issue of bonuses and the bail out of 2008...which was 8 years ago... now... since then.... the only media organisation to hold these banksters to account you guessed it...


and with the rhetoric stepping up... boris johnson of course is one such idiot..- calling for priotests outside the russian embassy..and of course max keiser and his inflammatory rhetoric... - which is quite funny actually i love his show...

someone got pissed off...

 and now RBS has suspended RT accounts in the UK...


there is of course the murdoch connection but i think its much deeper than this... i think its really about ..who controls the minds of the masses...

and if this is so...

and remember..truth huirts..

NATWEST still uses the triangular trade symbol ....

and no one wants to know about its sordid past...

and if someone like RT comes along and starts showing a differnet narrative...well...

the rest is obvious...

no apology has been given for the conduct of the RBS frausters... and bankers from 2008. no one went to jail.

no apology has been given by natwest for slavery or the slave trade...

they dont apologise..that is the establishment..they keep conning the british public...

and whilst this coutnry is under the huamn rights act...

it still needs to abide by it... article 10 and others state that media orgainsations have a right to free speech.

so RBS needs to abide by it...

and the wiki :

and the news :